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    • 1、真题研练48Task 1:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(2015天津,A)University Room RegulationsApproved and Prohibited ItemsThe following items are approved for use in residential(住宿的) rooms:electric blankets,hair dryers,personal computers,radios,televisions and DVD players.Items that are not allowed in student rooms include:candles,ceiling fans,fireworks,waterbeds,sun lamps and wireless routers.Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life.Access to Residential Ro

      2、omsStudents are provided with a combination(组合密码) for their room door locks upon checkin.Do not share your room door lock combination with anyone.The Office of Residence Life may change the door lock combination at any time at the expense of the resident if it is found that the student has shared the combination with others.The fee is 25 to change a room combination.Cooking PolicyStudents living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen.Students must clean up afte

      3、r cooking.This is not the responsibility of housekeeping staff.Kitchens that are not kept clean may be closed for use.With the exception of using a small microwave oven(微波炉) to heat food,students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.Pet PolicyNo pets except fish are permitted in student rooms.Students who are found with pets,whether visiting or owned by the student,are subject to an initial fine of 100 and a continuing fine of 50 a day per pet.Students receive written notice when the fine go

      4、es into effect.If,one week from the date of written notice,the pet is not removed,the student is referred to the Student Court.Quiet HoursResidential buildings must maintain an atmosphere that supports the academic mission of the University.Minimum quiet hours in all campus residences are 11:00 pm to 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday.Quiet hours on Friday and Saturday nights are 1:00 am to 8:00 am.Students who violate quiet hours are subject to a fine of 25.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要谈论的是学生宿舍管理的一些具体要求及违犯规定所

      5、受的惩罚等。1Which of the following items are allowed in student rooms?ACeiling fans and waterbeds.BWireless routers and radios.CHair dryers and candles.DTVs and electric blankets.答案D细节理解题。根据第一部分第一句话可知,电视和电热毯是允许学生在宿舍使用的。而不允许使用的有candles,ceiling fans,fireworks,waterbeds,sun lamps and wireless routers。2What if a student is found to have told his combination to others?AThe combination should be changed.BThe Office should be charged.CHe should replace the door lock.DHe should check out of the room.答案A细节理解题

      6、。根据第二部分中的“The Office of Residence Life may change the door lock combination.if it is found that the student has shared the combination with others.”可知,如果一个学生被发现与他人共享组合密码,那么组合密码就会被更改。3What do we know about the cooking policy?AA microwave oven can be used.BCooking in student rooms is permitted.CA housekeeper is to clean up the kitchen.DStudents are to close kitchen doors after cooking.答案A细节理解题。根据第三部分最后一句话可知,除了可以使用微波炉热食物外,学生们不允许在房间里做饭。其他选项与本部分的内容不相符。4If a student has kept a cat in his room for a we

      7、ek since the warning,he will face _.Aparent visitsBa fine of 100Cthe Student CourtDa written notice答案C细节理解题。根据第四部分最后一句话可知,如果得到警告后仍在房间养宠物一周,那他就会被交到学生法庭。5When can students enjoy a party in residences?A7:00 am,Sunday.B7:30 am,Thursday.C11:30 pm,Monday.D00:30 am,Saturday.答案D推理判断题。根据最后一部分中的“Minimum quiet hours.are 11:00 pm to 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday.Quiet hours on Friday and Saturday nights are 1:00 am to 8:00 am.”可知,只有D项在禁止喧哗时间段之外,可以举办聚会。故答案为D。Task 2:词汇积累1approve vt.批准;核准2prohibit vt.禁止,阻止3b

      8、e subject to受支配;从属于Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner.农民过去受地主的压迫。4access n使用;接近vt.使用Only high officials have access to the president.只有高级官员才可以接近总统。People in that mountain area had no access to education.那个山区的人们过去没有受教育的机会。5residential adj.住宅的,适于作住宅的6violate vt.违反;侵犯Task 3:语法填空Students _1_ (live) in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted _2_ (cook)in the kitchen.Students must clean up after cooking.This is not the _3_ (responsible)of housekeeping staff.Kitchens _4_ are not

      9、 kept clean may be closed for use.With the exception of _5_ (use) a small microwave oven(微波炉) to heat food,students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.答案1.living2.to cook3.responsibility4.that/which5.usingTask 4:单句改错1Students must clean up after cook.2Kitchens that are not kept clean may be close for use.3No pets except for fish are permitted in student rooms.答案1.cookcooking2.closeclosed3.去掉forTask 5:攻克长难句(分析句子结构,尝试翻译成汉语)If,one week from the date of written notice,the pet is not removed,the student is referred to the Student Court.分析:If引导条件状语从句,连词和从句之间插入一个时间状语one week from the date of written notice。译文:如果,从书面通知之日起一周内,宠物还没有被去除,学生会被送交学生法庭处理。


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