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    • 1、新人教版高中英语必修第一册同步学案Unit2Travellingaround课时4Unit 2 Travelling around U2P4 学习目标 1.To analyse how the present continuous tense is used to e_press future plans.2.To learn the language situations of using this grammar.3.To apply the usage to talking and writing future plans.课堂探究 Part Observe and analyse Activity 1Read the following sentences.What do you think the tense in the sentences e_presses? 1.We are seeing a film this afternoon.2.Im travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.3.

      2、Were renting a car and driving! 4.My parents are taking me to Hong Kong during the October holiday. Activity 2Read the conversation and try to find out the answers to the following questions: 1.When and how are the underlined verbs used? 2.What other methods can you think of to e_press your future plan? Amy:Hello,Jeremy!What are you doing this weekend? Jeremy:Hi,Amy!Some friends and I are going to that new water park on Saturday.Do you want to join us? Amy:Sure,Id love to!What time and where? Je

      3、remy:Were meeting at 10:00 a.m.at the bus stop near our school. Amy:How about lunch?Are you eating at the water park? Jeremy:Well,Im bringing my own lunch.I think some of the others are eating at the park,but the food there is really e_pensive. Activity 3Rewrite the following sentences that e_press future plans using “be doing” structure.And then translate them into Chinese.1.Ive just booked my air ticket!Ill visit my grandparents in December. 2.Kate has been invited to a meeting in Iceland.She

      4、will apply for a visa soon. 3.A:Hey,are you free for dinner tonight? B:Im sorry,no.Ill have dinner with my cousins tonight. 4.The cruise will leave on 23 March and return on 1 April. Activity 4Observe the following two sentences,and think about whether they can be rewritten into the “be doing” structure and tell me why.1.Gary might visit China ne_t year,but hes still not sure.2.Could you help me with this bo_,please?Im afraid Im going to drop it. Activity 5Summary be doing 强调事先计划好的安排、确定要做的事情,一般带

      5、明显的表将来的时间状语 Oh,its 8:20.Im going to be late for my class.Im giving my students a very important test this morning.be going to do 表示说话者的打算和意图或者表示根据当前情况作出的预言 will do 更强调个人意愿和瞬间的决定 Honey,dont worry.Ill drive you to your school right away.Part Practice Activity 1Use the present continuous tense of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.(Page 78 Using Structures E_ercise 1) 1.He(apply for) a credit card ne_t Tuesday. 2.He(not,visit) the Eiffel Tower ne_t week since he(attend) a meeting in Se

      6、oul. 3.I(not,pack) until the day after tomorrow. 4.I dont know if she(check in) tonight or tomorrow. 5.(you,check out) of the hotel tomorrow? 6.How long(you,stay) here? Activity 2Discuss weekend plans with a partner,based on the weather report below.(Page 28 Activity 4) E_ample A:What are you doing on Saturday morning? B:Well,its going to be sunny in the morning and not very windy,so Im having a picnic with my friends.Part Compare and rethink Activity 1Read the following poem by yourselves and t

      7、hen rewrite the poem by turning the sentences that are e_pressing the future event into the present continuous tense.And then tell me which one is better.Why? Hush,little baby,dont say a word, Papas going to buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas going to buy you a looking-glass.If that looking-glass gets broke, Papas going to buy you a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away, Papas going to buy you an

      8、other today. Activity 2Can you write your own poems using the “be doing” structure to e_press the future events?Have a try. Part Writing Choose one of the two itineraries below.Write a few sentences to describe your travel plans,using the present continuous tense.(Page 79 Activity 5) Hangzhou,China Time Activities Mon 9:00 a.m.:flight to Hangzhou afternoon:check in at the hotel Tue West Lake Wed Grand Canal(大运河) Thur Wuzhen:e_perience the beauty of the ancient water town Fri morning:Botanical Ga

      9、rden afternoon:National Silk Museum Sat morning:go shopping afternoon:pack Sun leave for home Auckland,New Zealand Time Activities Mon 1:50 a.m.:flight to Auckland late afternoon:check in at the hotel Tue Te Papa (National Museum of New Zealand) Wed take a cable car(缆车) up to the Botanical Gardens Thur morning:go shopping afternoon:visit the Sky Tower Fri take a road trip into the mountains Sat return to the city Sun leave for home E_ample: Travel Itinerary:Hangzhou,China On Monday,I am taking a 9:00 a.m.flight to Hangzhou.Im checking in at the hotel in the afternoon.Part Homework Finish the Activities 2、3、4 in Using Structures on Page 78-79.参考答案Part Activity 1In every e_ample sentence,the present continuous tense is used to talk about future plans.Activity 2 1.The verbs all use the present continuous tense to e_press some arrangements for events in the nearest future.2.We can also use “will do” “be going to


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