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    • 1、BF20080603合同编号:北京市房屋租赁合同HOUSES LEASE CONTRACT(自行成交版)(No Broker Versi on )出租人Lessor : 承租人Lessee: 北京市建设委员会Beijing Construction Committee北京市工商行政管理局Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce二00八年五月修订Amendment i n May, 2008北京市房屋租赁合同Beijing Houses Lease Contract(自行成交版)(No Broker Versio n )出租人(甲方) Lessor (Party A): 证件类型及编号 Credential type and NO.: 承租人(乙方) Lessee (Party B): 证件类型及编号 Credential type and NO.: 依据中华人民共和国合同法及有关法律、法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、 自愿的基础上,就房屋租赁的有关事宜达成协议如下:Based on the Con tract Law Of the P

      2、eoples Republic of China and other releva nt regulations and laws, and with the intermediary services of Party C, Party A and Party B agree to en ter into this Con tract in equal status an d volun tarily with articles as follow :第一条 房屋基本情况 Article 1: Ge neral states of the house(一)房屋坐落于北京市 区(县)街道办事处(乡镇),建筑面积平方米。(a) The house is located at (Address), and the size isSquare meters.(二)房屋权属状况:甲方持有(房屋所有权证/ 公有住房租赁合同/ 房屋买卖合同/ 其他房屋来源证明文件),房屋所有权证书编号:或房屋来源证明名称:,房屋所有权人(公有住房承租人、购房人)姓名或名 称: ,房屋(是/ 否)已设定了抵押。(b

      3、)The condition of the house property rights: party A has ( Muniment/ Public houses lease con tract口 Houses Purchase Con tract Other certificate), themuniment NO.:, or the certificate of obta ining thehouse:, House-ow ners n ame (Public houses lessee or housebuyer):,Whether the house has bee n mortgaged Y ES/ NO).第二条房屋租赁情况及登记备案Article 2: Re ntal situation and registrati on(一) 租赁用途: ;如租赁用途为居住的,居住人数为:,最多不超过人。(a) Ren tal purposes: If the ren tal purpose is for reside nee,the nu mber of in habita nt

      4、is, and should notexceed ing pers ons.(二) 如租赁用途为居住的,甲方应自与乙方订立本合同之日起7日内,到房屋所在地的社区来京人员和出租房屋服务站办理房屋出租登记手续。对多人居住的,乙方应将居住人员情况告知甲方,甲方应建立居住人员登记簿,并按规定报送服务站。本合同变更或者终止的,甲方应自合同变更或者终止之日 起5日内,到房屋所在地的 社区来京人员和出租房屋服务站办理登记变更、注销手续。在本合同有效期内,居住人员发生变更的,乙方应当自变更之日起2日内告知服务站,办理变更登记手续。居住人员中有外地来京人员的,甲方应提供相关证明,督促和协助乙方到当 地公安派出所办理暂住证;居住人员中有境外人员的, (甲方/ V乙方)应自 订立本合同之时起24小时内到当地公安派出所办理住宿登记手续。租赁用途为非居住的,甲方应自订立房屋租赁合同之日起30日内,到房屋所在地的房屋行政管理部门办理房屋租赁合同备案手续。If the ren tal purposes is for reside nee, from the date whe n this Con tract has

      5、 bee n set up, within 7 days, Party A should go to the Community Service Station for Foreig ner and House Lease (here in after refers to as the“ statio n ” )to have tllease con tract registered. If the in habita nt is more tha n one pers on, Party B must in form the situati on of in habita nts to Party A. On the other hand, Party A must establish a register for inhabitants, and send it to the Station complying with regulati on. If this con tract has bee n ame nded or term in ated, party A should

      6、 go to theStati on to cha nge or logout the registrati on with in 5 days. In the period of validity, provided the in habita nts have cha nged, from the date of cha nge, with in 2 days, Party B must inform the Service Stati on and cha nge the registratio n.Party A should supply the related information about himself and/or the house if there is foreigner from other provinces within the inhabitant, to assist and supervise Party B to handle the Temporary Residential Permit at Local Police Station. A

      7、nd Party B should go to Local police stati on to han dle the Lodg ing Registrati on with in 24 hours if there is any pers on from other coun tries, from the time whe n this con tract has bee n set up.If the ren tal purpose is not reside nee, from the date whe n this con tract has bee n set up, with in 30 days, Party A should go to the departme nt of Local House Admini strati on to han dle the Lease Con tract Registrati on fili ng procedure.第三条 租赁期限 Article 3 : Lease Term(一)房屋租赁期自 年月日至年月日,共计年个月。甲

      8、方应于 年月日前将房屋按约定条件交付给 乙方。房屋交割清单(见附件一)经甲乙双方交验签字盖章并移交房门钥匙 及后视为交付完成。(a)From the date/ to/ totallymon ths. Party A should vacate the house and turn it over to Party Bbefore/, complyi ng with the promise. After Party A andParty B had signed and sealed the “ Property list ” (appendix 1), and Party A had delivered the key of the house andto Party B, the house have bee ndelivered.(二)租赁期满或合同解除后,甲方有权收回房屋,乙方应按照原状返还房屋及其附属物品、设备设施。甲乙双方应对房屋和附属物品、设备设施及水电 使用等情况进行验收,结清各自应当承担的费用。乙方继续承租的,应提前_30_日向甲方提出(V书面/ 口头)续租要求, 协

      9、商一致后双方重新签订房屋租赁合同。(b)Party A has the right to retract the house upon the expiratio n of the leasehold or the dissolutio n of the con tract, and, Party B should retur n the leased house and accessary facilities in orig inal state to Party A. Both parties must check and accept the house and the accessory facilities, mean while, settle acco unts of the cost which should be bore by their own.If the Lessee intends to renew the leasehold, should notify (Vwritten/ oral) the Lessor with in one month before term in atio n. Both parties should con clude a new lease con tract based on the agreeme nt.第四条租金及押金 Article 4: Ren tal a nd deposit(一)租金标准及支付方式: 元/ (月/ 季/ 半年/ 年),租金总计:人民币元整( )。支付方式:(现金/ 转账支票/ 银行汇款),押付,各期租金支付日(a)Ren tal and


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