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    • 1、浙江省宁波市2015届高三高考模拟考试自选模块试题本卷共18题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。注意事项: 1将选定的题号按规定要求写在答题纸的题号内; 2考生可任选6题作答,所答试题应与题号一致:多答视作无效。语 文题号:01“论语选读”模块(10分)(1)子日:“饭疏食,饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣。不义而富且贵,于我如浮云。” (论语述而)(2)“天下有道则见,无道则隐。邦有道,贫且贱焉,耻也;邦无道,富且贵焉,耻也。” (论语泰伯) 1孔子在对待贫富和贵贱上主张以什么为标准?请简要分析之。(4分) 2了解社会现实,谈谈划线句子对你的启发。(6分)题号:02“外国小说欣赏”模块(10分)告别马焦拉(节选)俄罗斯拉斯普京 安德烈在自己那起伏的心潮的骚扰和触动下,想起了他到家之日那席谈话: “奶奶,你那天说你觉得人可怜。人人都可怜。你说过的,记得吗?” “记得,怎么不记得。” “你为什么觉得人可怜呢?你说过,人是很小的。就是说,是软弱的,没有力气的,还是怎么的?” “难道不是很小,还是怎么着?”她问道,同时渐渐地深入谈话,考虑着能说些什么。“好像没有变大。从前什么样儿,现在还是什么样

      2、儿。从前他长的是两只胳膊两条腿,现在也没多长,却把生活弄得紧张透了他把生活弄得这样紧张,真叫人看着害怕。是他自个儿拼出来的,谁也没逼着他干。他以为他是生活的主人,可是老早啊就不是主人咯。他早就松手放开了生活。生活骑到人头上去啦,想要什么就跟人要什么,用鞭子赶着他。人只得快跑。他最好把生活勒住,停一停,看看周围什么东西还在,什么东西已经叫风刮跑了可是人不干,不干还不算,还一个劲儿地往前赶啊,赶啊!这么着人要累垮的,拼不了多久就要累垮啦,这有什么可说的!” “真有意思,既然有机器,人怎么会累垮呢?干什么都用机器。奶奶,你知道造出了多棒的机器呀。这些机器多能干,你想都想不到。比人强多了。现在没有光靠拼人力的生产啦。他哪儿会累垮呢?你说得不对,奶奶,你说的是生活在一百年前的老八辈子的人。” 注:故事发生在俄罗斯的一个小岛马焦拉上。由于安加拉河下游要建水电站,马焦拉岛不得不被淹没,面对家园的毁灭,马焦拉的村民们做出了不同的反应。 1达丽娅说“从前他长的是两只胳膊两条腿,现在也没多长,却把生活弄得紧张透了”,这话是什么意思?反映了达丽娅怎样的心理活动?(4分) 2安德烈与奶奶达丽姗关于“主人”的对

      3、话,反映了各自怎样的观点?你怎样认识这个矛盾冲突? (6分)题号:03“复数与导数”模块(10分)数 学(1)已知复数z满足|z-l|=|z-i|,其中i为虚数单位,且z+为实数,求z (2)已知函数若函数有两个极值点,求a的取值范围,并证明的极小值小于一。题号:04“计数原理与概率”模块(10分)(1)已知展开式的各项系数之和为-243,求展开式各项中系数最大的项(2)从1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9中,随机取出3个不同整数,求它们的和为3的倍数的概率题号:05英 语阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 In spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. According to the Endangered Species Act, an endangered species is an animal that is likely to face extinction in its natural habitat. Polar b

      4、ears have been categorized as a threatened species. .The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due primarily to global warming. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. Heating homes, driving cars, and burning garbage all require fossil fuels that lead to global warming. The polar bears habitat is more vulnerable(易受影响的)to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live mainly on the sea i

      5、ce in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and build up fat reserves. .In the Arctic, global warming is causing the ice to melt slightly earlier and form slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for the polar bear. Some risk their lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown from exhaustion and hunger. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that nearly 25% of the Arctic sea ice has disappeared in the past 30 years. It is not the polar bear that is at risk in

      6、 Arctic. Every species of plant, animal, and insect there is threatened by global warming. Nevertheless, environmentalist groups such as the World Wildlife Fund often study large carnivores(食肉动物)in order to assess the health of an ecosystem. .In addition, donations are more commonly offered for the protection of large animals such as bears or elephants. People in general are less interested in conversation efforts that protect small wildlife such as plants or insects. . Once they are on the list

      7、 there are laws that protect these animals from being hunted for food or sport. Agencies also receive money and tools to protect the habitat and recover the species. The goal of removing the animal from the list is often achievable. Since the Endangered Species Act was introduced in the U.S. in 1973, many species have been taken off the list due to increased populations.第一节根据短文内容,从A、 B、 C、 D、E中选出最合适放入短文空缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项多余选项。A. It is not rare for a species to go extinct after they mak

      8、e the list.B. The Arctic food chain relies on the polar bear.C.A threatened species is one that is likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future.D. It is important that animals such as polar bear make it onto the endangered species list.E. When the ice melts, many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat.第二节根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。According to the article, what is an endangered species? 题号:06填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式,并将序号

      9、及相应的答案写在答题纸上。Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women, and career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than the job-holders. An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by l%, the death rate increases correspondingly by 2%. All this comes down to one point: Work is helpful to health. is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, away from -loneliness. Researches show that people feel unhappy and worried when they have to do. Instead, the happiest are those are busy. Many high achiev


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