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    • 1、小升初英语重要短语句型(一)1.大量,许多 a great deal of (接不可数名词)2.大量,许多 a good/great many3.一种,一类 a kind of4.一瓶 a bottle of5.两个 a couple of6.一滴 a drop of7.几个 a few(可数名词复数)8.一点儿 a little(不可数名词)9.一点儿 a little bit10.一群 a group of11.许多 a lot12.许多,大量的 a lot of13.刚才 a moment ago 14.一张、片 a piece of 15.一堆 a pile of16.一连串 a series of 17.一套 a set of18.一种类型的 a type of19.一双,一对 a pair of20.一些,许多 a number of (跟可名词复数)21.根据,按照 according to (接名词)22.合计达 add up to23.各种各样的 all kinds of24.到处,遍及,结束 all over25.行了,好吧 all right26.(作为)结果 a

      2、s a result of27.像,如同 as as 28.一就 as soon as29.至于,尽 as far as(表示程度,范围)30.好像,仿佛 as if31.只要 as long as32.好像,仿佛 as though/as if33.通常,平常 as usual34.也,还有 as well35.至于,关于 as for36.除之外,(也),和样,不但而且 as well as37.多达 as many/much as38.有时 at times39.至少 at least40.最多 at most41.首先 at first42.最后,终于 at last43.全然,究竟 at all44.在工作 at work45.在上课 at school46.正在吃早餐/中餐/晚餐 at breakfast /at lunch/at dinner47.目前,现在 at present48.此刻,目前 at the moment49.在末尾 at the end50.一直 all the time51.此刻,目前 at the moment52.整日整夜 all day and

      3、 all night53.到处,全身 all over54.周围,四周 all round55.仍然,照样 all the same56.与此同时 at the same time57.一年到头 all the year round58.至始至终 all through59.在-多大的时候 at the age of60.立刻,马上 at once61.一开始 at the beginning of62.在脚下 at the foot of63.首先,首要 above all64.毕竟,终究 after all65.到达 arrive at (小地方) arrive in (大地方)66.付得起 afford to do sth.67.同意某人 agree with sb.68.同意(计划或建议) agree to sth.69.商定,达成共识 agree on70.允许做某事 allow doing sth.71.允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.(二)1.在家 be in2.外出 be out3.离开 be off4.赞成 be for5.反对 be agai

      4、nst6.从来,是人 be from7.对有好处 be good for8.对有好处 bebad for9.在某方面做得好 be good at10.迟到 be late for11.害怕,恐惧 be afraid of /be terrified of +sth.12.不敢去做某事 be afraid to do sth.13.缺乏,缺少 be short of14.对着迷be crazy about15.由某人决定 be up to sb.16.对感到震惊 be shocked at17.为感到惊讶 be amazed at18.因而闻名 be famous for sth.19.作为而出名 befamous as +职业20.适合 be fit for =be suitable for21.爱好,喜欢 be fond of = care for= like=enjoy22.一定要 be sure to do23.对有把握 be sure of /about24.与相似 be similar to25.因某事生某人的气be angry with sb. forsth.26.忙于某事

      5、 be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth.27.属于 belong to (sb.)28.两个都,既又 bothand29.被所覆盖 be covered with/by30.对很熟悉 be familiar with31.对感到厌倦 be fed up with32.对感到满意 be satisfied with=be pleased with33.对感到兴奋 be excited about sth.34.受到的欢迎 be popular with35.正要做某事 be about to do sth.36.应该做某事 be supposed to do sth.37.高兴做某事 be delighted to do sth.38.为感到羞愧 be ashamed of39.惊讶做某事 be surprised to40.愿意做某事 be willing to do sth.41.能做某事 be able to do sth.42.睡着 be asleep43.醒着 be awake44.出生,出世 be born45.对某人在某方面要求严格 be

      6、 strict with sb. in sth.46.挤满,塞满 be crowded with47.值得做某事 be worth doing sth.48.习惯于 be used to doing sth.=get used to doing sth.=be accustomed to doing sth49.被用来 be used to do sth.=be used for doing sth.50.错误地 by mistake51.到时侯(接状语从句) by the time52.以为基础 be based on/upon53.紧张的,有压力的 be stressed out54.信任,信仰 believe in55.不久以后 before long56.充满,装满 be full of = be filled with57.刷牙 brush one s teeth58.吹走 blow away59.吹灭 blow out60.脱离 break away from61.损坏,抛锚 break down62.闯入 break in63.打断,折断 break off64.(战争,

      7、火灾等)突然发生,爆发 break out65.教育,培养 bring up66.偶然 by accident=by chance67.乘飞机(公共汽车,火车,轮船) by air(bus,train,ship)68.不久,很快 by and by69.顺便说 by the way70.到结束为止 by the end of71.在之间 betweenand72.遍体鳞伤 black and blue73.信不信由你 believe it or not74.由制成 be made of (可以看出原料)75.由制成 be made from(不可以看出原料)76.由组成 be made up of77.在哪里制成 be made in78.把制成 be made into79.熟悉 sth. be familiar to sb. = sb. be familiar with sth.(三)1.提倡 call for2.拜访 call on3.打电话给 call up4.照顾、非常喜欢 care for =take care of=look after5.关心,担心 care about

      8、6.继续下去 carry on7.实施,执行 carry out8.拿走 carry away9.情不自禁做某事 can t help doing sth.10.赶上 catch up with11.冷静 calm down12.连锁店 chain stores13.收费,要价 charge for14.改变主意 change one s mind15.用A换B change A for B16.把A转换成B change Ainto B17.和聊天 chat with sb.18.网上聊天 chat on line19.报到,登记 check in20.检验,结帐 check out21.使某人开心起来 cheer sb. up22.为某人加油 cheer sb. on23.打扫,清理 clean up24.古典音乐 classical music25.密友 close friends26.倒闭 close down27.靠近,接近 close to sb. /somewhere28.回来 come back29.进来 come in30.来吧,赶快,加油 come on31.出来,出版,发行 come out32.变为现实, come true33.上来,上升, come up34.想出,赶上 come up with35.与交流 communicate with36.与相比(比喻为) compare to 37.与相比(两者比较)compare with 38.抱怨 compain of(和pain,sick有关) /about39.电子游戏 computer games40.祝贺 congratulate on41.连接,相连 connect to42.与相连 connect sb./sth. with sb./sth.43.仿照某人 copy one s example44.砍倒 cut down45.切断 cut off46.切碎 cut up(四)1.日日夜夜 day and night2.尽某人最大努力 do one s best3.处理,对付 (How)deal with=(What)do with4.取决于 decide on sth.5.死亡 die of (主要指疾病、衰老


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