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新译林版高中英语必修一课文翻译(Unit4)(DOC 8页)

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  • 上传时间:2022-08-16
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    • 1、Unit 4 LOOk i ng good, fee Ii ng good.Reael i ngTeen faints after SkiPPing meals多餐未进食女生晕厥STONECHESTER-A teenage gi r I fainted yesterday at StOnechester High SChOOI after SkiPPing meals.Jennifer Jones,15,told friends in her CIaSS that She WaS fee Ii ng UnWeI I.She then PaSSed OUt in her morningPE IeSSOn and WaS rushed to hospital来自斯通彻斯特的报道:昨日,斯通彻斯特高中一名女 同班朋友自己感觉不适,后来在上午的体育课上晕厥, 随即被紧急送往医院。生多餐未进食后晕厥。珍妮弗琼斯,十五岁,曾告诉Jennifer WaS found to have dangerously IOW blood SUgar I eve IS and WaS treated i mmed

      2、 i ate Iy. Her WOrried ParentS told the doctor that their daughter missed breakfast that day and Hardly touched her Clinner the night beforeFortunately,she is now OUt Of danger .Her doctor SayS that She Wi 11 make a ful I recovery in a day Or two.医生发现珍妮弗血糖过低,已经很危险,于是马上对其 进行治疗。珍妮弗的父母忧心忡忡,他们告诉医生,女 儿当天早晨未进食,前一天的晚餐也几乎丝毫未动。幸 运的是,珍妮弗已经脱离了危险。主治医生预计,珍妮 弗一两天就能康复。Jennifers CIaSSmates hope to See her back at SChOOI SOOn.They Say that She HaS StrUgglecl With eating PrObIemS for a IOng timeJennifer thought t

      3、hat SkiPPing meals WOUld be a SimPIe Way to reach her target Weighther friend LaUra Williams told OUr reporter nShe has not eaten breakfast for the last few months .She old me She had trouble COnCentrating in CIaSS I Warned her that SkiPPing meals WaS unhealthy, but She WOUIdn11 IiSten.同学们希望珍妮弗能尽快返回学校。他们说,珍妮弗和 进食问题较劲已经很久了。 “珍妮弗以为不吃饭就可以 轻松减到她的目标体重。”朋友劳拉威廉姆斯告诉记 者,“最近几个月,她一直不吃早餐。她对我说,她上 课很难集中注意力。我提醒过她,不吃饭有害健康,可 她不听。”Jennifers CaSe is a reminder Of the dangers Of the Unhea I thy Weight-IOSS habits t

      4、hat have become COmmOn among teenagers Of both SeXeS In a SOCiety Where being thi n is Often Seen as being beautiful, teenagers someimes tUrn to extreme to SI im down quick I y. ACCOrCling to a recent SUrVey Of Senior high SChOOI StUdentS, IifestyIeSalmost One fifth Of teenagers regularly SkiP meaIs, One in ten OVer-exercise and four Per Cent even take Weight-IOSS medicine. HeaIth experts are COnCerned abo Ut these figures .They are increasing their efforts to educate teenagers about the Side ef

      5、fects Of IOSi ng Weight too qu i ckIy. They HaVealso Warnecl t Herrl aga i nst USing SUCh extreme methods珍妮弗的例子提醒人们,青少年男女中普遍存在的不健 康的减肥习惯具有危险性。在一个往往以瘦为美的社会 中,不时有青少年采取极端方式快速减肥。近期一项针 对高中生生活习惯的调查表明,近1/5的青少年经常性 地不吃饭,1/10运动过度,4%甚至月艮用减肥药。这些数 据引起了健康专家的关注。他们加大力度教育青少年有 关快速减肥引起的不良反应,并提醒青少年不要采取类 似极端的方式。These SO-Ca 11ed ,qu ick-f iX methods1prove to be harmful to teenagers It is normal for teenagers to be SIightIy OVerWeight and there is no reasonWhy they ShOU ICI be WOrrieClHOWeVer, for those WhO are danger

      6、ously overweight, it is Very important that they try to IOSe Weight PrOPer Iy. VlSaid an expert“这些所谓的急速减肥法,已证实对青少年有害。青 少年轻微超重是正常现象,没有理由为此焦虑。不过, 如果超重达到危险程度,尝试以适当方式减重是十分重 要的。” 一位专家表示。She POinted out that it is important to have a heaI thy ba Ianced diet SinCe teenagers are Still growing and tHeir bodies need a IOt Of nutrition to function WeI I If they do not take in enough food, they may fee I Weak and get i I I eas i I y. She added, VlWhats more, they ShOUICi keep regular HOUrS and get PIenty Of

      7、 exercise to Stay energetic and fit.We Strongly encourage al I teenagers to fol IOW these Iifestyle tips, because IiVing WelI is the SafeSt and most effectiVe Way to get into ShaPe 她指出,健康均衡的饮食十分重要,因为青少年正在发 育,需要大量营养以维持正常身体机能。如果食物摄入 不足,青少年会感觉体虚乏力,容易生病。她补充说:“此外,青少年还应作息规律,多参加运动,才能精力 旺盛、身体健康。我们强烈推荐所有青少年遵从这些生 活方式的建议,因为好好生活是最健康、最有效的塑身 方式。”EXtended reading拓展阅读Don,t JUdge a book by its COVer不要以貌取人,Don,t JUdge a book by its COVer壮he Old Saying goes UnfOrtUnateyfas a teenager, that iS Often exact I y What

      8、you do to youse I f Dark thoughts about your PhySiCaI appearance Can Hang OVer you al Ithe time Iikea rain CIOUCi Do I IOOk fat in tHeSe jeans?DO OtherS think I am too ShOrt?IS everyone Iaughing at my new hairstyle behind my back?TheSe thoughts Can have a nagat i Ve effect On PeOP Ie Of any ShaPe Or Size,both ma Ie and femaIe, and it is”可惜的是,作为青少 关于外貌的负面思绪可 我穿这条牛仔裤是不是 大家背地里是不是都在important to guard against the CaUSeS behind them 古语说得好:“不要以貌取人。 年,你们恰恰却经常以貌取己。 能会像乌云一样始终笼罩着你。 显胖?别人会不会觉得我太矮? 嘲笑我的新发型?无

      9、论男女,不管什么样的体型或身高, 人们都会受到这些想法的负面影响,而防备这些思绪背 后的成因就成了一件重要的事情。Standards Of beaaty in the media Can HaVe a big infIUenCe On What you think Of your PhySiCaI appearance .Teens WhO try to COPy the IOOkS Of their favour i te stars are f i ght i ng a IOSing batt Iehese StandardS are SimPIy impossible for most Of the POPUI ation to I i ve UP to. They Wi I I Only end UP fee Ii ng WOrSe about themseI VeS 媒体的审美标准会对你如何看待自己的外表产生很大影 响。那些试图模仿他们最喜爱的明星形象的青少年们正 在打一场无望取胜的仗一因为对于大多数人来说,这些 标准都难以企及。到头来,他们只会觉得自己更糟。YOUr friends also infIUenCe the Way you VieW your PhySiCaI appearance If you HaVe friends WhO are good-1OOking Or HaVe a great fashion, it Can feel I ike you are I iving in tHeir ShadOW.For Chi IClren Of the digital age, social media makes this PrObIem even WOrSeYOUr friends may POSt a never-ending SerieS Of PhOtOS Onli ne to ShOW Off thei r beautifuI ClreSSeS Or StrOng bodies, and it becomes easier for yo

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