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  • 文档编号:508971268
  • 上传时间:2023-03-14
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    • 1、 E-breakersThe rapid development of the mining industry in recent years is only the beginning, mining equipment industry has been gradually driven. In the past, mining industry has not developed to a certain scale, concentrator, coal preparation plant and other industries generally used to broken equipment that small and medium-sized, and it is also slowly in recent years due to various sectors of production capacity to grow, such as production capacity has failed to keep pace with the needs of

      2、production, many manufacturers of large units and broken equipment, ore increasingly strong voice equipment . Gradually large jaw crusher (large E Breakers) has also emerged. E-crushing machine called E-break, the series has broken than large, uniform product size, structure simple, reliable, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. E-breaking machine (the jaw-breaking) widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, roads, railways, water conservancy and chemical i

      3、ndustries, and many other departments, not broken compressive strength of more than 320 MPa of various materials. In mine equipment, large jaw crusher, counter-crushing machine production capacity is obvious that such high energy consumption, high throughput of ore crusher are generally used in large-scale ore, coal preparation plant and other industries The broken, the current large 900 1200 broke the jaw of the large-scale break in Henan not be able to produce a few. The E-breakers is one of m

      4、y companys flagship product, particularly in the design and production of large-scale E-breakers regardless of the technical process in terms of, or in terms of production capacity, both at home and abroad has been the absolute leader. The aircraft mainly used for all kinds of ores and medium-size bulk materials broken, broken compressive strength of not more than 320 Mpa materials, crude break points and broke two fine. The complete series of product specifications, the size of their feeding fo

      5、r 125 mm 750mm, is the preferred initial broken equipment. E-breakers (E-breaking) widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, roads, railways, water conservancy and the industry, the scope of its application is very extensive, E-breakers work, moving the jaw in the hoisting of the top direct eccentric axis, as a crank linkage of the link, from the eccentric shaft eccentric direct-drive, moving the bottom hinge of the jaw thrust plate attached to the rack of support after Wall. When t

      6、he eccentric shaft rotation, moving the jaw on the movement of the points is hoisted from the point of the circle (equivalent to a radius of eccentricity), and gradually down into the Oval, the more downward Department, the oval-shaped side, until the bottom plate and thrust Connection point arc trajectory for the line. As a result of this mechanical activity in the jaw on the movement of the points is more complicated, the complex known as the swing-jaw crusher. Tilting the jaw-breakers and Jan

      7、e tilting, compared to its advantages are: the quality of lighter, smaller components, the structure is more compact, broken cavity filled with good level, the blocks are homogeneous materials with broken jaw to move lower Introduced mandatory finished unloading, the higher productivity than with the specifications of the SR put Jaw Breakers 20-30 percent higher than the productivity; materials block in the lower part of a larger jaw moving up and down roller sports, the cube was easy Shape unlo

      8、ading, a decrease of as simple as tilting the sheet products in components, better product quality. E-breakers of the main structure of a rack, the eccentric shaft, the pulley, flywheel and moving E, side-boards, panels elbow, elbow rear plate, screw-gap, reset spring, fixed-E and E-board activities such as group Cheng, also a board elbow insurance role. The Series E Breakers broken dynamic approach to music-compression, motor-driven belt and pulley, to move through the eccentric shaft from top

      9、to bottom E campaign, when moving up at the E-elbow angle between the E and dynamic change, thus promoting the move E-E board to be close, at the same time materials were squeezing, rubbing, grind, such as multiple broken when moving downstream Hubei Province, Hubei Province elbow dynamic between the board and smaller angle, moving in the E-drawbars, the role of spring From the E-board, at this time has broken materials from the crushing chamber from the mouth, as the motor for rotation broken motor E for cyclical pressure Broken and markers, and mass production. Jaw Breakers of the crushing chamber is a fixed jaw jaw plate and activities of the board composition, and activities fixed jaw jaw is made of manganese steel liner has broken plates, broken plates fixed with bolts in the jaw board, in order to improve the crushing effect , The two have broken the surface of the plate with a corrugated vertical, and Tuao relative, so that t


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