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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、伦敦保险协会货物保险条款( 1 9 8 2年1月1日修订)(一)伦敦保险协会货物条款(A)(仅供新的海上保险单格式使用)承保范围风险条款1 本保险承保除下列4、5、6、7各条规定除外责任以外的一切风险所造成保险标的 的损失。1. This insurance covers all risks of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured except as provided in Clauses 4 5 6 and 7 below共同海损条款2本保险承保共同海损和救助费用,其理算或确定应根据运输契约和或有关法律和惯 例办理。该项共同海损和救助费用的产生,应为避免任何原因所造成的或与之有关的损失 所引起的,但下列4、5、6、7各条或本保险其他条款规定的不保责任除外。2. This insurance covers general average and salvage charges adjusted or determined according to the contractof affreightment and/or the

      2、 governing law and practice incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of loss from any cause except those excluded in Clauses 4 5 6 and 7 or elsewhere in this insurance.( “ Both to Blame Collision” Clause)船舶互撞责任条款3 本保险负责赔偿被保险人根据运输契约订有“船舶互撞责任”条款规定,由被保险人 应负的比例责任,视作本保险单项下应予补偿的损失。如果船东根据上述条款提出任何索 赔要求,被保险人同意通知保险人, 保险人有权自负费用为被保险人就此项索赔进行辩护。3. This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured against such proportion of liability under the contractof affreightment“ Both to Blame Collision” C

      3、lause as is in respect of a loss recoverable hereunder. In the eveof any claim by shipowners under the said Clause the Assured agree to notify the Underwriters who shall have the right at their own cost expense to defend the Assured against such claim.(General Exclusions Clause)除外责任 (General Exclusions Clause)一般除外责任条款EXCLUSIONS4本保险在任何情况下不负赔偿的责任:4. In no case shall this insurance cover41 被保险人故意行为所造成的损失和费用;4.1 loss damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured4.2保险标的的自然渗漏,重量或容

      4、量的自然损耗,或自然磨损;4.2 ordinary leakage ordinary loss in weight or volume or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured4.3由于保险标的包装或准备不足或不当造成的损失或费用(本条所称的“包装”,包括用集装箱或大型海运箱装载的,但该项装载以本保险开始生效前或由被保险人或其受雇 人完成的为限);4.3 loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured (for the purpose of this Clause 4.3“ packing ” shall be deemed toainclude stowacontainer or liftvan but only when such stowage is carried out prior to attachment of t

      5、his insurance or by the Assured or their servants)4.4 由于保险标的本质缺陷或特性造成的损失和费用;4.4 Loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured4. 5直接由延迟引起的损失或费用,即使延迟是由承保风险所引起(上述第2条可以赔 付的费用除外);4.5 loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay even though the delay be caused by a risk insured against (except expenses payable under Clause 2 above)4.6由于船舶所有人、经理人、租船人或经营人破产或不履行债务造成的损失或费用;4.6 Loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners m

      6、anagers charterers or operators of the vessel4. 7由于使用任何原子或核子裂变和(或)聚变或其他类似反应或放射性作用或放射性 物质的战争武器造成的损失或费用。4.7 Loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.不适航和不适宜除外责任条款( Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause )5.5.1本保险在任何情况下不负下列原因引起的损失和费用。5 5.1 In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense arising from unseaworthiness of vessel or craft.船舶或驳船不适航;Unfitness of vessel

      7、 craft conveyance container or liftvan for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured.船舶、运输工具、集装箱或大型海运箱不适宜安全运载保险标的。 如果保险标的在装载时, 被保险人或其受雇人知道这种不适航和不适当的情况。where the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein.5.2 保险人放弃船舶必须适航和适宜将保险标的运往目的地的默示担保, 除非被保险人 或其受雇人知道这种不适航或不适宜的情况。5.2 The Underwriters waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-mat

      8、ter insured to destination unless the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness.战争除外责任条款 (War Exclusion Clause)6 本保险在任何情况下不负下列原因造成的损失和费用:6 In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense caused by6.1战争、内战、革命、叛乱、造反或由引引起的内乱,或交战国或针对交战国的任何 敌对行为;6.1 war civil war revolution rebellion insurrection or civil strife arising therefrom or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power6.2捕获、拘留、扣留、禁制、扣押(海盗行为除外)以及这种行动的后果或这方面的 企图;6.2 capture seizure arrest restrai

      9、nt or detainment (piracy excepted) and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat.6.3遗弃的水雷、鱼雷、炸弹或其他遗弃的战争武器。6.3 Derelict mines torpedoes bombs or other derelict weapons of war.罢工除外责任条款 (Strikes Exclusion Clause)7.本保险在任何情况下不保下列原因造成的损失和费用:7 In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense7.1 罢工者、被迫停工工人或参与工潮、暴动或民变人员;7.1 caused by strikers locked-out workmen or persons taking part in labour disturbances riots or civil commotions7.2 罢工、被迫停工、工潮、暴动或民变;7.2 resulting from strikes lock-outs labour disturbances riots or civil commotions7.3 任何恐怖主义者或者任何人出于政治目的采取的行动。期限 7.3 caused by any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.运输条款 (Transit Clause)8.8.1本保险责任自货物运离保险单所载明的启运地仓库或储存处所开始运输时起生 效,包括正常运输过程,直至运到下述地点时终止。8 8.1 This insurance attaches from the time the goods leave the warehouse or place of storage at the place named


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