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2022年高考英语 Unit 5 First Aid(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修5

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    • 1、2022年高考英语 Unit 5 First Aid(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修5 一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1Why not buy a secondhand car if you dont have enough money for a new one?Thats a good _ (suggest)2I wrote him a letter to show my _ (appreciate) of his thoughtfulness.3My first _ (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.4Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _ (refer)5John has grown up and changed beyond _ (recognize)【参考答案】1.suggestion2.appreciation3.impression4.reference 5re

      2、cognition(二)英汉互译281.aid n. & vt. _282.first aid _283.temporary adj. _284.fall ill _285.injury n. _286.bleed vi. & vt. (bled,bled) _287.nosebleed n. _ 288.sprain vt. _289.sprained adj. _290.ankle n. _291.choke vi. & vt. _292.cupboard n. _293.skin n. _294.essential adj. _295.organ n. _296.layer n. _297.barrier n. _298.poison n. vt. _299.ray n. _300.plex adj. _301.variety n. _302.liquid n. _303.radiation n. _304.mild adj. _305.mildly adv. _306.pan n. _307.stove n. _308.heal vi. & vt. (_309.tissue n

      3、. _310.electric shock_311.swell vi. & vt. (swelled,swollen) _312.swollen adj. _ 313.blister n. vi. & vt. _314.watery adj. _ 315.char vi. _316.nerve n. _317.scissors n. (pl.) _318.unbearable adj. _319.basin n. _320.squeeze vt. & vi. _321.squeeze out _322.over and over again _324.bandage n. _325.in place _326.ointment n. _327.infection n. _328.vital adj. _329.symptom n. _330.label vt. n. _331.kettle n. _332.pour vt. & vi. _333.wrist n. _334.damp adj. _335.Casey _336.sleeve n. _337.blouse n. _338.t

      4、ight adj. _339.tightly adv. _340.firm adj. _341.firmly adv. _342.throat n. _343.Janson _344.ceremony n. _345.bravery n. _346.Slade_347.stab vt. & vi. _348.a number of _349.put ones hands on _350.treat vt. & vi. n. _351.apply vt. vi. _352.pressure n. _353.ambulance n. _354.scheme n. _355.Southerton _356.make a difference_357.bruise n. & vi. _二、阅读理解ATravel-worthy Destinations in Best FilmsARRIVAL Bozeman, Montana, U. S.The years best thriller, Arrival follows a professor to a military camp in Mont

      5、ana, where she works to translate the language ing from alien visitors. The film, set in the wide landscape of Montana, connects the vastness of the universe with the natural beauty of Bozeman. Travel to Bozeman, and youre bound to feel its quietness. In this town, the wildlife of the Bridger Mountains lives alongside the constant inflow of Montana State University students. With all its breathtaking landscape, Bozeman is the perfect place to do some soul-searching.FENCES Pittsburgh, Pennsylvani

      6、a, U. S.Fences tells of an African-American father supporting his family during the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s. The film was shot in Pittsburgh, known for its blue collar history. Today it has grown into a center of progress and culture. It is home to the worlds first green convention center. On top of its environmental development, the city has worked to keep its diverse cultural heritage. Visitors can discover Pittsburghs history at the Heinz History Center and taste the Mediterranean

      7、food at Cure.MOONLIGHT Miami, Florida, U.S.A masterpiece of self-discovery, Moonlight follows an African-American boy in Miami who is trying to find his place in the world. Much of the film is set in a low-ine neighborhood north of downtown, but visitors to Miami will likely see a different side of the lively city. Modern art museums and restaurants fill the inner corridors, while Miami Beach is filled with music and ocean lovers. Theres something for everyone in Miami, so enjoy the party.4.What makes Bozeman a travel-worthy destination?A. The story of the movie Arrival. B. The peaceful landscape it has.C. Mantana State University. D. Alien visitors.1.Pittsburgh is known for according to Paragraph 2.A. its diverse culture B. African-American familiesC. the Civil Rights movement D. beautiful scenery2.In the movie Moonlight, audiences will see a side of Miami.A

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