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    • 1、我叫夏洛克福尔摩斯 The names Sherlock Holmes110地址是贝克街221B and the address is 221B Baker Street.111午安Afternoon.112嗯Yeah.113他就这德行Hes always like that.114今天不太顺哈Bad day was it?115你们昨天才成为室友Since yesterday youve moved in with him116现在又一起查案and now youre solving crimes together.117死了人你这么开心 真不得体Look at you, all happy, its not decent.118管他得不得体Who cares about decent?119赫德森太太 游戏开始了The game, Mrs Hudson, is on!120约翰 别搞英雄崇拜Dont make people into heroes, John.121英雄从不存在 即使有 也不包括我Heroes dont exist if they did, I wouldnt be

      2、 one of them.122我会让你心如刀绞I will burn the HEART out of you.123好了 这就行了Right, this should do it.124你穿了裤子吗You wearing any pants?125-没有 -好吧- No. - OK.126我就想你这样记住我This is how I want you to remember me,127记住我是打败了你的女人the woman who beat you.128但其实根本就没有什么怪物But there never was any monster.129夏洛克Sherlock?130终于见面了Here we are, at last.131-再见 约翰 -夏洛克- Goodbye, John. - Sherlock!132那东西会要了你的命Those things will kill you.133你这个混蛋Oh, you bastard!134那追逐的刺激 血脉喷张的感觉The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your

      3、veins,135我们两个人一起对抗整个世界just the two of us against the rest of the world.136等等Wait!137我们得协调一致才行Were going to need to coordinate.138我要你再给我一个奇迹I asked you for one more miracle.139我求你不要死 I asked you to stop being dead.140我听到了I heard you.141闭嘴 你根本不是解谜人Shut up! You are not a puzzle solver, you never have been.142你只会小题大做Youre a drama queen!143现在里面有人就快死了Now there is a man in there about to die.144游戏开始了 解开它The game is on, solve it!145他就是勒索界的拿破仑He is the Napoleon of blackmail.146你这次当不成英雄了 福尔摩斯先生No chance f

      4、or you to be a hero this time, Mr Holmes.147我是高智商反社会人格Im a high-functioning sociopath!148不论我们把夏洛克关在哪There is no prison in which we could incarcerate Sherlock149他都会每天制造暴乱without causing a riot on a daily basis.150而另一个办法 则需要你的获准The alternative, however, would require your approval.151敬那些美好的时光 约翰To the very best of times, John.152想我了吗Did you miss me?153想我了吗Did you miss me?154这怎么可能How is this possible?155流放感觉如何How is the exile going?156我才走了四分钟Ive only been gone four minutes.157希望你吸取教训了Well, I certai

      5、nly hope youve learnt your lesson.158这次又是谁需要我Who needs me this time?159想我了吗Miss me?160英国需要你England.161第二次阿富汗大战令很多人载誉而归 加官进爵The Second Afghan War brought honours and promotion to many.162但对我而言 这无疑是一场彻头彻尾的灾难But, for me, it meant nothing but misfortune and disaster.163好了 上尉All right, Captain.164我重返英国 身体落下了终身的伤痛I returned to England with my health irretrievably ruined165前途一片黯淡and my future bleak.166鉴于此 我自然搬来了伦敦Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London.167这是众多游手好闲者That great cesspool

      6、 into which all the loungers.168-华生 -及闲散人士的游走之所- Watson! - .and idlers of the empire are drained.169华生Watson!170我是史丹佛Stamford.171还记得我吗Remember?172我们以前一起在巴茨医院共事We were at Barts together.173当然记得 史丹佛Yes, of course. Stamford.174老天爷 你这是跑哪混去了Good Lord! Where have you been?175搞得骨瘦如柴的Youre as thin as a rake!176我起码活着回来了 许多人还没这个福气I made it home. Many werent so lucky.177那现在呢So what now?178我得找个住处落脚I need a place to live.179条件好 价格优 这种地方可不好找Somewhere decent at an affordable price. Its not easy.180今天还有个人和我这么说过

      7、You know, youre the second person to say that to me today.181是谁Who was the first?182老天爷Good Lord.183据说是个实验Its an experiment, apparently.184鞭笞尸体 以确立在死亡后多久Beating corpses to establish how long after death185人体仍能形成瘀伤bruising is still possible.186这有何医学意义吗Is there a medical point to that?187我不确定Not sure.188我也不确定 你所说的那位朋友呢Neither am I. So, wheres this friend of yours, then?189不好意思Excuse me.190但愿我们没打扰到你I do hope were not interrupting.191你应该去过阿富汗吧Youve been in Afghanistan, I perceive.192华生医生 这位是夏洛克先生Dr Watson, Mr Sherlock.193反应敏捷 你是个合适人选Excellent reflexes, youll do.194你说什么Im sorry.?195我看上了摄政公园附近的一套房子I have my eye on a suite of rooms near Regents Park.196我们一起应该能付得起房租Between us we could afford them.197房子 谁说过房子的事情了Rooms? Who said anything about rooms?198是我 我今早跟史丹佛提过I did, I mentioned it to Stamford this morning,199我需要一位合租者I was in need of a fellow lodger.200而他在午饭后Now he appears after lunch201便带来了一位军人模样的男子in the company of a man of military aspect202皮肤黝黑 最近受过伤with a tan and a recent injury


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