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第四册Vocabulary and Structure

  • 卖家[上传人]:壹****1
  • 文档编号:509276409
  • 上传时间:2023-04-13
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:50.50KB
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    • 1、Vocabulary and Structure:Test One1. The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to _B_ ground and air attacks. A. launchB. withstandC. contestD. contend2. Im pleased to hear of your job offer- all that hard work at school has obviously _A_.A. paid offB. taken its tollC. made a differenceD. shown up3. The talks might B_ for weeks before any concrete result is announced.A. press onB. drag on/拖延C. get bogged downD. hold out4. We need someone really _A_ who can or

      2、ganize the office and make it run smoothly. A. crucialB. realisticC. essentialD. efficientE. effective5. Once Mrs. Kirkpatrick _B you in conversation, youre stuck with her for at least half an hour.A. submergesB. engagesC. occupiesD. launchesengage in= be engaged in6. Their refusal to compromise is a major A_ that stands in the way of further peace talks.A. Obstacle/阻碍物B. complicationC. entityD. hazard7. However, the new law, once passed, will _B_ the Bridlington agreement illegal by giving work

      3、ers the right to join unions of their choice.A. convert B. renderC. cancelD. eliminate8. I will hold you personally D_ if anything goes wrong in this project. A. destructiveB. lucrativeC. diverseD. responsible9. Due to his recent failure to meet the deadline, Jason isB _ from the list for promotion.A. eliminatedB. retreatedC. priedD. wrenched10. The intelligence department was accused of failure to _D_ the troops to the possibility of an enemy attack during the weekend. A. instruct B. warnC. dic

      4、tateD. alert11. Now that weve got a loan from the bank, our project is financially _B_ .A. constructiveB. feasibleC. favorableD. stiff12. Under normal circumstances the body can _ these naturally occurring substances into vitamins.A. convertB. renderC. deriveD. originate13. This course focuses on the _ of economic analysis to the problems of inflation, unemployment, the balance of payments and enterprise behavior.A. conceptionB. combinationC. applicationD. introduction14. You can _ the video cam

      5、era on a tripod, so that you dont have to worry about holding it steady while you ask questions.A. withstandB. mountC. implementD. dwell in15. The camps are not usually tent-type camps. They are mostly long-established, _structures, often with strange Indian names.A. permanentB. historicalC. monotonousD. raw16. A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and _increase its market power.A. thereforeB. thereby C. henceD. further17. _ students should be motivated by

      6、a keen interest in theatre and should have some familiarity with plays in production.A. prospectiveB. responsibleC. ethnicD. realistic18. Our postgraduate students are fully integrated into the departmental research _ and, in addition, participate in the Postgraduate Education Progrmme.A. cooperationB. endeavorC. administrationD. network19. As a reporter, I was paid to _into other peoples lives.A. pry B. convert C. blurt D. carve20. The ball was _ out of his grasp by a player on the other team.

      7、A. wrenchedB. contestedC. interruptedD. sucked21. As he walked out of the court, he was _ with frustration and rage.A. applaudingB. quiveringC. paralyzing D. limping22. AIDS activists permanently changed and shortened Americas _ process for testing and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseases. A. efficient B. stagnantC. intricate D. appropriate23. Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, but some were _ out. A. carvedB. priedC. penetratedD. decorated24. The doctor _ Billys operati

      8、on with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger. A. went afterB. follow upC. started upD. took on25. People from different cultures have different _ of the world.A. impressionsB. complicationsC. foundationsD. conceptions26. Dont let his criticism _ you; he belongs to the kind of people who take the delight in finding fault with others work.A. discourage B. concernC. dictate D. paralyze 27. The survey found 80 percent of viewers were _ by the violent scenes in the film.A. eliminated B.

      9、alertedC. offended D. discouraged28. The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting _ services.A. essential B.appropriateC. equivalentD. lucrative29. In todays working world the roles of men and women are becoming _.A. dwarfed B. incorporatedC. correlatedD. blurred30. This disease _ in Africa but has spread to many parts of the world.A. derived B. originatedC. sparkled D.dwelledTest Two1.“Have you any _ plans for your future now that youve completed your graduate studies?”A. decisiveB. exactC. preciseD. definite2. Anyone caught _ an offense will be punished.A. committing B. condu

      《第四册Vocabulary and Structure》由会员壹****1分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第四册Vocabulary and Structure》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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