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2011年苏州中考英语专题训练 单词拼写

  • 卖家[上传人]:kms****20
  • 文档编号:40209831
  • 上传时间:2018-05-24
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    • 1、- 1 -2011 年苏州中考英语专题训练 单词拼写(一一)1Robots_(移居者)will move to Mars first by 21002Can you tell me the_(高度)of the Yellow Mountain?3The old mans sudden_(死亡)made all his children very sad4In this book,you will find out how to_(解决)these difficult problems5Hed rather play computer games than_(慢跑)along the road6You should make a_(决定)whether to go or to stay right now7My remote control cant workI need to buy some new_(电池) 8Although the old man is over 60 years old,he looks_(精力充沛的)9Some boys ran out of the cla

      2、ssroom_(吵闹的)after class10We should take action to protect the_(濒临灭绝的)giant pandas(二二)1The earth is becoming more and more_(拥挤)2We should take actions to prevent the_(环境)from being polluted3Millie will go to England for further_(教育)after she leaves college this summer4Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous_(演员)in the world5It takes Mars about two years to revolve_(完全地)around the sun6The poor dog was found already_(死)in the garden when I came back home7MrWu said that he had finished writing the_(九)n

      3、ovel8This is the_(吵闹)song that I have ever heard9Its getting warmer and warmer,and some students feel_(有困意的)in class10What an_(激动的)result! Our team won the game at last(三三)1The doctor told me to be_(放松)and have a good rest for a new days2My cousin has a_(习惯)of keeping his eyes closed when he listens to music3Yang Zhenning is one of the greatest Chinese_(科学家)in the world today4There will be an_(展览)of flowers and plants in Guangzhou next March5Each colour on the world map_(代表)a different country6T

      4、his kind of sunglasses will be the most_(时髦的)in the shop this summer7All of us were excited at his_(到达)8The old woman_(放松)herself by walking in the park from time to time9Look! Some fish are deadThe water in the river must be_(污染)10My mother often cooks_(美味的)food at weekends- 2 -(四四)1We should protect those_(濒危的)birds,or we wont see them in future 2Do you know the_(重要)of saving water?3This Tshirt makes him feel_(不舒适)4Mr Wang left_(生气)without saying anything5The doctor often_(建议)me to take more e

      5、xercise6Because of his_(警告),I was careful7The_(到达)of the train made the travelers happy8We should drive very slowly on_(雾)days9Yesterday the temperature_(下降)a little and we felt cold10We think that she has all the_(特性)to be our monitor(五)(五)1.Read the article carefully and tell me the _(大体的) idea of it.2.Youd better give up_(抽烟) as soon as possible. Its bad for your health.3.Would you please take down these foreign_(客人) names and addresses?4._(希望), such natural disasters will never happen again.

      6、5.The lady became even _ (胖) after taking the medicine given by the doctor.6.It must be great _ (有趣) to go and visit the 41st Shanghai EXRO this weekend.7.The Chinese_(政府) is taking actions to reduce the house price.8.I wonder what _(影响) Obama so greatly when he was young.9.Most students prefer _(写) English to speaking it, especially in public.10.I dont think it good for you to go to work_ (不)having breakfast every day.(六)(六)1. When Change landed _ (安全地) on the earth, all Chinese were cheerful.2

      7、. Its said that many babies have _ (死亡)from melamine (三聚氰胺) in milk power.3. With the two _ (士兵) help, the boy could go to school again.4. You need warm clothes to protect you _ (抵御) the cold.5. My friend Simon often offers me some _ (建议),which is really very useful.6. The result is much better than we_(期待)7. Simon lives on the _ (第二十) floor.8. I wonder _ (是否) or not he will come here tomorrow.9. Do you have your dustbins _ (倒空) after school ?10. These CDs are theirs, not _ (我们).(七)(七)1He put th

      8、e ladder (紧靠)the wall to get into the house through the window2I (更喜欢)cycling to walking when 1 was young3The problem was (轻易)worked out by a little boy- 3 -4Are you (熟悉)with the song Chuanqi sung by Faye Wong?5He spent as much as he could (庆祝)his 16m birthday6When I got to the airport,there were only twenty minutes (剩下)before the plane took off7 (没人)of the eye witnesses could remember the color of the car used in the bank robbery8Stephen Hawking is one of the greatest (科学家)of the times9As I got up late,I (赶紧)to school without breakfast10The southwest of China is suffering heavy (损失)because of the drought(干旱)(八)(八)41. Dont be late in (回复)your parents letterThey will be worried.42. Well finish our school in a few (月) time.43. Look! Many fans are waiting for the (到达) of Yao Ming outside the gate.44. I have

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