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【精校版】人教版高中英语同步练习:选修10 unit 2 period 1含答案

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  • 文档编号:511922488
  • 上传时间:2023-11-02
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    • 1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版).介、副词填空1Have you packed your things _?2His accent gave him _ as a southerner.3The robber forced the man to hand _ the suitcase.4We must care_the young generation.5Im serious about this,hear me_ please.6A lawyer issued a statement _ behalf _the victims family.7Bradys guilt had been proved _ question.8He spoke _ in favour of reforms.答案1.up2.away3.over4.for5.out6.on;of7.beyond8.out.句型转换1A:The soldiers would die rather than surrender.B:The soldiers _ _ die _ surrender.2A:She strongly o

      2、bjected to their plan.B:She _ strongly _ _ their plan.3A:Sebastian became captain instead of Miles who had broken his leg.B:Sebastian became captain _ _ _ Miles who had broken his leg.4A:There is no doubt that parents are the first teachers of children.B:Parents are _ _ the first teachers of children.5A:I have to make some copies to hand out.B:I have to make some copies to _.答案1.would rather;than2.was;opposed to3.in place of4.beyond question5.distribute.翻译与仿写1. I have decided to retire and hand

      3、over the heavy load of responsibility to you three.翻译:_仿写:她用卑鄙的手段使他们把所有的钱移交给她。_答案我已决定退休,把沉重的责任负担交给你们三个。She got them to hand over all their money by a wicked deceit.2. For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.翻译:_仿写:我告诉他,他可以随便挑选他喜欢的座位。_答案你们之中谁最爱我,我就把我拥有的最好的东西赠送给谁。I told him he could choose whichever seat he liked.3. If they do indeed love you that much, then I dont understand why they ever got married. 翻译:_仿写:如果你有工作,一定要全身心地投入,那么最终你会成功的

      4、。_答案如果她们真的那么爱你,我不理解她们为什么要结婚。If you have a job, do devote yourself to it and finally youll succeed.4. Do not come between me and my anger.翻译:_仿写:希望我们永远亲密无间。_答案不许阻止我发怒。I hope nothing ever comes between us.5. I speak on behalf of Cordelia.翻译:_仿写:我代表我妈妈写这封信,她要感谢你送的美好礼物。_答案让我替科迪莉亚说几句话。I am writing this letter on behalf of rny mother, who wants to thank you for your nice gift. .语篇填词King LearKing Lear was growing old and tired.He decided to retire and hand 1._ the burden of government to his three daug

      5、hters.He divided the kingdom 2._ three parts,and allocated one part 3._ each of them.He asked his daughters which of them loved him 4._.Goneril expressed her devotion 5._ her father.She said she loved him more than life 6._.When he asked Regan about it,she said that her greatest 7._ was in loving her father.Now it was turn for Cordelia 8._ express her love.She said nothing.She thought it was right and proper 9._ a daughter to love her father.So King Lear decided to distribute his kingdom 10._ Go

      6、neril and Regan.He decided to give nothing to Cordelia.答案1.over2.into3.to4.most5.to6.itself7happiness8.to9.for10.between.单项填空1Does the common man _ the ideas of political union between European countries?Aobject BopposeCbe for Dbe against答案B2Would you _ a game of table tennis,Cathy?Id love to,but I still have piles of homework to do.Acare for Bcare aboutCcare to Dtake care of答案A3A cup of water,_you will feel better.Aor Bbut Cso Dand答案D4She adores_to the cinema.Ato go Bgo Cgoing Dto going答案C5Bill

      7、 Gates was so nice that he decided to_ninety percent of his money to the charities.Agive up Bgive awayCgive out Dgive off答案B6It is certain that he will _ his business to his son when he gets old.Atake over Bthink overChand over Dgo over答案C7A mother will_her life for children.Adedicate Bpromote Csacrifice Ddevote答案C8A committee just set up decides how the money collected _ in Sichuan.Ato distribute BdistributingCdistributed Dis distributed答案D9_ you may be right,I cant altogether agree.AWhile BAs CIf DSince答案A10Dont trouble to do it _.Thank you all the same.Aon the behalf Bon my behalfCin the behalf Dfor my behalf答案B.完形填空Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to _1_.Now she was Portia,a strongwilled _2_ i

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