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    • 1、新概念英语三册词汇表(L1-L7 )1体形似猫的cat-like2看出,发现spot3受重视be taken seriously4有必要做某事be obliged to do sth.5声称已经做了某事claim to have done sth.6积累,积聚accumulate7人类human being8走投无路be cornered9.一串的a tr ail of10.抱怨某物complain of sth.11.相信be convinced that12.为所拥有be in possession of sth.13筹集资金r aise money14.让人修理教堂的钟have the chu rch clock r epa ired15.打点报时str ike the hour16突然惊醒wake up with a sta rt17.借着电筒的光in the tor chlight18.看见catch sight of sb./sth.19不久之前some time ago20.享有高度文明enjoy a high level of civilization21.装饰华丽的墙

      2、壁beautifully dec or ated wall22.安装be equipped with23.祭祀祈祷的场所a place of wor ship24.重新拼装碎片r econst ruct the fragments25.结果时,原来是turn out to be26.身高3英尺stand three feet high27拖地长裙full-length skirt28.相貌摩登的mode rn-looking29.繁荣的pr osperous30.考古学家ar chaeologist31.优雅的gr aceful32.身份identity33.体力劳动manual work34.被称为be refe rr ed to as.35.就是因为for the simple r eason that36.白领工人white-colla r worker37.人性human nat ure38.愿意做某事be willing to do sth.39.为而作牺牲sacrifice sth. for sth.40.引起give r ise to sth.41.做某事的殊荣the p

      3、r ivilege of doing sth.42.清洁工dustman43.换上工作服change into ove ralls44.损失点钱也值得be worth the loss of money45.走极端做某事go to ext remes to do sth.46.为某人提供某物pr ovide sb. with sth.47.被指使着做某事be inst ructed to do sth.48.出发做某事set out to do sth.49.(杂志等)出版go to pr ess50.勉强地r eluctantly51.不耐烦的impatient52.起初,原先,从前or iginally53高档商店expensive shop54.珠宝店主the owne r of a jewelle ry shop55.在的背景上on the backg ro und of sth.56.宁静被打破The silence was br oken.57.(车)停了下来come to a stop58.留在驾驶座上stay at the wheel59.铁棒iron bar60.被某

      4、物砸中be str uck by sth.thousands of pounds worth of61.爬行scr amble62.价值数千英镑的钻石diamonds63.在某人身上发生happen to sb.64.洗衣机washing machine65.大面值的纸币a large bank note66.比白纸还白white r than white67.喂狗吃某物feed sth.to the dog68.未婚夫fiance69.经营一家家具店run a fur nit ure business70.化为灰烬be tur ned to ash71妥善保管safekeeping72.女发言人spokeswoman73.残钞鉴别组mutilated ladies74.识别,鉴定identifyVV新概念英语 三册词汇表(L8L14)1.连接瑞士和意大利connect Swite rland to Italy2.看家狗watchdog3在罗马时代in Roman times4.遇到困难be in difficulty5被人们游览be visited by people6喜欢冬天不太喜

      5、欢夏天prefer winte r to summe r7清静,隐居pr ivacy8受到热烈欢迎r eceive a warm welcome9.莽撞地,冒失地r ashly10.复活节Easte r11.总是做某事neve r fail to do sth.12.对某人深情款款的be affectionate towa rds sb.13.过着神秘的生活lead myste rious lives14.顺从的submissive15.让某人着迷fascinate sb.16.以为依据be based on sth.17.对做研究make a study of sth.18.有共同的经历have one expe rience in common19死于震荡die from shock20.不缺the re is no sho rtage of sth.21.训练有素的well-t rained22.达到的速度r each speeds of sth.23伸展四肢str etch out legs24空气阻力air-r esistance25.着地hit the gro und26.

      6、独立性independence27.从驶向sail for sp. from sp.28.庞大的colossal29.用现代的标准衡量by mode rn standa rds30.被认为是永不沉没的be r ega rded as unsinkable31.不漏水的wate rtight32.(船舱)进水be flooded33.大批人员死亡heavy loss of life34.瞭望员lookout35.让某人恐慌的是to ones horror36.跳进刺骨的海水plunge into the icy wate r37.宽容的tole rant38.通过绿色通道go thro ugh the Gr een Channel39.(在海关)有要申报have sth. to decla re40.有经验的hardened41.打开手提箱unlock the suitcase42.讽刺地sar castically43.十分仔细地with gr eat care44.乱成一团in a dr eadful mess45.把抓住某物pounce on sth.46拧开瓶盖unsc rew

      7、the cap of the bottle47.怪味迎面袭来be gr eeted by an unpleasant smell 48 .爱管闲事的officious49.对.有.的想法form a picture of sth.50.荒岛dese rt island51.天堂,乐土par adise52.恰恰相反quite the opposite53.饿死sta rve to death54.珊瑚岛coral island55.严重损坏的船badly damaged boat56.橡皮艇r ubbe r dinghy57.路过的油轮passing tanke r58.由衷地genuinely59.上 楼go upstai rs60.化妆舞会fancy-d ress party61.打算做某事intend to do sth.62.装扮成鬼的模样dr ess up as a ghost63.迫不及待地做某事be impatient to do sth.64.由.构成consist of65.大叫一声let out a cry66.砰地关门slam the door67.有明显效果的e

      8、ffective68.逃走flee / fled /fled69.付大笔的钱给.pay large sums of money to70.以作为交换in return for sth.71.让某人破产put sb. out of business72.保护费pr otection money73现代犯罪mode rn cr ime74. 一队士兵a band of soldie rs75.处于战争年代be at war76.在和平时期in times of peace77国葬state fune ral78.用于纪念某人be dedicated to the memory of sb79.骁勇无比的战士valiant soldie r80.贵族歹徒noble gangste rVV新概念英语 三册词汇表(L15L20)1.欣赏,感激app reciate2.零花钱pocket money3被用于交换某物be exchanged for sth.4.储蓄罐money box5.块巧克力a bar of chocolate6.五十便士的麻烦fifty pence worth of tro uble7.卷起袖子r oll up ones sleeves8在胳膊上抹肥皂rub the arm with soap9消防员fire brigade10.奖励某人某物r ewa rd sb. with sth.11.被卡住be stuck12.节俭的th rifty13.希腊南部southern Greece14.珍贵的财产pr ize possession15.把某物绑在某处tie sth. to sp.16.指责某人做了某事accuse sb. of doing sth.17.否认


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