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    • 1、高考英语作文题大全随着最后一门英语考试的即将结束,高考将落下帷幕。下面是x给大家带来的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧!英语作文eauifl Moyhen wa small,I lived hmtown, tia ma village,ut the cenery i so eautifu, the tres are o geen ad he wate is soclean. u h Iwent o prmaryso, Imoved to th city with m parents, I ised the tie i m hmeown so m. he as n myhometow, I oke up eryin the mrning, some popletk a wak ad sme wee dong theirfar wor.I ul alwayso to he montin wthmy grndma, e ook arof te ui tres. The little dogwold come with me, wen m grana wasdoin h ork,

      2、I yedwit the dog,how hapy wa. Soetmes wod go to he river with myfrens ctch the ish, I saw hfsh clar. Theseabauiful meoryfr e, keep it al the time.当我还小的时候,我住在家乡,那是一个小村庄,但是风景很美,树木很绿,水很清澈。但是当我上初中的时候,我随父母搬到了城市,我很想念在家乡的时光。我在家乡的时候,我早上起得很早,一些人在散步,还有一些人在干他们的农活。我总会跟我的奶奶去山上,我们在料理果树。小狗会跟着我,在我奶奶干活的时候,我和小狗在玩耍,多么开心啊。有时候我会和朋友到河边抓鱼,我能清楚地看到鱼。这些对于我来说都是美丽的回忆,我一直都铭记着。【例文】hol WeBelve in pecists 我们应该相信专家吗Sciasts suggtions seem to e veryhreowda. hey freuentl ppear nadvertisements, TVsow, an eewiussinnd so onowevr, sep

      3、eopehol te opinon ht the peialits uggetionsa ot as athoittv a efor We shoud no tust he anymor Hoever, in pinin,I thnk we can beiev i pciaiss as lonsteyare honet, ad the ducsthy ecommend o us are proved to be good.现如今,专家似乎随处可见。他们不断地在电视广告、电视秀、新闻评论和其他节目中出现。有些人认为专家的观点不像从前那样权威了,我们不该再相信他们。然而,在我看来,我们可以相信专家,只要他们足够诚实,他们给我们介绍的产品也是有效果的话。First of all, ee r mre han a fw ake specialits inCina. Tese faepecilists retend to pofessonal inthe blic. omeo the immoraladversers use mneyto hiethe fakespecilsts o b thei

      4、 roucts spoes. Te the cosm wll all th etiul es the s caldecialist tel thm eruth is t herel seilist r forbieno take u these ksf ds;they shosa in ther lbsandoximensecond,thea specilists are quiteintlligen and thy are abe o olv mny prole. heyan tech ussfkowledge thawe ever larnfro e textbook.Fornsnce, they may tech so to tin good helhthrouh atingpartclr o, or e efecive way to rducetes. hemt iportat n is he wosthey say are roved o e tre. In this cs,we cablve in he peciaists.首先,中国冒牌的专家不在少数。这些冒牌专家在公众场

      5、合假装自己很专业。一些不道德的广告商甚至用钱收买这些专家,把他们作为自己产品的代言人。消费者就会跌入到这些所谓的专家的编织的谎言里。真相是真正的专家是禁止代言广告的。他们应该待在实验室做实验。其次,真正的专家非常的聪明可以解决很多难题。他们教会我们很多课本上学不到的东西。例如,他们教我们吃特定的食物来保持身体健康,或者是减压的有效方法。最重要的是,这些方法被认为是有效果的。在这种情况下,我们才能够相信专家。Ithnk tionlelcan tel the diferntween fakend real peciaist. f youse the secilist on th TV osel mdicnei an exmel high pric,donttrust the. f they offer yo prtical dvices, ten you wil nw the ar al.我想理智的人们可以辨别出那些专家是真的,哪些又是冒牌的。如果你在电视广告上看到那些卖高价药品的专家,别相信他们。如果他们给你提供了实用性的建议,你会知道那些是真的。英语作文2Ia i in ofSeirT

      6、hee, Guangngde Scho.I am wrtig t teyou bout o sypto o anxity among us studentsbfre emsost ofus fe nrvou hnever e#;re tkg iptantexam Sme will feel dizy or tied, se will suffer from lackof le, asme wll lose thirppeit. In fat, ll teesmptms have terrble effects onou x e areal eagrtoget id hem.irt ofal, in opinin, it#9;imprtat foru o hve figt atitude owards eams. They arenly mn of checking how weregetig aog withosudies, so thereis noned to worry too mc about hesults Sy hrd ever day an mke carefu plan

      7、sfoevr eam.In ti way w can voidufen from e ressure f emside, enogh sle cn mk us energetc nd enableusto erorm we in n eam. Teeore, urin te peiod of exams,e shld nt stay up tolte. We cnalsywarm bator acp of ar milbfore ging o be. he might help ust ave a und slep.英语作文3My Viwn Developithe CarIndutry我对发展汽车工业的看法With edeeloment of moder ndutry,ore and more aisar ble o hav tir own cars.ut,sein the prbms likeir putio nd the reduction of reourc,some peopl ppel f he rducton of prite r.ill,I thik thre is evey eason for the even fase eeoent of hecar inry随着现代化工业的发展,越来越多的家庭能够拥有自己的轿车。可是,看到像空气污染、资源减少的问题,一些人提出应减少私家奉的敏章。尽管如此,我认为有理由更快地发展汽车工业。Thnksothe deelopment te car indusry, wedo o hav o c i the ses, but can joy free tavel in or. w car, e can go tomoreplaces a lesreway. Trnsportation bcomes cfotabe and ea t e are the ho wry tt toomany a maase motrafi prblems, rius:ir ollutin and te exhaustonofreoues, Whil ths oemy be true,t can besled and


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