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    • 1、Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer ,but he gets by without too much trouble .Not that he has had it easy .That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city .But he managed to get through it without losing heart .hes picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real improvements to his farm ,though without much laborsaving machinery, aside from that old rotary cultivator .I suspect he doesnt make all that much ,though he does have hi

      2、s writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm .I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly ,they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together ,one day spraying apple trees ,the next stacking firewood.A homesteader (自耕农) is a person who lives a self-reliant lifestyle with major emphasis on home production. While the Industrial Age is being replaced by information and electronics, some people try to seek an escape from the social, envi

      3、ronmental, and economic madness of the modern age and begin to consider returning to the country. As this lifestyle is so enjoyable, satisfying and rewarding, more and more people are prepared to quit their job in the city and start a new and more meaningful life on their various farms. For some it has become not only a way of life, but also a way of looking at the world.Of course, life in the country can be pretty tough. While it is an enjoyment to be so close to Nature, you may have to reduce

      4、your dependence on fuels by cutting back on your daily consumption. You may also have to cook your own meals every day and provide your own low-cost entertainment without the luxuries that are common in cities. On balance, however, living in the country has long been a part of the American Dream. Generations of Americans have considered the country an ideal setting in which to live and raise a family.The Underground Railroad was Forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against s

      5、lavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans . Some of those who helped to Transport slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves. Others felt compelled,to take part because of their deeply held Convictions. For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them became a mission. While their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely, in the meantime they were intent on helping to free as many slaves as possible, often at cons

      6、iderable Risk.In the eye of slave owners,they were dangerous enemies and frequently received death therats.Despite the name, the Underground Railroad was not really a railroad, but was a network of people who assisted fugitive slaves. Many fugitives who escaped to the North and Canada received assistance (1) along the way from individuals who were involved(2) in this network. By the early 19th century, the organization became so successful that it is estimated (3) that between 1810 and 1850,100,

      7、000 slaves escaped from the South through the Underground Railroad.It was not a(n) coincidence(4) that it was called the Underground Railroad. Steam railroads had just emerged (5) and the terms used to describe the people who helped and the fugitives were related to the railroad line. Fugitive slaves were called parcels and passengers, the helpers were the conductors, the people who provided their homes as refuge were called stationmasters, and the homes were referred (6) to as depots or station

      8、s.The route used was an important part of a successful escape. There were numerous secret routes that a conductor could use.The one used depended on where the search parties and slave catchers were stationed (8). Some trips required the use of many different routes. If it appeared that they might be in danger, a guide would change paths. Some guides and fugitives even hid out in bushes and swamps for many days until it was safe to continue on. Quickness was not the main concern (9), instead safe

      9、ty was most important and as a result they often zigzagged in order to avoid capture .Statistic show that crime in rural areas in now rising faster than in the cities.The era when the countryside stood for safety and security has long gone.No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch.We all feel vulnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay.These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices.A monents reflection,however,is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle:we may have locked the evils out,but in doing so we have locked ourselves in.This hardly seems a civilized way of lifeStatistics show that at some point in your life, you will get robbed. Things get even worse for apartment dwellersbecause so many people pass in and out of an apartment building, and it is much tougher (1) to keep non-residents out. So what to do? Dont panic


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