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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、第一章 船舶动力装置1. “Before disconnecting the oil pipe, would you flush the oil retained in the pipe?” asked the oil barge owner.A by using of fresh water B with compressed air C by using of sea water D with chemical compound 2. “Stand by an engine” means _.A “prepare to stop the engine” B “assemble an engine on its bedplate” C “make an engine ready for starting” D “dismantle an engine” 3. A _ is the foundation of the engine, without the support of which the shaft alignment in particular, and engine st

      2、ructure as a whole, would inevitably be lost.A Frame B Bedplate C Cylinder D Liner 4. _ are commonly used in mechanical-hydraulic governor to sense engine speeds.A Bulbs B Bulks C Flyweights D Flywheels 5. _ are generally formed in the frame of the both in-line and Vee engines to give maintenance access to the crankshaft main and connecting rod large end bearing.A Doors B Aspirate gauzer C Coupling D Blind 6. _ arrangements have low temperature air and high temperature exhaust gas passing throug

      3、h adjacent ports, causing temperature differential problems for the liner material.A Loop scavenge B Cross scavenge C Uniflow scavenge D Supercharge 7. _ became oval, it should be machined.A The upper half of cross-head bearing B The cross-head pin C The cross-head bearing D The cress-head guide plate 8. _ device is provided to prevent starting air from being admitted to the cylinder before the reversing is completed.A An automatic B A transmission C A self-regulating D An interlocking 9. _ fuel

      4、 oils _ lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.A Both/and B Neither/nor C Either/or D Both/or 10. _ is sometimes used for piston cooling since leaks into the crankcase would not cause problems.A Diesel oil B Hydraulic oil C Lube oil D Mineral oil 11. _ is the removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air.A Gas exchange B Charging C Scavenging D Supercharging 12. _ is used for cylinder and cylinder head, the salt water is used for cooling the lubricating oil, the fresh

      5、 water in the coolers and the charging air in the air cooler.A The fuel oil B The lube oil C The sea water D The fresh water 13. _ may be the first possible cause which makes the engine to lose power or slow down when it is running.A Hot bearing B Starting valves C Unequal distribution of load D Excessive crankshaft clearance 14. _ of an engine crankshaft can be detected by measuring deflections of crank webs for each unit of the engine.A Misalignment B Length C Strength D Stresses 15. _ of the

      6、A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called the scavenging air box.A At the top B At the bottom C In the top D In the bottom 16. _ pistons have low inertia and high coefficient of thermal expansion.A Cast iron B Cast steel C Forged steel D Aluminum 17. _ scavenging means both exhaust ports and scavenging ports are arranged to the same side.A Uniflow B Cross C Loop D Straight 18. _ should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery

      7、and associated equipment.A The watch keeping personnel B The chief engineer C The person on a bunker barge D Any of the above 19. _ tappet clearance will cause the exhaust valve to open early and close late in cycle and will increase its maximum lift.A Excessive B Insufficient C Correct D None of the above 20. _ tappet clearance will cause the exhaust valve to open late and close early in cycle and will reduce its maximum lift.A Correct B Insufficient C Excessive D None of the above 21. _ the cy

      8、linder will contain a great weight of air and will be capable of burning a great quantity of fuel.A At the beginning of the compression stroke B At the beginning of the suction stroke C At the end of the working stroke D At the end of the exhaust stroke 22. _ the supercharge pressure is, _ power an engine develops.A The higher/the more B Higher/more C Higher/little D The higher/the less 23. _ is not properly set thus causing either advanced or retarded firing.A A piston B A fuel injection pump C

      9、 A feed water pump D A lube oil pump 24. _ rods are not in proper condition so that too much fuel is supplied to the corresponding cylinder.A Piston B Sounding C Regulating D Connecting 25. _ shows 1.2 meter and the specific gravity of the oil is 0.96. According to the measuring scale, that makes 150 tons.A The piston rod B The push rod C The sounding rod D The connecting rod 26. _ allows for expansion and water make up in the water cooling system.A A top tank B A head tank C A head valve D A drain tank 27. _ at the end of the distribution pipe ensures that adequate pr


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