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2019高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels 课时跟踪练(四)Lesson 2 & Lesson 3—Language Points(含解析)北师大版必修3

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    • 1、课时跟踪练(四) Lesson 2 & Lesson 3Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1There are three chapters (章节) of this book at most.2The contents (内容) of the letter were quite disappointing.3Most kindergartens (幼儿园) teach children how to speak English nowadays.4I wrote him a letter to show my appreciation (感激) of his thoughtfulness.5I have the impression (印象) that Ive seen the air hostess before.6An officer climbed on to the platform (平台) and spoke to him.7The pilot of the plane is responsible (负责) for the passen

      2、gers safety. 8The horse kicked out at them fiercely (凶猛地). .单句语法填空1Passengers should check in for Flight BA125 to Berlin.2The bus that pulled up outside the inn would soon take the visitors downtown.3John is very reliable (rely) if he promises to do something, he will do it.4How many novels written (write) in English have you read so far?5I would appreciate it if you keep it a secret.6The bridge to_be_built (build) next month is very important to the villagers.7The train for Beijing will pull ou

      3、t in 10 minutes on schedule. 8This is why you should never complain about your life. 9I was_watching (watch) TV when someone knocked at the door.10We have_learned (learn) 2,000 English words so far. .完成句子1Its_his_responsibility to look after the family.照顾家庭是他的责任。2Wed better rely_on_ourselves.我们最好靠自己。 3He must try to make_sense_of_what_is_going_on.他必须尽量弄懂正在发生的一切。4We really appreciated_it_when she offered to help.她来帮忙了,我们十分感激。5Great changes have_taken_place here since 1976.自1976以来这里发生了巨大的变化。6He is

      4、_likely_to_win_the_competition,_because he is hardworking.他有可能赢得这次比赛,因为他很勤奋。7The bridge being_built is donated by our company.正在建的那座桥是我们公司捐赠的。8The elderly are_sensitive_to the sudden change of weather in winter.在冬天老人们对气候的突然变化很敏感。.课文语法填空Solar cars use the suns energy for power, 1.which means they dont use petrol, gas or any other fuel, just the sunlight. The reason why people are 2.interested (interest) in solar cars is that people have been worrying about pollution 3.caused (cause) by fuels like

      5、 petrol and gas for a long time. Marie Logan, a solar car racer, 4.has_been_designing (design) solar racing cars for a long time. She has designed five or six different cars so far. And she has taken part 5.in races for about four years. Recently she has been building a new car with a team from Queensland University. They 6.have_done (do) a lot of work on it, 7.but havent finished yet. She is also writing a book and wants people to have a good 8.impression (impression) of solar cars.But a lot of

      6、 people think that solar cars are too slow or not very 9.reliable (rely), so she tries to persuade people of the advantages of solar cars. Solar cars are getting 10.better (good) all the time. They have reached the speed of nearly 80 kp.h. .串点成篇微表达和善(gentle)的经理对我们的要求很敏感(be sensitive to),他给我们留下了很好的印象(leave a good impression)。到目前为止(so far),他已为我们公司募捐了两万英镑。他经常参加(take part in)体育活动。自他来到我们公司,公司已经发生(take place)了巨大的变化。而且他是一个可靠的(reliable)人,当我们处于困境时,我们可以依靠(rely on)他帮助我们。他的能力完全受到公司董事长的赏识(appreciate)。The_gen

      7、tle_manager_is_very_sensitive_to_our_requirements,_who_leaves_a_good_impression_on_us._So_far_he_has_collected_20,000_pounds_for_our_company._He_often_takes_part_in_sports._Great_changes_have_taken_place_in_our_company_since_he_came_to_our_company._In_addition,_he_is_reliable_man,_who_we_can_rely_on_to_help_us_when_we_are_in_trouble._His_abilities_have_fully_appreciated_by_the_company_director.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解 “Sorry, but I dont agree with you .” This is usually followed by unbearable silenc

      8、e and angry tears. Ive always found it difficult to disagree with someone, because I dont want to lose a friend. Ive found it even harder to accept it when someone disagrees with me, because my ego (自尊心) is hurt. Before the other person gets a chance to explain why she disagrees with me, my usual response would be, “If you arent able to see my point of view, then what you think isnt worth my time or consideration, either.” But now Ive come to realize that when a friend disagrees with me, sometim

      9、es she is simply saying, “I dont agree with the way things are done.” She still respects me as a person, and is only pointing out a better way to look at a matter. However, there may be times when my friend disagrees with me because Im against the truth. Thats when I need to listen to what she says. Ive learned that for me one way to help my friend is to be open and honest with the other to voice my thoughts and listen to the other carefully. While we cant control how a person will respond to our views, we must learn to disagree with our friends in love. We will never feel that we are better than the other person. And that will help us to be less emotional, and more objective in the way we express our opinions. In the same way, we can also stay open to feedback (反馈) from others, knowing that our friends may be corr

      《2019高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels 课时跟踪练(四)Lesson 2 & Lesson 3—Language Points(含解析)北师大版必修3》由会员pu****.1分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels 课时跟踪练(四)Lesson 2 & Lesson 3—Language Points(含解析)北师大版必修3》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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