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    • 1、八年级英语下册 M10U2预习指导一、知识点1.A book about the history of radio 关于广播历史的书A book on how radio works 关于广播如何工作的书其中about和on都是介词译为“关于”Eg: an article about/ on how to improve yourself 关于如何提高自己的文章2.look down at 低下头看look down upon 瞧不起Eg: The manager looked down at me. 经理低头看着我。3.Shouldnt you be at school? 你不用上学吗?这是一个否定疑问句,用于表示惊奇,常常译为“难道不.吗?”。Eg: Dont you agree? 难道你不同意?表示感叹:Eg: Isnt this book very interesting?难道这本书无趣吗?表示责备:Eg: Cant you see this sign? 难道你没有看见这个标记吗?4.Explain (动词) “解释” - explanation (名词) “解释”常用搭配:e

      2、xplain sth to sb. 向某人解释某物Eg: Can you explain the meaning of the word to me? 你能给我解释一下这个词的意思吗?5.Close(形容词) “接近的;亲密的” (动词) “关闭”Closed (形容词) “关闭的” - open (动词) “打开”(形容词) “开着的”常用短语:(be) close to 离.近; be far from 距离.远Eg: The door is closed. 门关着。We are close friends.我们是亲密的朋友。We live close to our parents 我们住得离父母近。6.动名词做状语,表示伴随动作。即与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的一个次要动作。Eg: Every evening the Greens sit on the sofa, watching TV.每天完场格林一家人坐在沙发上看电视。动名词作主语时,谓语动词常常用单数形式。Eg: Watching English movies is a good way to learn English

      3、.看英文电影是学英语的好方法。7.Voice, noise和sound区别:voice “声音”指说话声、歌声、笑声等Eg: She has a beautiful voice. 她有甜美的嗓音。noise “噪音”指不悦耳、不和谐的声音Eg: The noise kept me awake. 这个噪音把我弄醒了。sound“声音”泛指一切声音Eg: Sound goes more slowly than light.声音要比光传播的更慢。8.seem (动词) “好像;似乎”,在此意义时,不用于现在进行时(1) It seems that 从句Eg: It seems that she is unhappy.她似乎不开心。(2)seem to do sth.似乎做某事Eg: Tom seems to be sleeping.汤姆似乎睡着了。(3) seem + (to be) + n./ adj.似乎Eg: He seems to be happy.他似乎很开心。seem like “仿佛;似的”Eg: It seems like a good idea.这仿佛是个好主意。9.in

      4、person “亲自;当面”Eg: Her mother will come in person. 她的妈妈将亲自来。10.not but “不是而是”Not only .but also . “不仅.而且.” 作主语时,谓语动词用临近原则。Eg: They were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me in person. 他们不是在对许多听者说而是亲自对我说。Not only I but also she likes this book.不仅她而且我也喜欢这本书。11.at the age of 在岁时相当于when 人 + be动词 + 年龄Eg: I began to learn English at the age of five.= I began to learn English when I was five years old.我五岁时开始学英语。12.ask for. 要求得到.Ask sb.(not) to do sth. 要求某人(不)做某事Eg: You can ask for advice anytime.

      5、你可以随时向我咨询建议。My mum asked me to finish my homework in an hour.我妈妈要求我一小时内完成作业。13.part-time job 兼职工作full time job 全职工作Eg: I need a part - time job to make more money.我需要一份兼职工作来挣更多的钱。14.grow (动词) “变得”;“增加”常见搭配:grow up 长大Eg: My mothers face grew red. 我妈妈的脸变红了。The population of the world is growing fast.世界的人口增长迅速。I want to be a scientist when I grow up. 当我长大时想成为一名科学家。15.Interest (名词) “兴趣”- interesting (形容词) “令人感兴趣的” (常常用来修饰物)- Interested (形容词) “感到有趣的” (常常用来修饰人)常见搭配:take an interest in doing sth.= be i

      6、nterested in doing sth./be interested to do sth.对做某事感兴趣Eg: Im interested in this interesting book.我对这本有趣的书感兴趣。Im interested in reading books.= I take an interest in reading books.我对读书感兴趣。16.learn about 了解;听说Learn to do sth. 学习做某事Eg: I learned about Internet radio.我了解到网络广播。I wanted to learn to play the piano.我想要学习弹钢琴。17.once a week 一周一次就其提问用how often开头Eg: - How often do you visit your parents? 你多久去看望你父母?- Twice a week. 一周两次。18.prepare sth. 准备prepare sb.sth. 给做准备prepare sth.for sb. 使某人对某事有所准备prepa

      7、re to do sth. 准备做某事Eg: I prepared a gift for my father.我给爸爸准备了一份礼物。We prepared to go there by bus. 我们准备坐公交车去那。19.do research on 做关于的调查Eg: We did some research on how to protect the earth.我们做了一些关于如何保护地球的调查。20.Weather report 天气预报21.By sb.“由某人创作”By doing sth. 通过做某事Eg: The book is written by Luxun.这本书是由鲁迅写的。I learned English by listening to English music. 我通过听英文歌学英语。22.look out of 向外看Eg: Dont look out of the window, listen to me carefully.不要向窗外看,注意听我说。e with me 跟我来24.当purpose前是物主代词时,后用in当purpose前是定冠

      8、词the时,后用ofEg: You know my purpose in writing this book. 你知道我写这本书的目的。Whats the purpose of our being? 我们活着是为了什么?二、练习题一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.The presenter has many l_ and they love to listen to him.2.I want to find a _ (兼职的) job during the summer holiday.3.She has written many a_ on the newspaper.4.My father is the _ (经理) of a hotel.5.Whats the p_ of this visit?二、用所给词的适当形式填空6.He visited his grandparents _ (one) a week.7._ (look) out of the window, it is raining.8.The girl seemed _ (like) that dress.9.We can improve our English by _ (read) English books.10.In winter, the days get shorter and the nights get _ (long).三、单项选择( )11.You can ask me _ if you have any questions.A.in person B.in factC.in silence D.in order( )12.It is wrong to _ the poor.A.look out of B.look backC.look over D.look down at( )13._ seems that Tony passed the exam.A.This B.ThatC.It D.He( )14.The purpose is _ my favourite music.


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