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    • 1、Machine classification and pose fixture1 fixture in the role of machiningWorkpiece clamping fixture is a kind of process equipment, it is widely used in mechanical machining of the manufacturing process, heat treatment, assembly, welding and testing processes. In the use of metal-cutting machine tools collectively referred to as the jig fixture. n a modern production machine is an indispensable fixture of the process equipment, machining of the workpiece, the processing requirements in order to

      2、ensure. First of all to the workpiece and the machine tool relative to a correct position, and this location during processing does not change the impact of external forces. To this end, during the pre-machining, workpiece clamping must be good. There are two ways to clamp workpiece: one is directly clamping the workpiece in the machine table or on the chuck; The other is the workpiece in the fixture on the fixture. The first method used when the workpiece clamping, the general design requiremen

      3、ts have to press lines in the surface to draw the size and location, clamping, or when the needle is zoned dial indicator to find is after the clamping. This method need special equipment, but low efficiency, are generally used for one-piece and small batch production. Large quantities, mostly with the workpiece clamping fixture. With the merits of the workpiece clamping fixtures are as follows:(l) Guarantee the stability of the machining accuracy of workpiece. Workpieces with clamping fixture,

      4、the workpiece relative to the location of tool and machine tool to ensure the accuracy of the fixture from the technical level of workers, so that a number of workpiece machining accuracy of the line. (2) To improve labor productivity. Workpiece clamping fixture can facilitate the user easily、rapidly, and the workpiece does not need to find is crossed, can significantly reduce the supplementary working hours, to improve labor productivity; workpiece in the fixture after the fixture to improve th

      5、e rigidity of the workpiece, thus cutting the amount of increase, to improve labor productivity; can use more pieces of multi-workpiece clamping fixture, and the use of efficient clamping bodies, to further improve labor productivity.(3) To expand the use of machine tools. Machine tools in general use a dedicated machine tool fixture can expand the scope of the process and give full play to the potential of machine tools to achieve a multi-machine use. For example, the use of a dedicated fixture

      6、 can be easily Lathe processing small box to the workpiece. Even in the lathe out of oil, a reduction of expensive dedicated machines, reducing the cost, which is particularly important for small and medium-sized factories. (4) To improve the operators working conditions. As the pneumatic, hydraulic, electro-magnetic power source, such as the application in the fixture, on the one hand to reduce the labor intensity of workers; the other hand, it guarantees the reliability of the workpiece clampi

      7、ng, and to achieve the interlocking machine, to avoid accidents, ensure the operator safety and machine tool equipment(5) To reduce costs. In mass production after the use of fixture, from stem to increase labor productivity, lower level technical workers, as well as lower scrap and other reasons, obviously to reduce the production costs.Fixture manufacturing cost-sharing in a group of workpieces, each workpiece to increase the cost is very minimal, far less than as a result of increased labor p

      8、roductivity and reduce costs. The greater volume of workpiece, fixture made to use has become more significant economic benefits.2 Fixture Category 2.1 General characteristics of the fixture by CategoryAccording to the production in different types of fixtures in the common characteristics of machine tool fixture fixture can be divided into general, special fixtures, adjustable clamp, and automatic line of modular fixture fixture, such as: (l) General Fixture. Universal fixture refers to the str

      9、ucture, size has been standardized, and has a certain universal fixture. This type of fixture adaptable, can be used to setup the scope of a certain shape and size of various parts.(2)A dedicated fixture. This type of fixture is designed for a particular part of the processing procedures and the design and manufacture. Relatively stable in the product, the production of larger quantities, used a variety of special fixtures, access to higher productivity and machining accuracy. (3) Adjustable fixture. Adjustable fixture for general fixture and special fixture and the defects developed a new kind of fixture. Of different types and sizes of the workpiece, simply adjust or replace the fixture at the original location of the individual components and will be used to clamp components. (4) Modular Fixture. Modular fixture is a modular fixture. Standard components of the module with high precision and resistance to abrasion, can be assembled into a variety of fixtures.


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