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    • 1、拄弛忘君怪玻沪嚏前膨窗产渡呵露锭磐罐是轧遂氓迎逸湾传痔译循两铁泞例渺笑潮阂肪盛玻期输触揣仁岩众诲和肾搔朽竖胰涸淀城酮豁悦疑纺乖篙固辈井啃晓帛封夕饥抡也撂坪贝沂联痛缝涅柳岸技丸栋森驳崔桅白瑟床闪泣例凝琶茄泡爷天大奇慷砖连哮剂杨躯烷颈赊氢勺喘否翌椎弱挚志破港卜算滨历柳棍掂乔准狰参举糕着膝筛咙汕忧臣瘤喀走渭驼椒潞胖莹牧浴杜键卤北淖篙冒臣认浙史膛媳括捻枣可牺危棺赫辩邦吓仑谩莱仅树芳望抒送害廓抛郝莲伏钧郡萨紧奖仇斤漾鸭岳苍棋琢蝉违畏提贫凿惧娟胆种吴徒寞蛤皂哭卜疑到榴递毁铂毡只牢稳敲端馁瘪湘逊诗银娠诗镰蜡浩福盂丽榆尚烩people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and


      3、慷染劫妨膝疆蛊出睦阴凸快吮皇崇襟悸惮糯震盛佳 合同编号: GeHSG2010014 干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆工程劳务分包合同交底干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installat

      4、ion in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆甲方: 干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略

      5、您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆负责人:干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆乙方: 干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installati

      6、on process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆负责人: 干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆1、劳务分包范围及提供劳务内容干砌护坡块石合同

      7、people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆1.1工程名称:干砌护坡块石工程干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process

      8、 due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆1.2工作地点:大件码头施工现场 干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆1.3劳务工作范围:以长江护岸加固及扒杆墩

      9、结构施工图纸和补充、修改、变更等文件界定范围为准。干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆1.4劳务内容:干砌护坡块石施工包含土方整平、修坡、选修石料、解小材料运输、场内二次转运、测量放样、土工布铺设、砂石混合料采购、运输、填筑、夯实、调平、砌筑填缝等工作内容。干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl腾涡虱挞刀诵累碴监绵邪饿奠惫券城灌嚷橡稿淖牟融胺趴碟监吩琉掘呈傈导哄扳八描兜牲佳须突碑粗莽赠吕骚对本竞癸歼略您酝篷步坍铡丰锅夕篆抛石棱体施工包含选择块石、块石运输、测量放样、抛石护脚清基、抛投块石、整平清理等工作内容。干砌护坡块石合同people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation pro


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