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    • 1、精品文档高英考试复习:U6-1单词:1.insight:the capacity to gain an accurate and deep instinctive understanding ofa situation.洞察力。2.checkered tablecloth: tablecloth that has a pattern consisting of alternatingsquares of different colours. The British spelling of checkered is chequered有方格图案的桌布。3.chew the cud: think reflectively。反复思考。4.gnome: (in legends) alittleold man who lives underground andguards the earth s treasures土地神; a small ugly person侏儒。5.melancholy: (adj.) sad,gloomy ,depressed. 忧郁地。6.berate: scold o

      2、r criticize angrily。严责。7.a perverse streak: an obstinate quality。固执。8.ruefully: regretfully。悔恨地。9.drag: (slang) a boring thing; nuisance 。令人厌烦的东西10.immortality: never-ending life or endless fame。不朽 , 不朽的声名U5-81. savant: a man of learning, especially a person with detailed knowledge in somespecialized fieldwork学者,专家2. corollary : an immediate inference from a proved proposition推论;必然的结果3. forestall : defeat; prevent by prior measure防止;先发制人;预先阻止4. commitment : a pledge to follow certain beliefs or

      3、a certain course of action;devotion (to a duty, etc.)承诺;保证;承担义务5. artifact: a usuallysmallobject (as a toolor ornament) showinghuman workmanshipthat has special historical interest人工制品;手工艺品6. evoke: bring to mind引起;唤起;博得7. projectilepoint : the tipof a weapon thatis thrustforward;spearor arrowhead矛或箭头9. barter: trade by exchanging one commodity for another易货贸易;物物交换10. alienation:a withdrawing or separation of a personfrom an objector positiono f former attachment; a feeling of not belonging to o

      4、r being part of one ssurroundings疏远U5-91. symposium: a conference in which experts or scholars discuss a certain subject专题讨论会2. scrutinize: examine very closely and carefully详细检查3. distortion: a false or dishonest account扭曲;曲解;变形;失真4. eruptive: (in this context) sensational, shocking, disturbing轰动的;令人震惊的;令人不安的5. collide with: crash violently into; run into (one another)冲突 6. ingredient(l. 28): a component part of sth.组成成分。1欢迎下载精品文档7. inhibitor: one who holds back /prevents抑制者8. deplete: exhaust,

      5、 use up, reduce耗尽,用尽9. cynicism: disbelief in the sincerity of human motives玩世不恭;愤世嫉俗;冷嘲热讽10. antidote : remedy, corrective; sth. that prevents or counteracts解毒剂;解药;矫正方法11. envision: picture mentally, imagine, visualize想象;预想12. caricature : a picture ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defectsof persons or things漫画;讽刺画U5-101.Humanoid: havinghumanform or characteristics2.texture:thedegree ofroughnessorsmoothness, coarsenessorfineness,of a substance ormaterial,especiallyas feltby touch;v

      6、isualand tactilequalitiesofa surface3.staggering:stunning,wondrous,breathtaking4.deride:laughatcontemptuously;toscoffat or mock5.transience:temporariness,impermanence;thequalityor stateofbeingtemporaryorimpermanent6.ata rapidclip:(informal)ata fastpace7.inextricablyembedded: so deeplyinvolvedthatitisimpossibleto getfree8.boutique:a smallfashionableclothesshop 9.sumptuous:expensiveand grand10.train:a partof a longdressthat spreadsover the groundbehindthewearer11.A-linedresses:dresseswitha flaredb

      7、ottomand close-fittingtop,havingan Aortent-likeshape12.supplant:takethe placeof;replaceU5-111)spasm: an involuntarymuscularcontraction;here a sudden violentspell(of)痉挛;(感情等的)一阵发作2)futile:adj. ineffective;unsuccessful3)insinuate:vt.introducesomethingindirectlyand subtly;suggestsomethingunpleasantlyand indirectly暗示;含沙射影4)convulsive:adj.having a violentinvoluntarycontraction;spasmic; spasmodic collocation5)illumination:n.enlightenment;edification启迪;教诲6)recuperation:n.gettingback strength;gettingfree from worry 恢复;复原7)improvise:vi& vt.makeordo without preparation,sufficientmaterial即兴创作 ;临时准备8)sedulously:adv


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