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  • 文档编号:510446345
  • 上传时间:2022-12-30
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、(一) 形容词的用法和位置1 主系表结构,放在连系动词(be, look,smell,taste,sound,feel,become,get,turn,keep,seem等)的后面。如:The passengers cant go back home on time for the Spring festival, for the snow is so heavy.Things to remember:look只有在解释看起来的时候才是当作连系动词,做题时要正确分析look的意思。如:After hearing the good news of the trains arrival, he looked very happy.After hearing the good news of the trains arrival, he looked happily at me.2 形容词用作定语。1) 如: The conductor has important news to tell the passengers.2) 如:The conductor has something imp

      2、ortant to tell the passengers.3 形容词用作宾语补足语。如:Though the passengers find the weather terrible, theyre very excited because they will go back home to spend the Spring Festival with their family. Things to remember:1) else在使用时,必须放在疑问代词和复合不定代词的后面,如:something else, what else.2) 做题时,要注意形容词和名词的正确搭配,如我们用 high或 low来修饰 temperature,用 hot或 cold来修饰 weather。3It is adj. for sb to do sth/It is adj. of sb to do sthComplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:1 Everyone in our class took an _

      3、 part in the camping trip. (activity)2 She is from America, so she is _. (America)3 Mrs. White is fond of buying _ food because she thinks it is much safer. (Australia)4 While doing an experiment, you need to be _ enough. Otherwise(否则) something dangerous may happen. (care).5 The weather report says it will be _ tonight. (cloud)6 Some pets are _ to people because they carry some diseases. (danger)7 Tom is_ in detective stories(侦探小说) than science fiction. (interest)8 Though English and Chinese ar

      4、e two _ languages, theyre used to communicate. (difference)9 Its very _ for the farmer to send her daughter to study abroad. (difficulty)10 The mother told her son to wash his _ hands before having dinner. (dirt)11 We should be _ to each other to have a good memory. (friend)12 The _ wind makes everybody very comfortable. (gently13 Its _ for you to know some western culture while you are studying English. (help)Choose the best answer:1 She is _ that she will fail in the exam. A) frightened B) afr

      5、aid C) afriad D) worry2 Though she was _ at home, she didnt feel _ at all because she was busy going over her lessons. A) alonealone B) alonelonely C) lonelylonely D) lonelyalone 3 The tsunami(海啸) is very _. It can make a large number of people homeless. A) exciting B) awful C) frightened D) surprising4 Is there _ enough to fight with the monster? A) anyone brave B) brave anyone C) someone brave D) brave someone5 Ive got _ to tell you. A) interesting something B) something interesting C) interes

      6、ting anything D) anything interesting6 Do you want _ ? A) else something B) something else C) else anything D) anything else7 A comic strip should be full of action to keep the readers _. A) interesting B) interested C) uninterested D) interests 8 Children are all _ in_ comic strips. A) interestinginterested B) interestedinteresting C) interestinginteresting D) interestedinterested9 He doesnt seem as _ as his brother. A) happily B) happier C) happy D) happiness10 The guests all thought it tastes

      7、 _. A) nice B) badly C) well D) wonderfully11 “Am I _ go home?” the sick man asked the doctor. A) good enough B) so well to C) well enough to D) too well to12 Perhaps there wont be _ for everybody on the earth in the future. A) enough room B) many rooms C) little space D) a little space13 The man finished writing _ report in a week. A) a eight-thousand-word B) an eight-thousand-words C) eight-thousand-word D) an eight-thousand-word14 To our surprise, such a big bag was very light. Here light mea

      8、ns _. A) little B) short C) great D) not heavy15 What a _ child he is ! A) lovely B) timidly C) beautifully D) unusual16 Emma hardly makes mistakes in her homework. She is _. A) care B) careful C) carefully D) careless17 Miss Black always makes her students _ in her English lessons. A) interest B) interests C) interested D) interesting18 Toms father seemed _ with his progress. A) sadly B) angrily C) happy D) happily19 The music sounds _. A) sweetly B) horribly C) easily D) lovely20 We all know that Mr. Green was not _ with the poem. A) pleasant B) please C) pleasing D) pleased21 This is a _ experience, not a dream. A) true B) real C) truly D) really22 The Bund looks _ at night. A) wonderfully B) famous C) beautiful D) well23 Its _ knowledge that the earth moves around the sun. A) common B) unusual C) strange D) interesting24


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