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    • 1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit1 Dream homesWelcome to the unit1-你想要住在皇宫吗?-不,我想住在饭店的隔壁。-Would you like to live in a palace?-No, Id like to live next to a restaurant.2-你最喜欢哪一家?-第五大街最大的那家。-Which is your favourite?-The biggest one in Fifth Street.biggest最高级,意为“最大的”3-这张照片来自哪个国家?-来自日本。-Which country is this photo from?-Its from Japan.4-东京是日本的首都吗?-是的。-Is Tokyo the capital of Japan?-Yes, it is.5国家首都人语言Britain/the UK英国LondonEnglishmanBritish EnglishAmerica/the USA美国Washington D.C.AmericanAmerican EnglishChina/the PRC

      2、中国BeijingChineseChinese汉语Japan日本Tokyo东京JapaneseJapanese日语France法国Paris巴黎FrenchmanFrench & EnglishRussia俄罗斯Moscow莫斯科RussianRussian俄语Canada加拿大Ottawa渥太华CanadianCanadian EnglishAustralia澳大利亚Canberra堪培拉AustralianAustralian EnglishItaly意大利Rome罗马ItalianItalian意大利语Reading1我住在离伦敦15英里远的镇上。I live in a town 15 miles (away) from London.具体的距离用away表示远;模糊的距离用far表示远。2我和我的家人经常坐在那里品茶。My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.enjoy a cup of tea品茶; make tea 沏茶3我总是和我的小狗在那里玩得很开心。I always have fun with my

      3、dog there.have fun doing sth=have a good time doing sth做某事很开心4我住在莫斯科市中心的公寓里。I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow.5我们的套房在7楼。Our flat is on the seventh floor.楼层前面用序数词;序数词前加定冠词the6我和我的妹妹住在同一个卧室。I share a bedroom with my sister.7我们经常躺在床上听音乐。We often listen to music in bed.8我有我自己的卧室和卫生间,我最喜欢阳台。I have my own bedroom and bathroom, and I like the balcony best.9我喜欢坐在那里向外眺望海滩和大海。I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.向窗外看:look out of the window向外看着大海:look out at the sea10客厅是聊天和看电视的最

      4、佳场所。The living room is the best place to chat and watch TV来无锡的最佳时间:the best time to visit WuxiGrammar1来自大约180个国家和地区的人住在纽约。People from about 180 countries and areas live in New York.2加拿大国家电视塔有1815英尺高。The CN Tower is 1,815 feet tall.3莫斯科红场的面积为91000平方米。Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size.4法国占地面积超过平方英里。France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.5大约有人正生活在纽约。There are about 8,000,000 people living in London.6日本的首都东京人口数超过。Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has over 13,000,000 peop

      5、le.7在我们班他总是第一个到校。He is always the first to come to our school in our class.8基数词1101119209021991 one11 eleven2 two12 twelve20 twenty21twenty-one3 three13 thirteen30 thirty39thirty-nine4 four14 fourteen40 forty100one hundred5 five15 fifteen50 fifty101one hundred and one6 six16 sixteen60 sixty1,000one thousand7 seven17 seventeen70 seventy10,000ten thousand8 eight18 eighteen80 eighty1,000,000one million9 nine19 nineteen90 ninetyhundreds of.成百上千的10 tenthousands of.成千上万的9序数词 第1first第11eleventh第2second

      6、第12twelfth第20twentieth第3third第13thirteenth第30thirtieth第4fourth第14fourteenth第40fortieth第5fifth第15fifteenth第50fiftieth第6sixth第16sixteenth第60sixtieth第7seventh第17seventeenth第70seventieth第8eighth第18eighteenth第80eightieth第9ninth第19nineteenth第90ninetieth第10tenth第100one hundredthIntegrated skills1你的房子和我们镇上的公寓很不相同。Your house is really different from the flats here in our town.2你的花园里开满了花。You garden is full of flowers.充满be full of.= be filled with.3我希望将来有一天参观你的家。I hope to visit your home some day我希望将来有一天你能

      7、参观我的家。I hope you will visit my home some day.4请丹尼尔接电话好吗?May I speak to Daniel, please?5-你是谁?-我是西蒙。-Whos speaking? -This is Simon.电话用语中:我用this代替,你用that代替6-我能为你带个话吗?-可以。-Can I take a message? -Yes, please.7你能请他给我回个电话吗?Can you ask him to call me back?Task1我的梦想家园在山脚下。My dream home is at the foot of a hill.2那里总是有绰绰有余的食物。There is always more than enough food there.3我想要邀请我的朋友们周末一起看电影。I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend.4我的梦想家园有3层楼。My dream home has three floors.There

      8、 are three floors in my dream home.5我的梦想家园不大,但是四周有花有树。My dream isnt big but it has trees and flowers around.6一楼有厨房、客厅和家庭影院。Theres a kitchen, a sitting room and a home cinema on the ground floor.7每个房间都有独立卫生间。Each room has a bathroom of its own.8.所有的床都很舒服。All the beds are comfortable.Unit 2 NeighboursWelcome to the unit1.我打算去拜访我们的新邻居。去海边游玩Im going to visit our new neighbours.(动词)go on a visit to.(名词)2.我恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的客人。-你想和我一起去购物吗?-恐怕不行。我得做我的家庭作业。别像那样看着我。Im afraid they wont welcome visitors like you.Im afraid.用于礼貌或正式的道歉或表示遗憾、恐怕等,一般作为插入语。Im afraid not.意为“恐怕不行。”表示认为对方的意见可能不会发生,是委婉的否定。-Would you like to go shopping with me?-Im afraid not. I have to do my homework.句中的like是介词,意为“类似;像.一样”Dont look at me like t


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