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    • 1、Analysis of the issue In the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, because of the difference in the natural recourse, land system and such social and economic factors among countries,the paths and modes of agricultural modernization in different countries are not all the same. There are three types of agricultural development in industrialized countries.The United States and Canada are in the representative of the first type, this kind of country with little amount o

      2、f but in huge scale of land ,they have the problem of the shortage of labor resources,the path of agricultural modernizations construction is to improve labor productivity greatly, and to realize the modernization of agriculture by firstly focusing on the basis of agricultural mechanization and secondly turning emphases to the biotechnology;Japan and Holland are in the representative of the second type, this kind of country usually with more people than land, and so have abundant labor resources

      3、, the path of the agricultural construction is to improve the productivity of land greatly,to realize the agricultural scale on the development of mechanical technology which based on biotechnology;Britain and France are in the representative of the third type, between the first and the second. the path of the modern agricultural construction is the improvement on both of the land productivity and the labor productivity(Xiyuan.Liao,2011). In China, there are several reasons for the restriction i

      4、n agricultural machine industry.1、the mode of family production Over the past years, the agricultural production in China has always been leasing of land management model which see the family as a unit , the land separation problem is very serious, the level of agricultural production is relatively backward.Lastly,our country through the land circulation system, unified the decentralized farming land , modified the farmland infrastructure according to the requirements of modern agricultural prod

      5、uction (by water, power, road reconstruction),It has laid a solid foundation and created more favorable conditions for the scale management of agriculture, the promotion of agricultural mechanization, and the scaling and intensive production.At present, many large agricultural provinces have started to increase investment, strengthen the agricultural integration and infrastructure reconstruction,the progress of irrigations supporting equipment,and road construction is speeding up,the rate of agr

      6、icultural mechanization is increasing. But most of the rural areas the agricultural performance is still laying behind.2、 The Backward in mechanizationofagriculture production level The performance of Chinas agricultural machine industry in the world is not very prominent. the agricultural machine enterprises from The United States and Japan have occupied most of the market in China.in Japan, the largest agricultural machinery manufacturer is Kubota,which funded in 1998, the main products are th

      7、e semi-feed combine harvester ,the rice transplanter,and the half-feed combine harvester.they has accounted for more than 50% domestic market,in 2008, the production and sales of semi-feed combine harvesters had reached 7000 units. John Deal was founded in 1937 in the United States, the worlds leading agricultural and forestry fields of advanced products and services provider, listed on the NYSE.,it is a suppliers and service providers whose products are advanced in construction, lawn and field

      8、conservation, landscape engineering and irrigation.it also is the major manufacturers who cooperate in sugar cane producing areas in Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan province. Case new Holland is one of most largest agricultural machine manufacturing company, the tractors, combine harvesters and bundling machine sales are in the forefront above the world. Headquartered is in the United States, the products are sold to over 160 countries and regions, by over 11500 distributors above the world, of which

      9、 agricultural equipment accounted for 76%. Case new Holland s history can be traced back to 170 years ago, there are nearly a hundred years of history in China. last century,the earliest service branch established in China and the earliest tractor introduced to China are both related with Keith brand. Comparatively,the development of agricultural machinery industry in China is a little late, the domestic industry only share a small Chinese market. The rising space of domestic agricultural machine industry is huge.Critical analysis In China, the promotion of agricultural machine products mainly has the following problems.-a serious imbalance between the level in mechanization of the different region. In the east region with developed economy, farmers income growths rapidly, the purchase of agricultural machineries are in a large number,the development of agricultural mechanization is speeding fastly; compared


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