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    • 1、8AnitComc strip &elce to h unt教学目的:1掌握DIY的工具的单词。2掌握漫画大意,体会漫画的风趣之处。3能理解Y的意思,并就DIY的话题展开一段对话。Wlcomto he uniStep1呈现一.导入hat do yo doin yor fre me?Doy know the manig o DIY?Do like DIY?Do oftndo DIY?Do you like DI?ht o yuneed for DIY? 由e lk 鼓励学生刊登自己的观点。二操练1.Here are mool for DI. Look t the picture a math the wrds i te bowiththe ol.运用图片和语境完毕习题 Ste呈现一.导入. 教师与学生交流,以检查学生对新知识的理解。然后学生之间Work ipair. T: hats Ixactly?: T:Wat ae yougingto othen?:Wha oyu need forta?S: oyoulike DIY?S:T: Thats fun.二.操练师生对话演示,生生对话操练。

      2、从实际运用中掌握对话。Comic triStep 1呈现一导入.放录音,看图片,理解对话内容。回答问题:t o hey by ? at hol hydo xt?Do Eddi hel Hobo mak his new use?二.操练.提示学生根据自己的理解揣摩Edde和Hob的心理状态,运用合适的语音语调朗读。Hoewok:背诵漫画和部分对话。2. 用英语写你的一种DIY的过程。课堂检测 即学即练 单选: 1Its toolte.oud bettr hom oon as ssile. .go B.t g C.goes D.gog 2. y Enlih is ery poor.Cayou hlp m with itti Sturay? A.oriht .ood ia C.N prblem D.Thaku 3.I a n.It vr goo A.sos B.taste C.looks .urns 4.udlie to oo hcinema wachnT athome. A.becase f B.pay ateion to. C.stad of Dlokater. .anny , come

      3、 hre .I hav tell yu Asmehi ne B ew ming nnew D.nwnyhig.8A Unit4 Reading(1)1、知识目的:()、会用本学时的四会单词。 (2)、Toanlye te phrae,entencefor th students o get a beter undrstading(3)、o etmor dtaileinfmation bot Andrw andhs IYbs.、能力目的:T train theS ailty ofaningy dng3、情感目的:To train hesudens hppilyomake thins themselve .Sep1Fee lkWhat do yutendo in ur ree time?Guess wha Iftendoin my fre time?Dou knowDI?oyu ike DIY?iv ussome xampls.Stp2 Prenatin出示ndrew手拿DIY工具的图片呈现课题M cosinn Y迅速阅读文章,回答:Was the aricle mil bu?分析文章构造

      4、,归纳大意:art :( par1) Intrducion of ndrePart(par-4 ) drewsDIY obs Pat : ( para) die romSuzy4 仔细阅读文章,划出生词、难以理解的短语和句子。(教师巡视课堂,把部分生词、短语板书在黑板上) decote put nabhter ligh he powr c putupa pictr t aip ceiln aka cursei DIY enlessons istad通过生生之间、师生之间的互动解决难题。StepPatice听录音,判断正误,给出对的答案。Wh-questios3. 大声朗读文章。Stp4 ctiy仔细阅读文章的主体Andrews D jo,完毕下面的表格:ha Adew didrobemsSep5 etel根据核心词复述文章。Step6 cssionha youthink of nde?Whtould w ohen we d DIY jbs?Ste7 Homework复述或背诵课文。写一种自己的DIY故事,下节课人们分享。8A Unit4Reain()、知识目的:(1)、会用本学时的四会

      5、单词。 (2)、To anayze the phse,sentnes fr he students toge bter undertaning.(3)、oet moredtailedforman abonrand his IY job.2、能力目的:To tain th iltof larningy ig3、情感目的:orain th tudet apily o make thigs themseles .Step 1. Leading in。 eterday we larnt te tory o ndrew nd hisDI os. Can ou sa somehing abu Andrw?( 小组展示)St p PresenttionA. eading : etthe Ssad cotet carefullyn ten anw th Qs:) hat sndrew crazyabout?2.) Wht does helove to?3.) Is hegodat DIY ? hy ?.) Ho lodid dew p up theshel on the wall ?5.)Ifyou

      6、wee nrew , howwould youpaint the iing room ?6.)hai S adisehm to do ?B、 y AndrewndiDIYjos an ha rblmshe caud ,h icushotsolve thee poblms. C、sltete useful expessions:1. pu n a brigter li 2. a pwe cut. mak amstake 4. u aptre the ll5 i a pipe 6. ill throom iwater7.ee onoin st. . noto.baso.9.ptup the shelf 0 dise b.to o1. tak a co n DY 2. ake hm ngry1 attnd eonsD、Lanuguage poifs Ask S to ighligtth ord、 phas、snncs theydo not know.Theasthem o iscs tem in pirs andtry to ok ot aingsfrom te ontet .t lat th teachetiso hep themad xplai the laguge pois.fillith用填满Eg:I fled tepilow with cotton.Tokep fis ,eshould he tank_ wter rst2、ot onlybut asoEg: 1)The livingro notony hsl walls, but lso blue ceiln anfloor.)Tomoesare nonly a kin o etablebut alo a kind f fui.3)Not l Miss in ut alsois zu ikesDIY4)o on Miss inut alsootuent ike DIY =Not onlysome students but ls Miin ies DYWork outules


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