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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 文档编号:508306613
  • 上传时间:2024-01-27
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    • 1、Unit OnJane: Hi,Bb. ht cu d yu watt join?Bob: wa tjoin a prts club.Jane: Great! htsport cayou play?: Socer.Jae:ou an ji the soce club.Bo: Whatabut u?Youe very god at tellig storiesYou can jonthe story telligclub.Jn: Soudgo. utI ke to a,to.ob: Thenjoin wo cubs,te sy telling cu ndthe rclb!ane: OK,les ji ow!Hlo, Im ter. lie to ly baseall.I cp EnlishdIcn lsoplaysoce2. Hi, Im Ma uan. I ca play in- ad ches. I ike lkand ly ga with poe.3. My amesAanIm inthe schoolsc cub. I n play the guitrn thepiano. ca

      2、n sin andane, oelp fr OeoleWe need ep t he old peol hoe.Ar ou ree iJul? Ae yougood wit d pepe?Ca o tal o temadpgaesithem?Thy cante ostrie,ad yocn mak rnds.Ii intrestng n!Plese calls a 687729 tod!Hp th Sorts in nishAr u usy atrscool? No? Ca you seakglis? Yes? Then we need ou to hlp ith st for glish-peaking stdents. ti relaxinan asy!Pase com t te tudents port Centr al Mr. Bron at293-7742.Music Techer Wntdan o pythe pano or th vi?oou have ie on the eekd? The scool nes hetteahmsic. It is ot iffilt!

      3、lase cal Mrs. illea 55-3.Uit Twonterviewer:Sctt ha n iteretg jb. woks at a radi tin Scott, what tim s oradio ow?So: Fro twelve ocloc at nigh tosix ocloc inthe rning.Interiwer:Whtie do you sallytu?Sot: t ighttir ight hen I ea bafatat niIterviewe: Tas a fnny me o eakfat!Scott: eah. After tht,I usalyxerse aabo en wnt.Intrvewer: Whnd yu g to rk?ot: Atelevenock,Im eve a fr ok.Hi, I Tny Idont like o get u erly.nth orning, It pteight. hen Ig to scoolat ghthrty. I dont hve uh time r breafast, I usall et

      4、 vey uikly orunch, I uly athambugers. fterscool, I soetims pa bketball or an or.When gethome,I alway do m homewok fis n the vng, I eiher atchTV or play comuter ames. At tn hirty, I brush my eeh n he I goto.Mary is my iste Se usuallyge upats hity. The lws kes ashower and eats a good reakfast. te that,sh eto schoolteihtirty. Ateve,sh t lots o fru anetabes for lnc. Aftelunc, she smetimes pays vleyll. S lys eats ce-crem aftrdinnr. henows isnotgoodfo hr, bu t tasesgood! Inthe evnn,she doe er hoework

      5、andusually swims r akes awalkt nne irty, he gos o e.Unt ThreLis:Hy,Jae. Is tyounewike?Jane: s. I ieit tscool eery day. Howdo o et to school?sa:I ull take te bus.Jane: How fr isi fomyourhe to sool?isa: Im not suraot 10 kloeter? T bu rid tks about 20 inutes.How log dos it tae youo ttochool?Jan: Aou 15 inues by b.ts god exeri.Lis:eh. ell, hav a god day school.Jae: ou, oo Crsing he Rverto SchlHow d yu gettoschoo? Do you wlk orride a bke? Do ou b bs or by train?Fo any students, it i eay get to schol.

      6、 fothe stuents inoe sml vagein Chin, it is dfficlt he ia veryigier betee teirchol an the vile Tre is norige an th riv rns too icklyfor boats. o thse tudent g on arpewy to cros the ri toschool.One 1-year-oboy,Lang,roses the riveevr shol day.B he is notafraid. “I loe to play witm classm AndIov y echer. Hs lke a fthr tom.”Maof the students d illagrsve lave eillage.It sthei ramo hve a bridgCa the dream ome rue?nit uJoh: H, my names Joh. Its y first dayat shoo.lice: H, Jhn. Im Alie. Ths aeat chol, bt

      7、 the are a lot f ue.John: ealy?ha ar sme of the ules?Aie: ll,don belae for cas.Thisis vey mptnt.hn: OK, so e must be ont nw ring msipayrs to schoo?Alic:o, we cant. And w alwys have tower the scho uniformJh:Is.ce: Oh, andwealo hae o be qui in he librarDea Dr. Knw,Tere rt may rules!At6:0am, mymosays, “Ge up nowan makor bed!” Atebeafas, myom away sa,“Dot leve t ditydishes in e kitchen!”Afetat,I rn toscol beau I ca elat. Atco,e ave o rulesdont enoisy, at inclass,My dads I n pla basketbller schol bcas Iudo my homewo I can layonly o wekend. Aftdinner,I ant rex


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