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2020年高中英语 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing课时作业 外研版必修5

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    • 1、 Section Grammar & Writing课时作业.单句语法填空1Imagine climbing (climb)up to the 80th floor of your office building without an elevator. 2The problems to_be_discussed (discuss)at the meeting tomorrow are really hard to_solve (solve). 3(2019天津一中月考)To_remind (remind)myself of the past pleasant days, I have some related photos pinned beside my desk. 4Having_waited (wait)for the bus for thirty minutes, he lost his patience and felt very anxious. 5It is an honor for me to_stand (stand)here to give you some ad

      2、vice on how to prepare for the coming examination. 6You begin to understand how Chinese speakers have their thoughts organized (organize), and how they understand things. 7Weve had a good start,but next,more work needs to be done/doing (do)to achieve the final success. 8The puzzled (puzzle)expression on his face suggested that he didnt understand what I had said. 9What he said about the accident proved (prove)completely wrong. 10The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping witho

      3、ut being_recognized (recognize). .阅读理解ASome authors were asked to give their opinions on Shakespeare. Here is what they said. Gregory MaguireAuthor of Wicked:The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the WestMy favorite play is A Midsummer Nights Dream because of all the magic in it. Not long ago,I saw a high school textbook edition (版本)of it,and I picked it up because it was so beautifully designed. Shakespeare works very well because whatever you can think,he can think it faster than you or I

      4、can. He teaches me again and again how to think of new ideas for my writing. Jack GantosAuthor of Hole in My Life and the Joey Pigza seriesFor me,the greatest pleasure in reading Shakespeare is that each character contributes to the formation of the whole idea. When the play is finished,it is as if nothing more could have been added or taken away. You have to take every character and every thought into account,which means it all has purpose. When I read Shakespeare,I know Im going to have to be

      5、sharp (敏锐的)I read a lot of Shakespeare when I was a teenager. And from the plays I learned a lot about human behavior. Shakespeares deep insights (洞察力)into human behavior exist forever. Shakespeare is surely on my alltime reading list. Nicole RubelCocreator of the Rotten Ralph seriesI like Romeo and Juliet because of the way Shakespeare tells the story of the many misunderstandings which led to the couples sad endings. Each time I revisit the story,I hope somehow the messenger sends the letter o

      6、r Juliet will wake up in time so they can live happily forever because I love happy endings. Well,it never happens. But I am hopeful. Brent HartingerAuthor of Dreamquest and Geography ClubI find that a good production of Shakespeare can inspire my work and make me excited for a while. But when I see it done well,when its really inspiring,it doesnt get any better. It also makes me want to give up books and start writing plays because the experience of theater is just so magical. 【解题导语】本文是议论文。文章介绍

      7、了几位作家对莎士比亚作品的评价和看法。1What does Gregory Maguire think of Shakespeare? AHe is the greatest author. BHe is a quickminded writer. CHis plays are all full of magic. DHis plays are popular among high school students.解析:选B细节理解题。由Gregory Maguire部分的“he can think it faster than you or I can”可知,Gregory Maguire认为莎士比亚思维敏捷。2From Shakespeare, Jack Gantos learned a lot about _.Awriting skillsBcreative ideasClife attitude Dhuman behavior解析:选D细节理解题。由Jack Gantos部分的“And from the plays I learned a lot about human beh

      8、avior.”可知D项说法正确。3The text mainly talks about _. AShakespeares early life and his worksBhow Shakespeare influences other authorsChow Shakespeare became a famous writerDsome popular plays written by Shakespeare解析:选B主旨大意题。纵览全文可知,文中几位作家谈到莎士比亚对自己的影响。BIf youve often been told that you need to build up your selfconfidence, but didnt know exactly how, the following is a guide that will help you get there. Understand your weak points. Everyone has weaknesses. Once you discover your weaknesses, work to ov

      9、ercome them. If, for example, you are a shy person, attend a social event and force yourself to speak to at least one or two people first. Youll discover that others appreciate your friendliness, and your nervousness will slowly disappear. Spend time with positive people. People influence our lives. Spend time with successful, confident people at school and work. Please observe their behavior, their verbal and nonverbal language, and their ways of handling difficult situations. Remember, even these people have had to deal with a lack of confidence at one time or another. Set personal goals for yourself. If you have a fear you need to overcome, challenge yourself to face that fear head on. Set goals for yourself. With each goal you meet, your selfconfidence will increase. If youre afraid of trying new things becau

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