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    • 1、Sentence patterns in Module 2 book21 During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking cigarettes.2. A quarter of young people who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking. 3. Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.4. It was such a dangerous drug that he nearly died. 5. Drug use in Britain has increased by 30% in the last five years. 6. Young people in Britain are more likely than other Europeans to take i

      2、llegal drugs. 7. UK teenagers are taking up to five times more illegal drugs than in other European countries. 8. As many as one in twelve 12-year-olds have taken drugs. 9 As a result, the UK spends 390 million a year on treatment centres to fight drug use. 10. Teenagers gave the following reasons in order of importance.Sentence patterns in Module 3 book21 Haydn is known as “ the father of the symphony”.2. By the time he was 14, he had composed many pieces for the violin.3. Mozart was the greate

      3、st musical genius of all time4. Haydn moved to London , where he was very successful.5. Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts6. Haydn was very impressed with/by Mozart.7. He showed musical talent when he was young8. Beethovan became poplar in the Austrian capital.9. He stayed there for the rest of his time10.As he grew older, he went deaf11. When the music was performed in America, there is an audience of 1000012 Which word in the following sentences refers to a progres

      4、sive change?13.It was Haydn who encouraged him to move to Vienna.14.The only time I dont listen to music is when I am in class.Module 2 Book 276.in/during the 1990s/1990s77.a quarter of 78.die prematurely79.cause deaths a year80.die from illnesses related to smoking81.be killed in fires82.look up the words in the dictionary83.refer to the dictionary84.a powerfully addictive drug85.Some; others.86.in danger87.in pain88.be/become addicted to89.heart rate90.blood pressure91.have heart attack92.anti

      5、-social behaviour93.By this time94.By the time I arrived,95.By the end of last year96.drug addicts97.start an advertising campaign98.take the doctors advice99.such a dangerous drug that100.so dangerous a drug that.101.I dont mind answering the questions.102.it is against the law to do sth103.disagree with104.I couldnt agree more.105.You cant be serious.106.set a date when 107.wait a couple of minutes108.make a list of 109.develop new interests110.take a gymnastic class111.forget about cigarettes

      6、112.Keep away from smokers113.there be an increase in sth114.so frightened of that115.be in prison116.be a problem with young people117.increase by 30%118.in/during the past/last two years119.as a result of the drugs becoming cheaper120.sb be more likely to take illegal drugs121.up to fives time more illegal drugs122.16-year-olds123.less common124.the least addictive drugs125.there are possibly 500,000 drug users.126.fight drug use127.successfully go through the drug treatment128.see what it is

      7、like to take drugs129.have nothing to do with their free time130drug taking habits131.How does drug use in Britain compare with the rest of Europe.132.give the reason for taking drugs133.one in twelve = one out of twelve134.a large proportion of 135.non-smokers136.conduct a class survey137.smoke 20 cigarettes a day138.die prematurely139.make it a crime for shops to sell cigarettes to teenagers under 18140.increase anti-smoking media campaigns141.smoking-connected diseases142.smoke where you want

      8、Module 3 Book2143.be known as pose more than 600 pieces of music145.be very impressed with/by sb146.play the violin/piano from his father147.stay there for the rest of his life.148. make a note of 149.a group of Chinese composers known as the New Tide.150.at an early age151.From 1978 till 1983152. be one of the leading modern composers 153.work part of the time in Beijing and part of the time in the US154. professor of music155.grew up loving music156.sing in the school choir157.in all 158.take piano lessons with sb159.in the summer of 1937 160.die of cancer at the age of 39161.cant stand them smoking in the office162.tour the United States163.in the late 1960s 164.be happy with sth165.Do you think it a good idea to do?


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