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    • 1、三、填空题UNIT3 Gover nment of UK,the an cestor of the prese ntQuee n,Elizabeth2,un tiedEn gla nd un der his rule埃格伯特国王的祖先现在的女王, 的统治下。doctri neof thedi vinein 829.伊丽莎白二世,英格兰829年在他right of kin gsheldthat the sovereig nderived his authority from -,not from “君权神授”的教义认为,主权派生的职权从神来的,不是从他的臣the civilwar in the 17th century,those who represen ted the in terestsofParliame ntare called,and those who supportedthe Ki ng were called在内战期间在17世纪,那些议会者被成为“圆颅派”代表着利益,和 那些支持国王被称为支持者。1215,some feudal barons and the Churc

      2、h forcedKi ngJohn tosign the to palce some limits on the King s power.1215年,一些封建贵族和教会英王约翰被迫签署马江的法令来取代一 些限制国王的权力。5、In medieval times, Kings would summon a group of wealthybarons and representatives of counties, towns and cities called to raise money. 在中世纪 , 国王会召唤一群富有的贵族 代表县、乡镇和城市称为大议会来筹集资金。6、In 1689,Parliament passed to ensure that the Kingwould never be able to ignore Parliament. 1689年 , 议会通过了权利法案 , 以确保国王将永远无法忽视议会。7、In the 18th century,King George I left the job of chairingcabinet meeting to one

      3、 of his ministers who later came to be called . 在 18世纪, 国王乔治我离开主持内阁会议的工作给他的一位部长们后来被称为首相。8、In Britain, the official head of state is while thereal centre of political life is .在英国 , 官方国家元首为女王 , 而真正的政治生活的中心是在下议院。 9 、The Britain Constitution consists of statute law, common law and conventions.英国宪法由成文法 , 习惯法和惯例。10、The most important function of the Parliament is to .议会的最重要的功能是通过法律。11、Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of theQueen,and. 严格地说 , 今天的议会由女王、上议院 和下议院peers should be nomin ated

      4、byand appo in ted bythe.终身贵族应该由首相提名和任命的主权。Unit4 Politics, Class, and Race1. The UK is divided intocon stitue ncies with each ofthem represe nted by a member in2. The party which wins the majority seats in parliament formsand its party leader becomes _prime minister3. Normally, a gover nment can be in power foryears,and the n it has to resig n and hold a gen eral electi on.4. if a gover nment loses ain the House of Common s, ithas to resig n.5. The amount of time given to each party in the party

      5、electoralbroadcasts is proportionalto the which the partyreceived at the previous electio n.6. The Liberal Democrats are regarded by many people as comparativelyandin their bala nee of the in dividual andthe social.7. There are three major parties in the UK:, the LabourParty and the.was established by the Labour gover nment in 1948, providi ng health care for all the people.9. From 1979 to 1997,won 4 con secutive electi ons andwas in power for quite a long time.10. People who do unskilled office

      6、 work and skilled well-paidmanual work are likely to be described asclass.11. A uni versity teacher would probably read a n ewspaper likewhile a manual worker would probably read12. One distinctive feature about the class system in Britainis that it still retai ns a.13. Most of the recent immigrants come from South Asian countries such as India Pakistan and Sri Lanka; and Caribbean countries such as Jamaica and Trinidad.14. On February 12, 2010, British Prime Mini sterBrow n tookpart in a video-

      7、c on fere neewith UN Secretary Gen eral BanKi-moon and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia to launcha High Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing15. The UK government has followed a forthright policy in dealing with climate change since the Kyoto Protocal was signed in 1997 .美国部分Unit4 Political system of USthe war of i ndepe ndence was won, the n ati onal gover nment wascalled and the agreement that guided the government was city where the declarati on of in depe ndence was sig ned

      8、 andwhere the US con stituti on was made is.3. The constitutionalconvention was held in the year of and the preside nt of the conven ti on was.4. The con stitutio n set up a federal system with5. A federal system is one in which power is sharedbetweenandwith somerights reserved to each.6. The US federal gover nment con sists of the followi ng threebran ches: the executive ,and.7. The congress is divided into with 435 memberswhoserve two year terms, andwith 100 lawmakers whoserve six year terms.8

      9、. Group whotry to persuade congressmen to vote for or againsta bill are known as.9. The supreme court is composed of chief justiceandassociate justice.10. The supreme court has the fun cti on of determ ining whether con gressi on al legislative or executive acti on violates thecon stituti on. this power is called.areame ndme nts to the US con stitutio n12. The two major political parties are, which isthought to be more liberal, and, which is believed tobe more con servative.Unit 6 Religion of US1. WASP stands forto breathe newfeeling2. The Great Awakening of the 1740s triedand strengthintoreligion,and cut across the lines of3. According to John Locke, the right to govern comes from an a


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