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    • 1、1. register vt.注册/登记 be registered (as) unemployed/ disabled How many students have registered for English classes?2. reputation famePremier Zhu Rongji has a high reputation as a statesman in the world Bills love affair ruined his reputation.3. mild-solid 5 years of solid achievement a good solid education We need some solid evidence to prove our case. Our relationship is built on a solid foundation of mutual trust Even the milk is frozen solid. The frame looks quite flimsy, but in fact its as s

      2、olid as a rock.4. (be) on the spot: (be) in the place where sth. is happening 在现场v. notice sth. that is difficult to see; recognize 看/辨认出 e.g1. Luckily, the enemy planes were spotted early.5.marital/ immigration/ high/ low status6. by means of: using a certain method/ system 以方法/体系 The foreigner tried to make himself understood by means of body language.by all means: (spoken) used to mean “of course” when politely allowing sb. to do sth./ agreeing with a suggestion A: Can I bring Alan to the par

      3、ty? B: By all means!by no means/ not by any means: not at all It is by no means certain that the game will take place.7. take hold: become established 生根/固定下来8. bara candy/ chocolate bar; a bar of soap The members vote to bar women from the club. A security guard barred her way.9. He was fined for exceeding the speed limit.overtake, surpasscede, ceed, cess= goaccess accessibleproceed v. 继续进行process nexcess n. 过多excessive a. 过度的concede v. 让却 n. concession concessive a. 10. immigrant n.sb. who com

      4、es from abroad to live permanently in another country immigrate vi. immigration n.11. pledge, promise commit, assure, ensure, guarantee, warrant They have pledged to fight any changes to the laws. The UK government pledges that the wishes of the minority community in Northern Ireland will be respected12. elaborate(adj.) containing lots of details/ parts that are connected with each other in a complicated way 精心制作/详尽的(v.) give more details/ new information about sth. 详细说明/阐述Examples The company o

      5、ffers an elaborate training scheme for new hands. Later chapters simply elaborate on her original thesis.13. phenomenon n. sth. that happens/ exists studied because its not understood 现象; a remarkable/ unusual person/ thing/ event etc 非凡的人事物phenomenal a. 非凡的,了不起的;惊人的;显著的= famous14. assure vt. give confidence to, convince, make sth. certain to happen/ be achieved 使确信 After the terrorist attack, American airlines hasten to assure people that flying is safe. We would like to assure our customers of the best possible service. assurance n. assuring a. ensure 保证 =insure 保险


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