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    • 1、目录摘要2ABSTRACT3CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION OF PUN51.1 The Definition of Pun51.2 The Importance of Pun6Using pun in advertisement can satisfy peoples curiosity. The novelty and uniqueness of pun can arouse peoples curiosity and motivate people to buy the product.7CHAPTER II THE USING OF PUN IN ADVERTISEMENTS72.1 Phonetic Pun72.2 Semantic Pun82.3 Grammatic Pun92.4 Idiomatic Pun10CHAPTER III THE TRANSLATION OF PUN IN ADVERTISEMENTS113.1 Fit Translation113.2 Sets Translation123.3 Semantic Difference133.4

      2、Focusing on translation143.5 Translation Compensation14摘要随着经济的发展和人们对美的要求的提高,许多生产者想出各种办法来满足消费者的需求和市场要求,其中一个很重要的方发就是提高广告的质量。广告要求简洁明了,便于记忆。在广告中使用双关语是一种吸引消费者注意的常用方法。但是仍然有很多人不知道双关语真正的作用;另一方面,随着许多产品的出口,它们的广告需要被翻译成其它语言。基于上述问题,本文介绍了双关语的四个种类和五种翻译方法。四个种类分别是:谐音双关,语意双关,语法双关,习语双关。五种翻译方法是:契合译法,套译法,分别表义法,侧重译法,补偿译法。每个粒子的运用都会是读者更深层次地了解双关语的运用。本文的目的是让许多的人了解双关及双关语的运用,另一个目的是让更多的人能正确的使用和翻译双关语。 关键词:广告;双关语;双关种类;双关翻译方法Abstract With the development of economy and peoples request of beauty, many producers think out many w

      3、ays to meet customers desire and marketing requests. One important way is to improve the quality of advertisements. This way can make their products well-known. Ads must be brief, concise and easy to remember. Using pun in advertisements is a common way to attract customers attention. But still there are many people dont know the real and huge effect of pun. On the other hand, with many products going abroad, their ads need to be translated into other languages. This paper, based on these proble

      4、ms, introduces four kinds of pun and five methods of translation of pun. The four kinds of pun are phonetic pun, semantic pun, grammatical pun and idiomatic pun. The five methods of translation are fit translation, sets translation, semantic difference, focusing on translation and translation compensation. The examples of each kind and each method will make the readers deeply understand the using of pun. The goal of this paper is to let more people know about pun and the know the using of pun. A

      5、nother goal is to let more people use and translate pun correctly.Key Words: advertisement; pun; kinds of pun; translation methods of punChapter I Introduction of Pun1.1 The Definition of PunAccording to The Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of pun is the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same.(Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, the sixth edition, The Commercial Press, page 1393)For ex

      6、ample: ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. Here the “grave” has two meanings. The first meaning is a place in the ground where a dead person is buried. The second meaning is very serious and important. Here is the use of pun.According to Websters New Collegiate Dictionary , the meaning of pun is the humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications or of words having the same or nearly the same sound but different meanings.(Websters New Coll

      7、egiate Dictionary, G.&C. Merriam Company, Springfield, Massachusetts , U.S.A. 1977, page 935) For example:More sun and air for your son and heir. This is an advertisement in a poster. Both of sun and son, air and heir have the same sound but different meanings. Its vivid and humorous expression arouses parents love to their son. Thus it can reach the goal of advertisement. At the same time, there an another example, “My Faith is gone!” cried he, after one stupefied moment.(Hawthorne, Young Goodm

      8、an Brown) The double context in this example is that on one hand Faith is dying with a serious disease, while on the other hand, Faiths husband believes that God can save his wife. The trigger is that God does not make his power felt and Faith is dead. The hinge is the word “Faith”. With the same pronunciation, it can not only refer to a lady called “Faith” but also the “strong belief” held by the husband. It fits both the contexts.In Chinese, there is a word having the similar meaning with pun.

      9、 It s “Shuangguan”(双关). But there are some differences between pun and“shuangguan”(双关). Shuangguan means that a word or a sentence has two meanings or making one sentence refers to two things. But as to pun , besides these two meanings, pun also means that one word or one sentence refers to two or more than two meanings. The meaning of pun is wider than shuangguan in Chinese( 李国南,“pun”与”双关“辨异”,J.外国语,2000,(6). Pun not only includes the meaning of shuangguan but also can use two or more than two words which are similar in sound but different in meanings to express humorously.1.2 The Importance of Pun There are so many figures of speech in advertisement, but the mostly used is pun. Pun is very important in all rhetorical devices. The importance lies in its functions.The characteristics of pun is humor and wisdom. Its like a regulator to reduce d


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