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    • 1、Unit 6Lesson one & two A Matter of Taste一. 单词1. 鬃毛_ 2. 青春;年轻人_ 3. 艺术家_ 4. 有价值的_5. 典型的_ 6. 细节_7. 布;衣料_ 8. 皱褶;折叠_9. 浅的_ 10. 视力_11. 混凝土;具体的_ 12. 特征;特色_13. 阳台_ 14. 房顶_15 建筑师_ 16. 毁灭_17. loch_ 18. abstract_19. statue_ 20. skyscraper_21. elegantly_ 22. insect_23. shade_ 24. missile_根据提示写出下列单词的适当形式26. pain-_(adj) 27. painter-_(vt)28. wavy-_(n.)-_(vi)29. imagination-_(vt.)-_(adj)富有创造力的30. exhibition-_(vt) 31.emphasise-_(n)重点31. poetry-_(n)诗歌-_(n)诗人二. 短语1. 注视,凝视_ 2. 有几分地_3. 陷入深思_ 4. 把某物刷成黑色_5. 中国的最伟大的画家_

      2、 9. 爱好_ 7. 在某人早年青春期_ 10. 举办画展_ 8. 把添加到上_ 6. 以一种创造性的方式_三.要点讲解(英汉互译)1. be fixed on用(眼睛等) 盯住,凝视;吸引(注意) fix ones eyes/attention on某人将眼睛(注意力)等集中在上课文原句:Its black eyes, which are fixed on the cabbage, show the creatures interest in the vegetable.(1). He was fixed on the moving snake, full of fear._(2). 汤姆的注意力都集中在他正在画的图上。_2. leave表示“使/让(某人/某物)处于某状态。后面接现在分词, 形容词, 过去分词做宾语补足语。课文原句:Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.(1). Dont leave her waitin

      3、g outside in the rain._(2). 让门开着吧。_(3). 小汤姆跑了出去, 留下了没写完的作业。Little Tom ran out of the door, _the homework _.3. be deep /lost in thought陷入沉思课文原句:In the painting, a young woman sits alone and is deep in thought.迪克盯着窗外,陷入了沉思。Dick was staring out of the window, _.4. add to增添, 添加;把添加到上 add to st 增加某事物 add up (两个或两个以上的数)加起来; add up to 总计共达课文原句:To emphasize the woman even more, Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress, and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.Do

      4、you want to add your name to the list?_The bad weather only added to our difficulties._The waiter cant add up. _他的整个学校教育加起来总共不到一年。_5. show /take interest in对表现出兴趣 be/become interested in课文原句:Its black eyes, which are fixed on the cabbage, show the creatures interest in the vegetable.大卫对生物感兴趣,将来想从事这方面的研究。David show_ in biology and want to do research in it in the future.四. I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. He suffered from poor e_ and had difficulty in reading.2. Stay in the _ (阴凉处);its c

      5、ooler.3. He wiped the _ (汗) from his face after working so hard.4. The dream of my _ (青春) was to be a scientist.5. The _ (生物) lives in the depth of the ocean.II. 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. This picture will become more and more _ (value) as the time goes by.2. The carpenter has crafted this cupboard beautifully he is a real _ (art).3. It is such a good art _ (exhibit) that we have been to see it several times.4. Mark Twin was a _(type) novelist of his time.III. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。1. 汽车以每小时110公里的速度行驶。(at a s

      6、peed of)_2 他陷入了沉思,没有注意到我的到来。 (deep in thought)_3 学生对老师的讲解有点明白了。(sort of)_4 听起来好像有人在敲门。 (as if / though)_5. 你为什么让客人在那儿等呢?(leave sb. doing)_五. 经典句子背诵1. 他在有生之年发展了融诗歌和绘画于一体的美术传统。 During his lifetime, he developed the tradition of combing poetry with painting.2. 在这幅名为“奔马”的画中,我们看到一匹骏马像导弹穿越天空那样在飞速 的奔驰。Across the painting, named Racing Horse, we can see a horse running at high speed like a missile across the sky. 3. 在画的左边和右边,徐悲鸿用黑色墨水巧妙地展示了运动着的马鬃和马尾。On the left and right side of the painting, Xu cleverly drew in black ink to show the moving hair on the horses mane and tail. 4. 这幅水墨画已成为许多艺术家的至爱。


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