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重庆市梁平区屏锦中学 石思琼

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    • 1、重庆市梁平区屏锦中学 石思琼Format of Lesson Planning of Challenging yourself IPeriod 1School PingjinMiddle School Teacher shisiqiongClass 2 Grade 1 Size 64 Time 40mins Date March 23rd Material Reading Type of lesson Reading Aids ppt Contents: 1. Vocabulary: omitted 2. Structure: the order of time 3. Reading: the Story of Mothers DayObjectives: 1. Instructional objectives (language knowledge and language skills) 1) How to read and write an exposition 2) Try to catch the key words 2. Educational objectives (af

      2、fect, learning strategy and cultural awareness) 1) Predicting, Skimming, Scanning and Reading between the lines 2) Know more about Mothers Day 3. Personal objectives Respect mothers, understand mothers and love our mothers deeply.Focal points: the origin and development of Mothers Day (the history)Difficult points: The translation of some technical termsProcedures and Time Allotment Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning ( 3 mins)Step 1. GreetingsStep 2. A song about Mother- the perfect fan

      3、 ( on the PPT)The Perfect FanIt takes a lot to know what is loveIts not the big things, but the little thingsThat can mean enoughA lot of prayers to get me throughAnd there is never a day that passes byI dont think of youYou were always there for mePushing me and guiding meAlways to succeedYou showed meWhen I was young just how to growYou showed meEverything that I should knowYou showed meJust how to walk without your handsCause mom you always wereThe perfect fanGod has been so goodBlessing me w

      4、ith a familyWho did all they couldAnd Ive had many years of graceAnd it flatters me when I see a smile on your faceI wanna thank you for what youve doneIn hopes I can give back to youAnd be the perfect sonYou showed me how to loveYou showed me how to careAnd you showed me that you wouldalways be thereI wanna thank you for that timeAnd Im proud to say youre mineCause mom you always were,mom you always wereMom you always were,you know you always wereCause mom you always were.the perfect fanI love

      5、you mom Stage 2 Revision: Retelling the Reading of unit 2 to understand the relationship between parents and children ( 3 mins)Stage 3 Pre-stage (4 mins) Step 1 Vocabulary presentation and practice (on ppt) Step 2 Lead-in: Show some pictures and some sayings about Mother Getting Ready: a good article based on Mother Step 3 Prediction; -What will we talk about today? (Yeah, Mother-sth about Mother.) My mother is.(多种形式的引入,让学生自然进入讨论主题:母亲节及其由来。)Stage 4 While-stage (20 mins) Step 1. Predicting the ma

      6、in idea from the title and the picture to finish Comprehending 1. Step 2. Skimming- catch the key words The earliest Mothers Day- Mothering Sunday- the Mother Church- Mothers Day in the USA- Mothers Day of the world Step 3. Scanning- the order of time, then the places and the events to finish Comprehending 2. Step 4. Careful reading- to find out the details in the text and finish Comprehending 3&4 Step 5. Language points: some important words, phrases and sentences (层层递进的阅读训练,让学生在潜移默化中领悟并学会运用各种阅

      7、读方法与技巧。)Stage 5 Post-stage (6 mins) Step 1. Oral work: Retelling and discussionStep2. Written work: letter to my mother(Input-output由阅读素材输入,让学生对相关信息处理,作口语与写作输出。)Stage 6 Assigning homework (4 mins) Step 1. Conclusion: Students own view about Mother and Mothers Day. Step 2. Homework: Papers and Language Focus (self study and check the answers at period 2)(知识总结梳理,而后在练习中运用。Challenging yourself本可为学生自学材料,节省时间Language Focus内容课后处理,下一课时快速订正答案。)Reflection (Self-evaluation) Teaching log 通过一篇精读文章the Story o

      8、f Mothers Day 从阅读能力的角度训练了学生各种阅读方法,从知识上了解的母亲节的由来,从情感上加深了对母亲的理解与热爱;学生的学习兴趣更浓。 以后更应该加强这类文章的教学训练。Format of Lesson Planning Evaluation SheetStageTimeTasks(Teacher)Tasks(Students)InteractionpatternsPurposeskills, etcCommentsImprovement 13 minsGreetings &BrainstormListen to the songT Ss S T Listening& SpeakingGood Exercises 2 3 minsReviewing Talk about the relationship between parents and themSs T Talking So goodGuiding words 34 minsLeading- inVocabulary presentation&Prediction S S Ss Ss Discussing GoodMore pictures 420 minsScanning&Skimming Reading Reading skills 56

      《重庆市梁平区屏锦中学 石思琼》由会员枫**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市梁平区屏锦中学 石思琼》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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