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  • 上传时间:2022-08-12
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    • 1、Design of Fault Diagnosis Monitor System for the Locomotive Bearings Based on DSP TechnologyAbstractThe rolling bearing is one of the key parts of the locomotive running components, because it condition is directly related to the performance and safety of locomotive. In this paper, the monitor system for the locomotive bearings based on DSP TMS320LF2407A is designed. This system diagnoses the rolling bearing fault using vibration analysis method. It is based on comprehensive resonance demodulati

      2、on and fast Fourier transform technique, and it adopts related methods to handle the result of the FFT. It effectively improves the response characteristics, sensitivity, differentiate and measurement accuracy of the bearing failure monitor system, and it can fulfill the monitor and prediction of the transient fault in the course of the locomotive running.Key words: resonance demodulation technology; digital signal processor; related methods I. IntroductionThe higher safety is required to the tr

      3、ains because its speed is raised constantly. Bearing fault is one of the major factors causing eventful traffic accidents and affecting rail safety. Currently the railway system usually uses the bearing temperature detector to monitor the locomotive bearing condition. Theoretical analysis and a lot of practice show that the bearing temperature detector can prevent accidents from occurring to some extent, but most of the bearing fault is not sensitive to temperature. When the temperature of the b

      4、earing is beyond the range and the system gives an alarm, the worse damage of the bearing has occurred, and even the incident had happened. Therefore, to find the fault more early and accurately, the more advanced monitoring means must be adopted. Most of the bearing fault is very sensitive to vibration signal. The fault can cause vibration of the bearing increased. Compared with monitoring the temperature of bearing, the analysis and processing results to the vibration signal has more advantage

      5、 than the temperature means. II. System composing and work process Based on the need, the monitor of the bearing fault monitoring system to the locomotive bearing sets two detections: itineration detections and fixed detections. The itineration detection is used in the normal conditions, and the fixed detection is used for the continuous monitoring of the fault bearing. The system adopts special composite sensor to collect the vibration of the bearing and the temperature signal at the same time.

      6、 After the data processing, the corresponding fault levels and rise in temperature are got. The data acquisition unit is designed in this system. Alarm information will be transmitted to all carriages through interfaces so that the staff can handled in time, and the same time, the fault data and the related information of the train such as the current location and speed will be transmitted to the dispatch center through GPS, which is convenient to adopt corresponding measures. The system block d

      7、iagram is in Fig. 1.Dispatch CenterGSM systemIndustry computerInstrument for dataInstrument for fault diagnosis Instrument for fault diagnosisInstrument for fault diagnosisFig.1 System block diagramIII. The key technology of the design for the monitoring systemA. The spectrum analysis means for diagnosing bearing faultUnder normal circumstances, all parts of the rolling bearing (inner circle, outer circle, roller, holding frame) will retain the stable relative movement state. If the surface of s

      8、ome element (except for holding frame) has crack, and this crack is in the surface of the rolling adjacent component, the instantaneous vibration impulse must be produced.Assumed that the number of the roller in the bearing is Z; the diameter of the roller is d; the average diameter of the bearing inner circle and the bearing outer circle (the diameter of the roller revolution path) is D; the frequency of the bearing rotation is f0. Assumed that the inner circle is fixed and the outer circle is

      9、circumvolved, the vibration frequency brought by the surface defects of different bearing components can be derived.These frequencies can be called the fault characteristics frequency of the inner circle, outer circle and the roller.Compound sensorTemperaturesignalFault vibration signalDSP digit signal processorEnvelop detectionEnvelop signalFrequency band pass filterTemperature signal processingFig.2 Signal pretreatmentB. Resonance demodulation technologyWe can collect vibration signal using the resonance of the bearing components, and detect the envelope of the fault signal using envelop detector, which can fulfill the analysis to the fault character. This is called “resonance demodulation technology”. The component surfaces such as the inner circle, the outer circle and the roller of the rolling bearing are easily damaged in local place in the course of operation (such as pi


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