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    • 1、NON-CIRCUMVENTION/NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT保密与不跨越合约 Date: 2011-4-7SUBJECT : Sales & Purchase Contract for Indonesia Coal主题 : 印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同 Contract No/合同號碼 :DA2011468Sellers / 卖家: Joy Easy Investment Company LtdBuyers / 买家:东莞市高企贸易有限公司We agree to this non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreement. (Based on ICC publication latest Paris Edition)我们同意遵守此保密与不跨越合约,此合约根据ICC出版最新巴黎版本作成。1. We agree that all information, including contacts, names, programs, introduction to individuals, companies, programs, a

      2、nd all other individuals or entities and all contracts, procedures, forms, letters and ail other communications between us belong to the person or company providing it, and can not be disclosed to others without prior consent of the provider. This agreement binds any person or entity which either party is a member of, principal or agent for, associated with, employee of, assignee, consultant, heir, successor, client, contractor, supplier, or which could benefit financially from present and, futu

      3、re, business and/or contacts or information of either party.我们同意彼此从对方获得的信息:包含接洽之公司或个人的姓名、个案、及其说明数据或相关之表格、信件、合约、程序等表均属于提供方所有,未经过对方同意不得泄漏或告诉其它人。此合约之效力及于双方当事人及所属之成员、合伙人、合作伙伴、受雇人、委托人、受托人、承包商、供货商或能从签约双方在目前或尔后接洽商业活动中获得金钱之利益者。2. We agree to contact and inform the other party with all necessary information, data, and introduction prior to meeting with or contacting any third party connected with any transaction covered in any way with financial dealings between the parties by sending a copy of each cont

      4、act and/or communication with the provider.我们同意在双方之任一方与彼此介绍之第三者会面或接洽之前,得将必要之信息告知签署合约之对方:对涉及价格、数量或合约相关之交涉,须将往来之资料复印一份发送予对方,让对方了解交易进行之状况。3. Facsimile, and E-mail documents shall have the same force and effect as originals.传真或电子邮件(E-mail)的档与原稿具有同等之效力。4. This agreement is an evergreen document. It applies to a guarantee for all future transaction periods, beyond the date affixed below. It applies to all transactions now and in the future between the parties, including subsequent renewals, extensions

      5、, re-negotiations, additions, rollovers, or any parallel third party agreement of the same, including transactions with parent/subsidiary and/or other persons, companies or entities. It is valid and enforceable regardless of the success of failure of the initial transaction or the success or failure of any project.本合约生效日以后进行之所有交易,保障双方之权益,范围含盖各项交易其后之续约、展延、重新协议、增加项目或与平行第三者签订的类似合约、对象包含与签约对方同一层面之其它人士、公司、机构及签约对方往上追朔(Parent)或往下延伸(Subsidiary)的关系之交易,且不论首次成功与否,也不论任何个案其做成与否,均属有效且具约束力。5. Non-Disclosure: Si

      6、gnatories agree to keep confidential addresses, description, employees names, fax numbers, names, phones numbers, and other related parties either directly or indirectly conceded to all such identifying information shall not be disclosed, to anyone by another signatory without the express written permission of the introducing signatory.非泄漏机密:签署者之地址、描述、受雇者姓名、传真号码、电话号码及具有相关之人,无论直接或间接所涉及之人名、住址、描述、所认定信息,非经书面许可之下,皆不得由另一签署者泄漏给任何人。6. Non-Circumvention: Each signatory agree not to make contact directory

      7、 or indirectly with or be involved in any transaction with any confidential parties to this agreement without the express written permission from the introducing signatory.非欺诈设陷:签署者任何一方皆同意若非经过书面许可,皆不得对本协议书也涉及人员和有受保密之一方,无论直接或是进行联络接触。7. Relationship of signatories: Except as otherwise agreed to in writing, no signatory is the proxy or partner of the other signatory or signatories.签署者之关系:除非经过书面同意之下,任何一位签署者皆不得为他签署者之代理人或是合伙人。8. We agree to immediately terminate contact with any third party contact at

      8、 the request of that contact. Failure to comply shall constitute circumvention and the offender shall be liable as above.我们同意与任何第三者之接触中,一旦该接触被要求立即终止时,即须立即停止,若不遵守即构成越线行为,违反者须为此行为负责。9. The parties agree that they will in way circumvent the other in any financial transaction now or in the future using such information, or approaching any such contact directly or though. Any other person or entity upon breach of any term of this agreement, the injured party may recover on demand damaged, liquidated

      9、damages equal to what their benefit would have been, or injunctive relief, plus legal costs and fees. Should circumvention occur or be attempted, all pending connection, actions and contacts arising out of the information shall be immediately cancelled. In addition to legal remedies, fees, or anticipated compensation, committed or agreed to shall be due and payable to the provider immediately upon demand.各方同意于使用对方提供之信息而与第三者完成交易时,不论是现在的或未来的个案,也不论是直接或是经由他个人或公司行号进行接洽时,绝不跨越合约中之对方私自进行,若违反本合约内之任何条款,受损方可请求赔偿其损失,偿付之损失相当于其预计之应得利益,若为强制救济时,得加上诉讼与律师之费用一旦发生越线或试图发生时,所有因此信息而连带产生之各项进行中的联系,活动或接洽事项均立即取消;承诺保证或同意支付之赔偿金与法律之费用,在对方提出时,违反之一方须立即支付之。10. Governing law: Claims and disputes in connection with this agreement shall be in accord with the Vienna Conventions, unless otherwise noted, in writing, Hong Kong with the respect to the venue of any breach.管辖之法律:有关本协议书所牵连之索赔以及争端,


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