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    • 1、高二英语模块七单词拼写专项测试练习高二英语模块七单词拼写专项测试Unit 11. Rada never achieved her a_ of becoming a famous writer.2. Sally likes to walk around in b_ feet on the beach.3. The remote desert area is a_ only by helicopter.4. The girl noticed the old lady wipe her face with a h_.5. One of his novels has been a_ for television.6. Ralph was d_ in the war; he lost his left arm.7. Caroline will be in charge of this department during my a_.8. Most of the Chinese people are not satisfied with our automobile (汽车) i_.9. Mart

      2、ins constant joking was beginning to a_ her. She felt unhappy.10. Many colonies (殖民地) in Africa became i_ nations in the 1950s.11. Every e_ should be given to children especially when they are in trouble.12. Great Expectations is one of the great works of English l_.13. Unless we receive more financial (财政的) a_, the hospital will have to close.14. The beggar spent a lot of time with his dog, who became his closest c_.15. We c_ her on having come first in her exams yesterday.16. The play is a r_

      3、success. It has been on for 10 years on end.17. A birth c_ gives the official facts about your birth.18. If you are afraid of losing your d_, you cant expect to learn to speak a foreign language.19. C_ service refers to service that a person performs for the benefit of his or her localarea.20. Cycling is highly b_ to health and the environment.Unit 21. After a long journey, what Issac d_ most was a good rest.2. The work was done to his own s_, but in my opinion it was badly done.3. When she was

      4、aware that the situation was very dangerous, Edna decided to set off the a_.4. Rose is a shy girlshes usually e_ in the presence of strangers. 5. Camila s_ the wrinkles (褶皱) out of the tablecloth before she laid the table.6. I told the doctor about my pains but I didnt get much s_ from him.7. The word “e_” is used to describe people who are attractive and graceful in their appearance and behaviour.8. Since you are not familiar with this area, Ill a_ you to your hotel.9. Wood was p_ onto the bonf

      5、ire (篝火) until the flames roared.10. Betty s_ the list of the names to see if hers was on it.11. I feel a_ about forgetting my wifes birthday.12. The Greek government d_ a state of emergency for the entire country on 26th Aug, 2007 after forest fires killed at least 41 people as they swept across the south of the country.13. I need a reasonable e_ for your being late.14. We have just heard of his m_ to a pretty girl.15. The injured driver lost a lot of blood and he was rushed to hospital for a t

      6、_.16. The famous actress has been d_ from three husbands.17. Soldiers must strictly o_ the orders of their superiors in rank.18. The author devotes the first three c_ to the subject.19. I e_ you having such a happy family.20. After reading a b_ of Lincoln he was able to tell many stories about the president.Unit 31. The word “a_” means a sshort, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event.2. Whats your a_ salary? US$10,000.3. Scientists have studied the m_ of fish from one part of

      7、the ocean to another over long distances.4. Several people w_ the accident in which eight people were injured.5. The travel agent arranged our a_; therefore, we didnt need to find a hotel.6. After a quarrel, Bobs wife p_ all her possessions into a suitcase and left without a word.7. The oil well extended 300 feet in d_.8. Theyll be here soon. M_, lets have coffee.9. The man shamelessly a_ his wife and child for another woman.10. Theyre both called Smith, but theres no r_ between them.11. Simons

      8、behavior r_ his lazy attitude to work.12. No human language can describe the wonderful b_ of this place.13. Clancy was not a_ of Susans presence until she spoke to him.14. The wine has a s_ taste; I think its gone off.15. Yao Ming has a nick name “Little G_” but he doesnt like it.16. Dont let the noise s_ you; its only the wind.17. These fish are found in s_ waters around the coast.18. Tony was charged with trying to gain illegal e_ into the building.19. Lucy took a flying l_ and landed on the other side of the stream.20. We will r_ your money to you in full if you are not entirely satisfied with our product.Unit41. Rachel hasnt appeared yet. Im d_ to know what has happened to her.2. His colour isnt r_ to whether hes a good lawyer.3. When you deliver a speech, you should a_ your language to the age of your audience.4. That singer always gets nervous on the concert p_.5. The suspect (嫌疑犯) was g_ by the detective for several hours.6. I consider it a great p_ to be allowed to ma


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