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  • 常见问题
    • 1、1. reality 事实;现实 - face the reality in reality = in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上 set realistic goals = set practical goals 确定实际的目标 2. abstract -反:具体的 concrete make an abstract 做摘要 3. sculpture = statue 雕像 4. 艺术展览 art exhibition in the gallery,5. faith = belief have faith in sb/ sth 对有信心-develop faith in sb have confidence in 对有信心 be faithful to 对忠诚 = be loyal to Eg: Faith can move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开 6. 因此:therefore / thus as a result (of) = as a consequence(结果,后果) = consequently,7. aim to do

      2、/ be 目标是干 aim at sth / aim at doing sth 目标是旨在于 take aim at 瞄准. - He aimed the gun at me. eg: Whats your aim in life ? My life seems aimless. 8. tradition 传统;- traditional 传统的 9. typical 一贯如此的; 典型的 It is typical of sb to be/ do 某人一贯如此是 Eg: It is typical of to be so rude. The decoration in his room is typical of European style.,10. evidence is convincing 证据令人信服 It is obvious / evident that . 很明显 11. adopt suggestions 采纳建议 adopt orphan 收养孤儿 adapt to= adjust to 调整,适应 Eg: The young couple had no chil

      3、d of their own, therefore, they adopted others suggestions and adopted an orphan. It took the kid a long time to adapt to the new life. 12. humanism 人道主义,13. possess 动: 拥有 = have = own possessions 名(复)财产;所有物 be possessed of 具有;拥有 sb be in possession of = sb take possession of 某人拥有某物 sth be in the possession of sb 某物被某人所有,Eg: Our nation possesses rich resource. He is in possession of the house. - The house is in the possession of him.,14. outstanding 杰出的 15.perspective 看问题的角度;观点= viewpoint 16. sk

      4、ills 技能;技巧 technology 技术. 17. What a coincidence! 真巧啊! It is a that 18. leave a deep impression on sb 给某人留下深刻印象 sth is impressive 某事是令人印象深刻的 impress sb with sth 用给某人留下印象,19. a great deal of + 不可名 = a large amount of He likes to swim a great deal. = very much. He helped me a lot. 20. shade 树荫; 阴凉处 shadow (太阳照射)的影子 21. causing conflicts and disagreement 引起争议的,22. 动: attempt sth - attempt an escape 动: attempt to do sth/ at doing sth 名:make an attempt to do/ at doing sth at ones first attempt 某人初次尝试

      5、 Eg: I passed my driving test at the first .,23. on (the) one hand, one the other hand 一方面,另一方面 for thing, for another, 一则,二则 24. predict + 从句 It is predicted that Eg: It is hard to predict when and where an earthquake will happen. It is predicted that a storm will come.,25. landscape 风景;地貌;- scenery / scene场景 26. specific instructions 明确的指示 - be unique / specific to 特有的;独特的 - To be honest / To be specific 确切地说,27. figure 人物;数据;图表;黑影 figure out = work out 计算 / = make out 弄明白 Eg: There is a figur

      6、e walking in the darkness. After giving birth to her baby, she has to exercise regularly to keep good figure. An increase in the sales figures delighted our manager a great deal. The situation was so complex that it took me a great deal of time to figure out its reality. Eg: As a public figure, its necessary that you behave yourself.,28. critical 形 批评的;挑剔的;决定性的 - criticize 动 批评 Eg: She is a sharp art critic. 她是位尖锐艺术评论家。 We have come to the critical moment. 现在到了紧要关头。 You should not criticize him

      7、so directly in his face. 你不应该当面这么直接地批评他。,29. be allergic to 对过敏 be sensitive to 对敏感 30. effectively and efficiently 有效的;有效率的 cause and effect 因果关系 take effect 生效 Eg: The aspirins soon took effect. 服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了。,31. put on an exhibition 32. aggressive behaviors 有进取心得;敢作敢为的 33. apply for scholarship 申请奖学金 34. in the flesh = on ones own = by oneself 亲自 flesh and blood 血肉之躯 35. a bunch of flowers 一束花 36. The Fifth Avenue 第五大街 (美)全球第一时尚步行街,37. have a preference for 对有偏好 show preference for 表现出偏心 gi

      8、ve a to 给优先权 38. on display = on show a window display 橱窗陈列,39. appeal to sb for sth appeal sb to do sth 呼吁某人干某事 appeal against sth 向上诉 make an appeal 提出呼吁(名) 吸引 / 求助 Eg: The government appealed to the world to solve hunger problem. The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. He appealed his case to a higher court. The idea appealed Mary a great deal. Lets appeal to the police to aid us.,40. circulate 循环;流通;传播 41. win/ earn a high reputation for his learning(学识). build up the fame 建立名声 42. civilized society 文明的社会 43. visible 看得见的 vision 视力;视觉;幻想,45. a permanent job 46. Hangzhou district 杭州地区 47. A committee was set up to look into the case. community 社区 48. Sign your name here. 请签名。,


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