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    • 1、 Abstract Both China and western countries have long literary history and created many famous literary works, which cover history, society, culture, economy, political and some many aspects. Literature and culture are not only mutually independent but also closely connected; not only have differences but also have coherence; not only mutually restrict but also mutually influenced. It is quite significant and essential to clearly understand the relationship between culture and literature. In part

      2、icular, understanding the relationship of Chinese culture and western culture is the basement of analyzing differences between Chinese literature and western literature. Key words: cultural differences; Chinese literature; western literature中英两国都具有悠久的文学历史,也产生了很多影响世界文坛的作品,而这些作品涵盖了两国历史、社会、文化、经济、政治等方方面面,这给我们从文学作品来分析两国文化的差异提供了坚实的基础。文学作品与文化的关系,既相互独立,又密切联系,既有差异性, 又有一致性, 既相互制约,又相互影响、相互渗透。明确认识文学作品与文化关系的基本理论具有十分重要的意义。尤其,了解中西方文化与文学作品之间的关系为研究中西方文学差异提供了坚实的基础。关键词:文化差异;中国文学;西方文学Analysis of Cultural Difference

      3、s on Chinese and Western LiteratureIntroduction 1 The relationship between culture and literature Nowadays, the research and study of culture is one of the most popular topics in the field of foreign language. There is never no a universal definition of culture. As a matter of fact, the content of culture can be flexible and changeable. To the larger extent, it can be defined as all of these physical wealth and spiritual wealth; while to the smaller extent, culture can be referred to every behav

      4、ior and speech in daily life. It can be said that culture has penetrated in every aspect in human beings social life. Literary works are writers highly refining and sublimation of social life, which bear and concentrate many elements of national culture. Therefore, greater attention should be paid to these figures and thoughts which appear repeatedly and are special and different to Chinese culture when appreciating, analyzing and translating foreign literary works. In contrast, the improvement

      5、of cultural consciousness has promoting effects to English study. With the understanding of culture of English speaking countries, readers can deep into writers thoughts and consciousness, and then readers can make correct and exact comprehension of literary works. This thesis will analyze cultural differences between China and western countries based on the discussion of Chinese literature and western literature. 1.1 The differences between culture and literatureGenerally speaking, culture and

      6、literary works are two totally different phenomenons. Culture is the complex of goods, techniques, thoughts, costume, tradition, values, beliefs, mentally structure, mode of thinking, mode of feeling, mode of behavior and some other articles which are created and accumulate by human beings. The culture of one country or area can be roles or modes of its members, which is like history, tradition and some other articles with greater stability. Literary work is a kind of emotional phenomenon, which

      7、 can create rules and orders beyond the reality and can thoroughly reveal human beings essential power and ideal emotional world. Literary works gives figures the experience of life and can arouse readers emotional resonance so as to provide a piece of habitats for so much blundering soul. Culture is a huge system which includes physical culture, institutional culture and mental culture; however, literary work is just one of the specific parts of the huge system of culture. Culture can exist wit

      8、h various forms, including the form of every article or phenomenon in nature. The form of literary work is only the unification of literary discourse system and the image system as well as the theme system. The potential power of culture is all-inclusive and too numerous to mention, which concludes all of potential power of articles and phenomenon in the nature. The potential power of literary works mainly includes their functions to move, touch, educate, remind and entertain people. As to the p

      9、otential power of culture, the character of “ruling” is heavier; while the influencing peculiarity of literary works potential power is more obvious. The appearance of culture is earlier than literature. In the development of every kind of culture, the national tradition is always holding up the nuclear position; therefore, the development of culture is mainly the accumulation of new articles and phenomenon. The outstanding character of the development of literary works is constant innovation and exceeding in aspects of idea, theme, language, structure, form, emotion, language and so on. To a large extent, the development of literary works depends on the breakthrough of existing cultural values and rules. 1.2 The coherence of culture and literature Though culture and literature are different in essence, they still have and closing connections to some extent. From the aspect of their inner meaning and nature, literar


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