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    • 1、高考英语应用文高分结尾段一、邀请信假定你是校报记者李华,请你给半年前来你校学习的英国交换生Edward写一封邮件,约他做一次采访,内容包括:1.采访的内容; 2.采访的时间和地点。再次邀请1.We would be greatly honored by your presence.=委婉语气2.The partywont be complete withoutyou.Do come along and enjoy yourself.= wont.without双重否定3.Wed love to have you here if you can make it.Please inform us at your earliest convenience.4.I sincerely hope you can take your time from your busy schedule, and we / I would appreciate itvery much if you could .=固定句型、委婉语气5.Dont miss this opportunity to have fun

      2、! Looking forward to your earliest reply.6.Looking forward to your reply/ Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.7.Looking forward to your involvement/coming/arrival.8.We would be very grateful if you could spare some time to share the occasion with us.=委婉语气9.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.=it句型表达期待1.Im sure that the interview will promote the mutual understanding and bridge the two cultures.=词类活用2.I believe your insights and exper

      3、iences will provide our readers with a valuable perspective on studying abroad and encourage cultural understanding among students.补充信息(采访时间和地点)1.If it is convenient for you, the 30-minute interview will be arranged in Room 301 startingat 9:00 a.m.on Friday.=it句型、非谓语2.If possible, well meet in the Reading Room of the library on Friday morning.The interview will kickoff at 8:00 a.m.and last an hour.=省略二、倡议信假定你是校学生会主席李华, 你校将于下周开展以“Labor is the Most Beautiful”为主题的劳动周活动, 请你以学生会的名义发起倡议,内容包括:1.学生目前对劳动

      4、的态度; 2.劳动的意义; 3.呼吁参加。总结呼吁1.Hopefully you will join in the action and extend warm help to those needy persons.2.With your help / Because of our participation, will (比较级)3.Help and love will make the world a nicer place./ Its love that sets the world going.=强调句型4.Your kindness/ attention / effort / generosity / donation / participation will be highly valued./ will beappreciated.5.Everyones contribution counts.6.Working hand in hand, we can make a big difference./Lets make joint efforts to create a

      5、 green and harmonious environment.=非谓语,祈使句7. contribute(s) to a united and harmonious class / country.8.Its high time that we spring into actionnow./Its high time that we took measures to change the situation.9.I hereby appeal to you to spend more time on reading.=是的时候了(虚拟语气固定句型)10.It is up to us ourselves to make a reasonable plan for our future.=it 句型11.Its everyones responsibility to protect the environment.If we can change our way of life, we can make a big difference to the earth.=it句型12.Su

      6、ch measures/action can surely improve air quality, so lets start from now on.13.Every effort counts/matters/makes a difference.Lets work together to make the world a better place.14.Please keep in mind that a small action can make a huge difference.=祈使句,宾语从句15.Lets take action right now! Im convinced our efforts will eventually pay off.劳动的意义1.Actually, time spent laboring is rewarding.It can promote our practical skills, strong will, unity and cooperation.Meanwhile, we will also be given the pre

      7、cious chances to contribute our share and rewarded with a spiritual fulfillment.=非谓语2.It Strengthens our body and refreshes our mind.We can even get inspiration from labor work and reduceour stress from our schoolwork.3.It offers us a platform to demonstrate our vitality.三、论坛帖子(活动介绍)假定你是李华,上周末你参加了学校组织的市科技馆研学活动。请你在校英文论坛发表一篇帖子,分享此次经历,内容包括:1.活动过程;2.个人感悟;3.期待评论。注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。An Unforgettable Tech Exploration Tour_期待评论1.Anybody who shares the same feeling with me? Eagerly anti

      8、cipating your comments! =定语从句,疑问句2.Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences from the trip.Lets continue this conversation and inspire each other with the limitless potential of science and technology!3.Does anyone resonate with me? Eagerly anticipate your like-minded comments!=疑问句拉近距离4.The tour was truly a learning experience, inspiring me to strive to make our country a technology power.Are you also motivated? Looking forward to hearing your voices/ Please post your comments belo

      9、w! =非谓语四、介绍推荐假定你是李华。为迎接爱尔兰姐妹学校来访,你校英语俱乐部将举行学生活动图片展,现正向全校学生征集照片。你打算参与,请你写一封邮件,说明相关信息,内容包括:1.描述照片内容; 2.选择该照片的理由; 3.表达入选期望。表达期望1.I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to this event, and I sincerely hope my photo gets selected.Thank you for considering my submission.2.It wouldnt be better if the picture I picked could obtain acceptance.Looking forward to your earliest reply.=否定词+比较级=最高级3.Thank you for considering my submission.I eagerly await your decision and hope that my photo can contribute to the success of the exhibition.4.Thank you for your attention.I look forward to the opportunity to promote cross-cultural exchange through this photo exhibiti


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