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    • 1、(1)开头;如引语法、主题句法、提问法、事例法、描述法等。 常用句式: There is an old /popular saying /proverb which says /goes . Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the importance/ seriousness of There are different opinions among people as to Some believe Others, however, disagree with it. They think .has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. One of our ancient philosophers said, .Chinese people h

      2、ave always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.(2)主体:要注意启承转合,常用句型: On the contrary, there are some people in favor of They believe .Moreover, they think . There are many ways to . First,. Second. Finally,. Confronted with, we should take a series of effective measures to. For one thing,. For another,. Finally,.(也可用于结尾)(3)结尾总结文章的主要内容,或者提出希望或展望未来,或者对文章提出的观点进行反问,启发读者思考。如:An open China has realized the importance of business. Why should we give up this opportunity and rel

      3、y on agriculture?常用句型: From what has been discussed /mentioned above, we may conclude that Only in this way/ in doing so, can sth. be really .二、各类型作文的写法和常用句型(一)图表/看图作文1 .写作模式:描述图表/图画一分析图表/图画一总结全文(也可以展望未来或发出倡议或表明自己的态度)2 .常用句型:(1)表示说明的开篇句式:As we can see from the chart / graph / table/ picture As we can see in this picture,This picture shows that (2)描述图表的句式:On the top of the list is,which accounts for 60%.On the bottom is ,which takes up 20%.A is second to B. (A 仅次于 B。)The number of declines降/rises

      4、 by % from - to The number of remains steady定(3)表明个人观点的句式As far as I am concerned,To the best of my knowledge, As to me, .In my view / opinion, (4)表示总结概括的句式In conclusion / In a word(二)对立观点型作文1 .写作模式:引出话题 一摆出两种观点一我的观点2 .常用句型:(1)点明主题的常用句型When it comes to ,people will have a heated discussion.(2)具体介绍两种对立观点的常用句式There are different opinions among people as to Some believe Others, however, disagree with it. They think (3)陈述自己观点的常用句式to the best of my knowledge/ As far as I am concerned In my opinion, b

      5、oth sides are partly right. When we we should take into consideration all aspects of the problem and then make the right decision.在我看来,双方都不完全正确。当我们-“我们应该考虑各方面的问题,然后做出正确的决定Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter opinion.As to me, I prefer the former 前者 one./I m in favor of the latter opinion.(三)现象分析型作文1 .原因分析型作文(1)写作模式:引出现象一分析引起现象的原因 一我的观点(2)常用句型:引出现象的句式:With the rapid development of,many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. The phenomen onisfanexample.随着的快速发展,

      6、许多以前无法想象的东西变成现实。的现象就是一个例子。With , has become an increasingly serious problem in society. 引出原因的句式There is probably a variety of reasons for the dramatic increase/decline in First Second 碧 一 Finally的增长/下降的各种原因-一第一第二最后2 .后果分析型作文(1)写作模式:引出现象一分析该现象的后果或影响一解决方法或我的观点(2)常用句型:引出后果或影响的句式There are a number of terrible consequences of Perhaps the most serious one is.It will have/produce/bring about a far-reaching/profound effect/influence/impact on The effect / influence / consequence of is not only limited t

      7、o but alsoThis leaves some serious consequences of It may cause /create/ bring/ result in/ lead to/ give rise to a set of problems.3 .例文:Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic On Fake Commodities You should write 150 words or so and you should base your composition the outline below.1 .假冒伪劣商品充斥于各个角落2 .假冒伪劣商品的原因和危害3 .怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品Sample writing:On Fake CommoditiesToday, there are many fake commodities sold in the market. Some can do great harm t

      8、o us. Why there are so many fake commodities?There are always two reasons, I think. First, the factories spend less time and less money in producing the fake commodities than the good ones. In this way, they can make a greater profit. Second, the fake commodities are always cheaper and many people like to buy them. As a result, the fake commodities became more and more widely spread. Its very obvious that fake commodities are harmful. For example, there is a man just catching a cold. If the man

      9、takes some fake medicine, perhaps he will get worse, or even die. He is so poor just because he has bought some fake commodities. The fake commodities do harm to the people, at the same time, they do harm to society.Many factories selling good commodities will go bankrupt in a short time, which will cause many workers out of work.There are many ways to eliminate fake commodities but the following ones may be effective. First, the laws of the protection of consumers should be enforced to severely punish those who produce or sell fake commodities. Second, consumers should be taught how to tell good commodities from fake ones. Third, they should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false adve


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