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    • 1、word新视野大学英语第三版第三册视听说原文Unit 1 Access to successFurther practice in listeningShort conversations ScriptsConversation 1 W: Hello, Mr. Williams. This is John Barretts secretary. Im calling to cancel his appointment with you at 10 today as he is not feeling well. M: Thanks for calling. Its quite all right. Well arrange some other time to meet. Q: What is the man going to do?Conversation 2 M: I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions but I dont have a calculator. Shall I go and b

      2、uy one? W: Actually, Ive got two. And Ill let you have one for the price of a coffee. Q: What do we learn about the woman from this conversation? Conversation 3 M: Professor Smith, Id like to have your advice as to my career development in the future. W: Its my pleasure. I think you are good at abstract thinking. I am sure youll make it if you pursue your graduate work in theoretical physics. Q: What does the woman advice the man to do? Conversation 4 W: I cant believe Ken missed such an importa

      3、nt lecture even though I reminded him the daybefore yesterday. M: You should know him better by now. Hes known for taking everything in one ear and straight out the other. Q: What does the man imply? Conversation 5 W: I hear youre working as a market surveyor this summer. Its got to be awfully difficult going to so many places in such hot summer days. M: Well, it is challenging, but I get to meet lots of new people and the pay is decent enough. Q: What does the man think of his job? Long convers

      4、ation Scripts W: Thanks for meeting with me, Dr. Pearl. I need permission to drop your class, Literature and Writing. M: Its only the second week of class, Stacey. Why are you giving up so quickly? Weve only written one essay so far, and you wont get your grade back until next Wednesday! W: I know, sir. But as a third-year engineering student, I dont want to risk lowering my grade point average by scoring poorly in a writing class! M: OK Whats worrying you? W: I spent two weeks reading Great Exp

      5、ectations, and then it took me 10 hours to write the three-page essay. Well, engineering courses are easy but important, as we know. But a writing course I dont know. Ill just take a film class next semester, not hard at all a two-paragraph review for each film. That will cover my humanities requirements. M: OK Stacey, listen: In college, I was the opposite. Math was hard; literature was easy. But later, when I opened my coffee shop, The Found Librarian, located on the 15th street, math helped m

      6、e! W: Wait! You own The Found Librarian? Thats our favorite coffee place. We get coffee and screenplay at more than 30 different production dessert there every week and work on math homework. M: Yeah, thats my shop. Stacey, lets reconsider. Success in life needs a variety of skills. Humanities majors need math. Engineering majors need writing skills. This writing class will serve you well. Go to the University Writing Center and sign up for free tutoring. Then stop by my office each Friday at 11

      7、 a.m. and Ill work with you. Together you can succeed in being a strong writer. A good deal? W: Yes! Thank you, Dr. Pearl! Passage 1 Scripts In 1978, as I applied to study film at the University of Illinois, my father objected and quoted me a statistic, “Every year, 50,000 performers pete for 200 available roles on Broadway. Against his advice, I boarded a flight to the US.Some years later, when I graduated from the film school, I came to understand my fathers concern. It was nearly unheard of f

      8、or a Chinese newer to make it in the American film industry. Beginning in 1983, I struggled through six years of annoying, hopeless uncertainty. Much of the time, I was helping film crews with their equipment or working as editors assistant. My most painful experience involved shopping a screenplay at more than 30 different production panies, and being met with harsh rejection each time. That year, I turned 30. Yet, I couldnt even support myself. What could I do? Keep waiting, or give up my movi

      9、emaking dream? My wife gave me strong support. Her ine was terribly modest. To relieve me from feeling guilty, I took on all housework cooking, cleaning, taking care of our son in addition to reading, reviewing films and writing scripts. It was rather shameful for a man to live this kind of life. Afterward, I enrolled in a puter course at a munity college. At that time, it seemed that only the knowledge of puter could quickly make me employable. One morning, right before she got in her car to head off to work, my wife turned back and standing there on our front steps said, “Ang Lee, dont forget your dream. Sometime after, I obtained funding for my screenplay, and began to shoot my own films. After that, a few of my films started to win international awards. Recalling earlier times, my wife confessed, “Ive always believed that you only need one gift. Your gift is making films. And today, Ive finally won that golden statue


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