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年人教版英语必修四十二省区强化练习:unit 2 section 2含答案

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    • 1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 2 Section .语法单项填空1The soldiers working in earthquakehit area have tried their best to save every possible life, risking _(lose) their own.答案:losing考查动名词作宾语。句意:在地震袭击地区工作的战士们冒着失去他们自己生命的危险尽力地去拯救每一个可能的生命。risk后接动名词作宾语,意为“冒险做某事”,又由句意知这里是主动关系。2To improve our oral English, we should practice _(speak) it every day.答案:speaking句意:为了改善口语,我们应该每天练习说英语。practice doing sth.练习做某事。3It is no good _(argue) with the stubborn man because he will never change his mind.答案:arguing句意:和那个固执的人争辩是没好处的,因为他决

      2、不会改变他的主意的。Its no good后接动名词作真正的主语,意为“做某事是没好处的”。4When the little boy heard that his father couldnt help _(get) the ticket to the football match,he couldnt help _(cry)答案:to get; crying句意:当这小男孩听见他的爸爸不能帮忙买到足球赛的票时,他禁不住哭了。cant help doing sth.表示“禁不住干某事”;cant help(to) do sth.表示“不能帮助干某事”。5The presidents _(take) office let American people see the hope of their economic recovery.答案:taking句意:总统就职让美国人看到了他们经济恢复的希望。动名词复合结构作主语时其结构应为“名词所有格或形容词性物主代词v.ing”。6Even though the modern way of life is popular now, there a

      3、re still some people used to _(live) a life in an old fashion.答案:living句意:尽管现代生活模式现在已很盛行,但是仍有一些人习惯过着旧式的生活。be used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”,其中的to是介词,故后接动名词。7Why did Mary weep?She couldnt bear _(make) fun of like that before the whole class.答案:being madebear后跟动名词作宾语。又因为主语和动名词之间为被动关系。故应用动名词的被动形式。8He didnt drive to work today, for his car needs _(repair)答案:repairing/to berepairedneed作“需要”讲时,后跟动名词的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动形式。类似用法的词还有:want,require等。9We dont allow _(smoke) here, but we can allow you _(smoke)

      4、 in the next room.答案:smoking; to smoke考查动名词。句意:我们不允许在这儿吸烟,但是允许你在隔壁房间吸。allow后有sb.接to do不定式,意为“允许某人做某事”;没有sb.则接动名词,意为“允许做某事”。10(2013福建高考改编)_(know) basic firstaid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.答案:Knowing考查非谓语动词。句意:知道基本的急救技术将会帮助你对紧急情况快速作出反应。由谓语“will help”可知,此句缺少主语形式,且句中的“you”与动词“know”为逻辑上的主谓关系。故用动名词的一般形式作主语。11(2013江苏高考改编)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and _(reduce) to ruins, the city took on a new look.答案:being reduced考查非谓语动词。句意:在遭受大规模的地震和损失之后不久,那个城市就呈现出了

      5、崭新的面貌。and为并列连词,连接after后的两个宾语suffering from.和being reduced to.。be reduced to(doing) sth.使沦为,固定结构。12(2012福建高考改编)China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from _(attack) in the South China Sea.答案:being attacked句意:中国最近加紧了对黄岩岛附近海域的控制以保护中国的渔船在南海海域不被袭击。prevent. from doing保护免受,根据句意可知“保护渔船不被袭击”,故from后为being done。13(2012北京高考改编)One learns a language by making mistakes and _(correct) them.答案:correcting句意:人们在犯错误并改正它们的过程中学习一门语言。correcting them和makin

      6、g mistakes是并列的动名词短语,作介词by的宾语。14Its no use _(complain) without taking action.答案:complaining句意:光抱怨而不采取任何行动是没用的。此句应为考查句型“It is no use doing sth.”,此结构中需用动词ing形式作真正的主语,it为形式主语。15I had great difficulty _(find) the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.答案:(in) finding句意:在那家餐厅,我花了很大力气才从菜谱上找到合适的食物。have difficulty(in) doing sth.为固定结构,意为做某事有困难。.用所给动词的适当形式填空1It is no use _(cry) over the spilt milk.2We succeeded in _(finish) our paper ahead of time.3Have you finished _(read) the book?4_(collect ) info

      7、rmation is very important to businessmen.5Tom could not help _(jump) with joy on hearing the good news.6I should say sorry to Kate,for I regret _(refuse) to help her that day.7Everybody was made unhappy because he insisted on _(give) up that plan.8It is not worthwhile _(see) the movie for the second time.答案:1.crying2.finishing3.reading4.Collecting5.jumping6.refusing7.giving8.seeing.完成句子1This book _ again.(worth)这本书值得再读一次。2We must try to _. (avoid)我们必须设法避免犯同样的错误。3People _ that foolish man.(help)人们忍不住嘲笑那个愚蠢的人。4I shall never _. (forget)我永远不会忘记见到过那位著名作家。5We dont _.(allow)我们不允许在办公室里吸烟。6_ killing him for his property.(waste)浪费别人的时间无异于谋财害命。7It is _.(worthwhile)做这个实验是值得的。8Mary is _.(consider)玛丽正在考虑换工作。9Would you _?(mind)打开门你介意吗?10Everyone was _.(forward)大家都盼望着回家。答案:1.is worth reading2.avoid making the same mistakes3couldnt help laughing at4.forget seeing the famous writer5allow smoking in the office6.Wasting a persons time is the same as7.worthwhile making the exp

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