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2022年高中英语《Module 5 Section Ⅲ Cultural Corner》导学案 新人教版必修4

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    • 1、2022年高中英语Module 5 Section Cultural Corner导学案 新人教版必修4except的用法【例1】-How about your journey to Mount Emei ?-Everything was wonderful _ our car broke down twice on the way. A. except for B. except that C. besides D. apart from解析:考查连词用法。except for除了,只是(不用来引导句子);except that除了,只是(用来引导句子);besides除了之外(还有),此外;apart from除了之外(还有),除了之外(不再有)。句意:去峨眉山旅游玩得怎么样?其他都好,就是我的车在路上抛锚了两次。依据句意理解,则选项B符合题意。答案:Bas well as / except / besides / apart from / aside from的用法用于否定句时,but, except与besides可以互换;No other pupils could pass

      2、the exam but / except / besides Tom. 除了汤姆,没有别的学生能够通过这次考试。用于肯定句时的区别:except意为“除了之外(不再有)”;besides意为“除了之外(还有)”;【注意比较】 (a) besides在句中的位置很灵活,可放句首,亦可以放句中;(b) except多放于句中,若放于句首,则其后多接介词for;(c) except前多有all, any, every, no及其复合词等,而besides前可有可无,依句意而定;except for意为“除了”,表示除去整体中的一部分,它所叙述的事实或细节部分用来修正句子的主要意思;except与but/other than其后都可以接名词、代词、动名词或动词原形,可以互换;但except后接副词、介词短语、when从句等时,but/other than不可与except互换;but, except后可接that从句,but与except可以互换;besides = as well as = in addition to = aside from = apart from除了之外(还有);e

      3、xcept = but = aside from = apart from = other than除了之外(不再有);besides作副词,意为“而且,此外”;【注意比较】moreover作副词,意为“而且,此外”;furthermore作副词,“此外,而且”;in addition意为“此外”;whats more意为“此外,而且,更重要的是,更有甚者”;have no choice but to do sth.除了别无选择;do nothing but do sth. 只能做;can not but do sth. = can not help but do sth.不得不,只好做;原文对照:In 50 years of travelling Colin McCorquodale has visited every country in the world, except three. .单词拼写1.Can you i_ life without hot water?2.We had a wonderful sea v_ from the hotel window.3.I thi

      4、nk we should s_ to our original plan.4.In the weeks that _(跟从,随后)the situation was very tense.5.She felt as if she had been k_(踢)in the stomach.单项选择6.If you want to get a good_, youd better stand on the top of the hill.A. sight B. scene C. view D. look7.I have never seen such a kind of man as you _.A. said B. told C. talked D. described8.The tourists often plained of being _ by the local peddlers when they buy some souvenirs.A. ripped off B. ripped out C. ripped up D. ripped way9.-Whats your fav

      5、orite sport?-Skiing. _.A. I get a kick out of it B. I prefer it C.I choose it D. Im used to it10.When I passed the house,I saw him_ and didnt disturb him.A. read B. to read C. reading D. to be reading11.Seeing the road_ with snow, we had to spend the holiday at home, watching TV.A. blocking B. to block C. blocked D. to be blocked12.When he was a little boy, he used to go there and watch_.A. to repair trucks B. trucks to repair C. trucks being repaired D. trucks repairing【综合应用 提高训练】.根据汉语提示完成句子1.从

      6、山顶上我们清楚地看到了全城的景色。We _ _ _ _ _ the town from the top of the hill.2.我从集邮中享受到了很多乐趣。He _ _ _ _ _ playing football.3.你要当心不要被一些骗子所诈骗。You must be careful not to _ _ _ by some cheats.4.从他的情况来看,我认为我不该去。_ _ _ his condition, I do not think that he should go.5.她受母亲的影响成了一名教师。 She _ _ _ her mother to bee a teacher. .选词填空get a kick out of follow view at least rip off describe choose stick favorite except6. I didnt know the accident at all. You should _ tell me.7. Some of the local shopkeepers were all trying to_ the tourists.8. The_ from the top of the hill was superb. 9. The wheels of the car got_ in the mud and we could not go on.10. My brother likes collecting stamps and he _ it. 11. I like Coco Cola and it s my_ drink. 12. We cant_ a torch as a kind of electric machine. 13. Please_ the instructions on the bottle when you take the medicine.14. Whom shall we_ for our school football team leader?15. I would buy the handbag, _ that it costs too much.

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