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    • 1、八年级英语(仁爱版)下册语言知识点归纳Unit 5 Feeling Happy 一、 重点词组1.one of my favorite movies我最喜欢的电影之一 2.say thanks / goodbye/ hello to sb. 向某人道谢/道别/问好 3.a ticket to一张的票 4.wish to do sth.希望做某事5.have a temperature = have a fever发烧 6.be able to do sth.有能力做某事 7.ring up给打电话 8.care for= look after/ take care of照顾9.cheer up / cheer on使振奋、高兴起来 / 为 喝彩、加油10.play the role of sb.扮演某人的角色 11.be on put on 上演; 放映 12.at first首先 20. fall into落入 13.be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事14.in/at the end = at last 最后 e into being形成 16.be full

      2、ofbe filled with 充满 17.be popular with受喜爱 18.end/begin with以结尾/开始二、重点句型及重点语言点1. How nice! 真是太好了! What a shame! 真可惜!Thats too bad! What bad news! 多糟的消息! 这三句全都是感叹句.它们的结构为:1)How + adj./ adv. + 主语 + 谓语! 如: How moving the movie is! How fast the boy runs!2)What + a/an + adj. + n. (可数名词的单数) + 主语 + 谓语! 如: What a big apple (it is)!3)What + adj. + n.(可数名词的复数或不可数名词) + 主语 + 谓语! 如: What interesting stories (they are)! What hard work( it is)!2. Because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music. 因为他没有买到音乐之声的票

      3、.to 表“的”,常见的搭配如下:a ticket to The Sound of Music一张音乐之声的票 the answer to the question问题的答案the key to the door 门的钥匙 the way to去.的路3. I think Mr. Lee likes it very much and really wishes to watch it. 我认为李老师非常喜欢它而且的确想去看. wish/ hope to do sth.希望做某事与 wish 相关的结构还有: wish/ hope + that引导的从句; 如: I wish/ hope (that) we will win.我们可以说wish sb. to do sth. 而不能说hope sb. to do sth.; 4. Ill ring up Michael later. 稍后我打电话给迈克.ring up sb. = call/ ring/ phone sb. = give sb.a ring/ call/telephone =make a telephone to sb.

      4、当宾语为代词时, 只能放中间.如: ring me/him/her up5.since they were not able to go. 既然他们不能去.can与be able to 二者都表“能;会”,在指“一般能力”时,常互换。如:He can/is able to work out the problem. 他能算出这道难题.区别: can 只有现在式和过去式(could),没有数的变化;而be able to 有时态及数的变化. 如: I/ She couldnt swim three years ago, but now I / She can . 三年前,我/她 不会游泳, 但现在我能. I will be able to see him next week. 下周, 我将会看到他.They were /He was able to climb the mountain, but now they arent/ He wasnt.Theyre / He was too old. 他们/他过去能爬得上这座山, 但现在不能. 他们/他太老了.6. Im sure Mr. Le

      5、e will be surprised and happy! 我确信李老师会很惊奇也很高兴! be surprised “感到惊奇的”, 主语一般为人. be surprising “令人惊奇的”, 主语一般为物. 类似的有:interested/ interesting; excited/ exciting; bored/ boring 7. The lonely father often became angry because of the noisy children. 孤独的父亲经常由于吵吵闹闹的的孩子们而发怒了。because of “由于”,是介词短语,后常跟名词或短语。如:He didnt come to school because of his illness./ because he was ill.由于他的病,他没来We didnt go there because of the heavy rain./because it rained heavily.由于大雨,没去那8. Maria was able to cheer up the family by te

      6、aching them to sing lively songs玛丽亚有能力通过教他们唱轻快的歌曲使整个家庭振作起来。by 是介词,指“通过(某种方式)”,后面跟名词、代词、形容词或动名词。9. What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for? = Why did Maria go to the Von Trapp? 玛丽亚为了什么目的去冯特拉普家庭?10. and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere, 这位母亲是如此焦急,以致于他四处寻找他。so + adj/ adv. + that + 句子 指“如此以致于”三.重点语法 1系表结构:Linking verb. + adj. 常见的连系动词如下:1)be 动词:He is helpful. They are tired.2) 表 “起来”:look看起来; sound听起来; taste尝起来;feel摸起来等等.如:3)表状态变化的连系动词有:get 变得; turn 转变; go变; become变成

      7、 等等. 如: In summer, the days get longer, the weather gets warmer. In fall, the leaves turn yellow.The mother went mad. He became angry.2because 引导的原因状语从句: because 用来回答why提问的问句,表示的原因语气很强,一般用在主句后面,强调因果关系. Mr. Wang looks tired because he worked late last night and didnt get enough sleep. Kangkang is disappointed because his best friend is not able to come. -Why do they feel proud? -Because a player from their country won a medal.(二)重点词组:( 1 ) “be + 形容词+ 介词” 的结构: be worried about对感到担心/ 焦虑be nervous a

      8、bout对紧张 be strict with sb.对某人严格 be strict in / about sth.对某事严格 be patient with 对耐心 be pleased / satisfied with对满意be popular with 受欢迎 be angry with/at sb.对某人生气 be angry at/ about sth. 对某事生气 be surprised at对惊奇be interested in对有兴趣 be tired of 对疲倦 be afraid of对害怕( 2 ) 课文词组:1. do badly in在某方面表现很差 2.talk with sb. = have a talk with sb.与某人谈一谈3.fall behind落后 4.at ones age在某人的年龄时5.calm down冷静; 镇静6.givea hand帮助 7.happen to sb.发生7.get used to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事8.be / make friends with与交朋友9.deal with处理; 处

      9、置10.fail to pass an exam = fail an exam考试不及格10.refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事11.argue with sb.与某人争论二、重点句型及重点语言点1.Anything wrong? = Is there anything wrong? 有什么麻烦吗?形容词修饰不定代词要后置. 如:something bad 不好的事情everything new 一切新的事物2. What seems to be the problem? 似乎有什么问题?seem to do sth. “似乎做某事” 常与 “It seems that + 句子” 转换, 如:He seems to know her name. = It seems that he knows her name. 似乎他知道她的名字.seem + adj “似乎(怎样)”, 构成系表结构. 如:You seem sad. = You seem (to be) sad.= It seems that you are sad.你似乎很伤心.3.What is the teacher like? 那个老师是什么样的人?Whats sb. like? 常询问人的内在


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