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    • 1、高考英语读后续写背诵句型一、无灵主语(时间、地点、情感、自然现象、动作行为类名词作主语)1.当我看到自己的名字在获奖名单上时,我的心高兴得怦怦直跳。1. The moment I saw my name in the winners list, my heart leaped with joy.2.当我走上舞台,观众的掌声充满了我的耳朵。2. As I stepped onto the stage, the applause from the audience filled my ears.3.得知自己获得一等奖,三天后将举行颁奖典礼,我非常激动。3. I was thrilled to learn that I had gained the first prize and an award ceremony would be held in three days.4.当我的名字被宣布时,我在热烈的欢呼和雷鸣般的掌声中登上了舞台。4. When my name was announced, I mounted the stage against wild cheers and thun

      2、derous applause.5.全班同学顿时沸腾了,有的欢呼“祝贺”,有的哭喊“难以置信”。5. Instantly, the whole class boiled up, some cheering “congratulations” while some crying “unbelievable”.6.当我读到学校公告栏上的公告时,我的心跳加速我的作文得了第一名!6. My heart raced as I read the announcement on the school bulletin board my essay had won first place!7.当我读到那封宣布我的文章获得第一名的贺信时,我的心跳加速!7. My heart raced as I read the letter announcing that my essay had won first place!8.我的老师相信我有潜力,这激励了我的努力,而且付出了回报。8. My teachers belief in my potential had fueled my hard work, an

      3、d the effort had paid off.9. 同学们报以雷鸣般的掌声和衷心的祝福,证实了我获得一等奖的消息。9. The thunderous applause and hearty blessings from my fellow students confirmed the news that I had won the first prize.二、动作链(A and B型,A, B and C 型)10.我跳到空中大声喊道:“我成功了!”10. I leapt into the air and shouted out loud, “I made it!”11. 他的眼睛里充满了自豪,他灿烂笑着,向我表示祝贺。11. His eyes lit up with pride, and he congratulated me with a broad smile.12.直到我参加了颁奖典礼并拿到了证书,我还是觉得很难相信。12. I still found it hard to believe until I attended the award presentation a

      4、nd got my certificate.13.他走上前,拍了拍我的肩膀,轻声说:“有志者事竟成。”13. He stepped forward, patted me on the shoulder, and said softly, “where there is a will, there is a way.”三、独立主格结构/with复合结构14.泪水几乎模糊了我的视线,我给了他一个大大的拥抱。14. With tears almost blurring my vision, I gave him a big hug.15.我怀着火热的心情发表了简短的演讲。15.With a fiery mood in my heart, I delivered my short speech.16.“祝贺你!”我的老师骄傲地说,眼里噙满了泪水。16.Congratulations! my teacher said, pride and tears filling his eyes.17.当我走进办公室时,他从办公桌上抬起头来,脸上洋溢着自豪的笑容。17. As I entered the o

      5、ffice, he looked up from his desk, his face beaming with pride.18.当我进去的时候,他抬起头来微笑,他的眼睛反映出他对我的成就感到骄傲。18. When I entered, he looked up and smiled, his eyes reflecting his pride in my achievement. 19.我赢了写作比赛!我难以置信,内心无比喜悦。19. I had won the writing contest! I was in disbelief, immense joy overwhelming inside, though. 20.有人叫我去参加写作比赛的颁奖典礼,我惊讶得目瞪口呆。20. I was told to attend the award presentation for the writing contest, my jaw dropping in astonishment.21. 我一手拿着奖杯,一手拿着奖状,眼睛投向老师,老师竖起大拇指,眼里闪烁着喜悦和骄傲。21. Wit

      6、h prize cup in one hand and award certificate in the other hand, I threw my eyes at my teacher, who gave me a thumbs up, with his eyes twinkling with pleasure and pride.四、非谓语短语(作主语、宾语、状语、定语、宾语补足语等)22.我紧紧地拥抱着他,无法表达他对我的信任有多重要。22. I hugged him tightly, unable to express just how much his faith in me had meant.23.他拍了拍我的肩膀,深情地笑了笑:“最重要的是你的努力。”23. Patting my shoulder, he smiled affectionately, “It is your efforts that count most.”24.沉浸在喜悦之中,他向我挥手表示祝贺。24. Bathed in the enjoyment, he waved at me and expr

      7、essed his congratulations.25.每当回首这件事,我都对他感激不尽。25. Whenever looking back on this incident, I feel extremely grateful to him.26.我迫不及待地想和我的老师,骑马的人分享这个消息,他不断地把我逼到极限之外。26. I couldnt wait to share the news with my teacher, the horse rider, who kept pushing me beyond my limits.27.那匹曾经心存疑虑,一度想过退出的疲惫的马,继续前行,驶向终点。27. The tired horse who once had doubts and once thought about quitting, kept going and made it to the destination.28.我被这个消息惊呆了,当同学们胜利地举起手时,我激动得哽咽了。28. Stunned by the news, I was choked with emot

      8、ion while my classmates were raising their hands in triumph.29.“非常感谢。我亲爱的老师。”我用温柔的声音说,低着头想引起老师的注意。29. “Thank you very much. My dear teacher.” I said in a gentle voice, lowering my head to catch my teachers attention.30.知道自己已经克服了用第二语言写作的挑战,我感到了一种新的自信和成就感。30. I felt a newfound sense of confidence and accomplishment, knowing that I had overcome the challenges of writing in my second language.五、特殊句式(倒装+强调+省略)31.直到我听到这个消息,我才意识到我赢得了比赛。31. Not until I heard the news did I realize that I had won the con

      9、test.32.是你让我爱上了写作,我的社会研究老师。32. Its you who make me fall in love with writing, my social studies teacher.33.就在那一刻,我对老师感激不尽。33. It was at that moment that I was overwhelmed with gratitude to my teacher.34.是他让我意识到,“没有什么是不可能的,一颗心甘情愿的心。”。34. It was he who made me realize nothing is impossible to a willing heart.35.听到这个消息,我非常感动和高兴,紧紧地拥抱了我的老师。35. So moved and happy was I to hear the news that I gave my teacher a tight hug.36.直到那时我才意识到,只有勇敢和决心才能克服一切困难。36. Only then did I realize that it was bravery and determination that can conquer all the difficulties.37.是我的老师体贴地鼓励我,敦促我发挥自己讲故事的潜力。37. It was my teacher who was considerate enough to encourage me, urging me to take advantage of my potential in telling stories.六、介词短语位于句首38.没有你的认可和指导,我不可能写这篇文章。非常感谢。38. Without your recognition and guidance, I couldnt have written th


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