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    • 1、The Power Cut The family was was wz is/am过去式 were w: are过去式 过去分词been going on holidayon holiday在度假,在休假. They were taking Biff and Chip. Mum and Dad were busybusy bizi a.忙碌的, vt. 忙于 packpackpk n.包裹 vt.vi.包装货物 【反】unpack npk 卸下ing the car.“Will you pack thesethese-those this-that here-there for us, please?” asked Wilma.There will be lotlot ltn.很多 a lot of = lots of be to do指将要作. s to do, said Dad. You wontwont=will not Lets=let us needneed ni:d n. vt. 需要 v.aux.需要,必须Needyou go so soon? Youneednt tro

      2、uble about that.你不必为这费事了。 those. We will, said Say-said-said Wilf. We must must mst v.aux. (表必要命令或强制)必须take the games stationstationstein n. 车站/电台,电视台/身份地位 vt. 站岗 Two guards were stationed at the gate. . Ive got Get-got-got/ gotten 得到 到达 Go-went-gone 去 a great new gamea great new game 很棒的新游戏. We want to want to do想要干某事 watch these films, said Wilma. We havnt seen现在完成时结构:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词(done) some of some of 中的一些them yet. And can we take the CD playerplayer:plei n. 随声听,单放机; 运动员; 演员;? asked Bi

      3、ff.It was a long journeyjourneyd:ni n. 旅程vi. 旅行. It tookTake-took-taken 带上,花费 hours. They stopped for a breakstop for a break 停下来休息下 stopstopped- stoppedbreakbreik中断中止Lets break for lunch. 让我们停下来吃午饭吧。. Lets get a drinkget a drink 弄点喝的 get you a drink 帮你拿杯饮料, said Mum. Can we play a game in the arcadearcade :keid n.拱廊市场 cottage ktid 农舍,小屋 firstfirst ad. 先,首先【反】at last t l:st 最后;终于? asked Wilf.At last they arrivearriveraiv vi. 到达;来临;达到 / at到达某地d at the cottagecottage ktid 农舍,小屋. Were in the middle

      4、 of in the middle of在.当中 She came in the middle of the day. a forestforestfrist 森林 nowherenuhw ad. n.没有什么地方, said Wilf. Were in the middle of nowhere, said Wilma.They went inside inside insaid n. 内部a. 里面的ad. 往里面prep. 在.以内 the cottage. Mum and Dad began begin bigin vt. 开始,着手;动手 +v-ing +to-v vi. 开始;开始进行The concert began at 8 p.m. begin-began-begun to unpack the car. There wasthere is(are)ph. 有,存在;那儿有/ here is(are)这儿有 a big televisiontelevision teli,vin 电视机 TV in the front roomfront room ph. 起居室,客厅

      5、 / in the front of在.的最前部. Great! said Chip. Lets watchwatch wt n.表vt. vi.看 TV.We couldcould kud v.aux. can的过去式 (用于婉转语气)能,可以 play some games, said Wilf. Could you bring inbring in ph. 产生(利润);进口 带来 our games station, Dad? Not now, said Dad. Come and help us unpack the car.At breakfastat breakfast早餐时,正在吃早饭 Wilma put onput on播放,穿上She took off the old dress and put on a new one. a film. Dad sighedsighsai vi. vt. n. 叹息叹气 get dressed穿好衣服. Get dressed everyoneeveryone=everybody任何人everything任何事情everytime

      6、任何时间. We didnt come on holiday to watch TV. Can we watch this first? asked Wilma. Laterlate later-latest later a. ad. leit 较晚的, 后来, said Dad. Lets go outgo out 外出 过时 熄灭 过完.Wasnt it fun on the beach beach bi:t 海滩;海滨 todaytoday tdei今天 yesterday 昨天 tomorrow明天the day before yesterday前天 the day after tomorrow 后天? said Mum.But nobody said anythinganything eni,i 什么东西,什么事情 be busy doing忙着做. Wilf and Biff were busy playing a game. Chip and Wilma were listening to a CD.Suddenlysuddenly sdnli ad. 意外地;忽然; a

      7、ll the lights went out. The televison and the CD player went off.go off离开;消失;昏过去;睡着;爆发出;中断 Whats happenhappenhpn vi. (偶然)发生;碰巧ed? called Biff. Dad came income in到来,出现;进入;兴起;上市 withwithwi prep. 与.一起,偕同,和. 带着.;赞成the girl with long hair / eat with chopsticks/ go with the tide 随大流 a torchtorcht:t n. 火炬, 手电筒. Theres beenTheres been= There has been,是there be结构的现在完成时 a power cutpower cut停电 powerpau权力、电力 cut vi. vt.切断! he said.Mum foundFind-found-found 发现 vt.创立,创办They founded a college. a lamplamp lmp 灯

      8、,油灯vt. 照亮Lights lamped the square. vi. 发亮. What ifif conj.如果 What if 如果.将会怎么样 What if he doesnt agree? the power doesnt come backcome back 回来、恢复、记起 go back 回去come on跟着来 进展 How are things coming on? on? asked Chip, looking atlook at看着;注视;察看 the TV. Well have to do without have to ph. 必须,不得不 without wiaut prep.没有 have to do without sth. 没有也得做 He left us without a word. it, said Dad. Oh no! said the chlidren.The power didnt come back on. It may bemaybe meibi ad. 大概,或许,可能 for a long time 很长时间 off for a long time, said Dad.It was time totime to do sth. 做的时候 time to have lunch eat. They all satSit-sat-sat 坐 round raund a.圆的ad. prep.环绕 round the table and had supper by candlelightcandlelight kndl,lait 烛光 by 靠烛光 in the dark在黑暗中.It was fun eating in the dark. They took it in turnin turn ph. 依次轮流 take to开始从事He took to studying English 5 years ago. 他五年前开始学英语。s to telltell-told-told


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