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    • 1、Unit 2belong to属于one problem after another一个问题接一个问题by the time到时候为止turn down回绝lie on ones back仰卧ever since从那以后be closely related to与密切有关work alone独自工作a most difficult task一个很难的任务meet with difficulties遭遇困难in this way以这样的方式move sb. deeply深深地打动某人admire sb. for sth羡慕某人的lose heart失去信心be regarded as被视作full of confidence充满信心fight against与做斗争with strong willpower有强大的毅力a well-built man一个体格健壮的男士in ones late 20s在某人25岁以后develop X-ray films印刷X光片的底片be equipped for doing sth.被设置feedinto把逐渐放入,导入be ready to准备好th

      2、e result of sth.的结果keep sb. doing sth.让某人持续做某事except for除了get sth. done让某事被某人做keep sth. in order把存放有序search for sth.搜寻某人bring sb. to the question给带来问题,feel sorry for sb.对某人感到遗憾at an early age年纪还小时shut up sb.把某人隔离go through经历a great number of许多cant help but do something/cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事, imagine sb doing sth.想象某人做某事a fascination to people对人们来说的一个吸引力leave sb. behind不让一起,将甩在后面it is known to us对我们来说很熟悉,众所周知make up ones mind做决定ask sb. to do sth.要求做undertake the task接受任务tourist attractions旅游

      3、景色(点)give ones (best/warm) regards to sb带的问候给某人prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.阻止at such a speed以这样的速度a dozen一打(12个)dozens of许多the influence of的影响the fruit of的成果own sth ./ have sth.拥有or so左右中译英:1. 我们不知道他为什么拒绝我们的邀请。 (the reason)2. 老师对我们在听力课上的表现很满意。 (be satisfied)3. 他决定不接受那份工作, 因此不打算给那家公司回信。 (decide)4. 我不禁为那位可怜的老人感到难过。 (help)5. 人们普遍认为污染是全球最严重的问题之一。 (regard)6. 很难想象一边开车一边喝酒。 (imagine)7. 手术后, 他忍受了巨大的痛苦。 (endure)8. 那几位团员决定在假期里为孤老们打扫卫生。 (decision)9. 你在晚会上的表现值得钦佩。 (admire)10. 不要拿不属于你的东西。 (belong)11. 在中国

      4、, 大多数直到大学毕业才开始独立谋生。 (own)12. 乘地铁要多久才能到达你们学校。 (take)13. 我发觉很难和说谎的人交朋友。 (find)14. 我们那两位法国朋友还没有适应上海的天气。 (used)15. 他父亲终于决心戒烟。 (mind)16. 那些时装模特来自意大利;我们看她们的表演入了迷。(come from; in fascination)17. 那位艺术家年纪还小时就得自己照顾自己。(at an early age)18. 看这些画的时候,你会情不自禁地赞赏它们。(cant help but)19. 长大后,你要从事医学研究吗?(grow up; medical science)20. 既当画家又当雕塑家是很不容易的。(as well as)21. 在故宫博物馆有许多中国画吸引着各国旅游者。(a great number of)22. 他的成功和他的勤奋有密切关系。(be closely related to)23. 我习惯于晚间工作,因而睡得很迟。(be used to doing sth.)Unit 21. 我们不知道他为什么拒绝我们的邀请。 (the r

      5、eason) We dont know the reason why he turned down our invitation. 2. 老师对我们在听力课上的表现很满意。 (be satisfied)The teacher was very satisfied with our performance in the listening class. 3. 他决定不接受那份工作, 因此不打算给那家公司回信。 (decide)He decided not to accept that job, so he was not going to write back to that company. 4. 我不禁为那位可怜的老人感到难过。 (help)I cant help feeling sorry for the poor old man. 5. 人们普遍认为污染是全球最严重的问题之一。 (regard)Pollution is widely regarded as one of the most serious problems in the world. 6. 很难想象一边开车一边喝酒

      6、。 (imagine)It is hard to imagine driving while drinking7. 手术后, 他忍受了巨大的痛苦。 (endure)After the operation, he endured great pain. 8. 那几位团员决定在假期里为孤老们打扫卫生。 (decision)Those several League members made a decision to do some cleaning for the lonely old people in the vacation. 9. 你在晚会上的表现值得钦佩。 (admire)Your performance at the evening is worth admiring. 10. 不要拿不属于你的东西。 (belong)Dont take the things that dont belong to you. 11. 在中国, 大多数直到大学毕业才开始独立谋生。 (own)In China, most people dont begin to make a living on t

      7、heir own until they graduate from university. 12. 乘地铁要多久才能到达你们学校。 (take)How long will it take to arrive at your school by subway?13. 我发觉很难和说谎的人交朋友。 (find)I find it very difficult to make friends with those who tell lies. 14. 我们那两位法国朋友还没有适应上海的天气。 (used)The two French friends of ours havent got used to the weather in Shanghai yet. 15. 他父亲终于决心戒烟。 (mind)His father has finally made up his mind to give up smoking. 16. 那些时装模特来自意大利;我们看她们的表演入了迷。(come from; in fascination)The models came from Italy, and w

      8、e watched their show in fascination.17. 那位艺术家年纪还小时就得自己照顾自己。(at an early age)The artist had to take care of himself at an early age.18. 看这些画的时候,你会情不自禁地赞赏它们。(cant help but)When you watch the paintings, you cant help but admire them.19. 长大后,你要从事医学研究吗?(grow up; medical science)When you grow up, will you take up the study of medical science?20. 既当画家又当雕塑家是很不容易的。(as well as)It is not easy to become a painter as well as a sculptor.21. 在故宫博物馆有许多中国画吸引着各国旅游者。(a great number of)In the Palace Museum, a great number of Chinese paintings attract international tourists.22. 他的成功和他的勤奋有密切关系。(be closely related to)His success is closely related to hard work.23. 我习惯于晚间工作,因而睡得很迟。(be used to doing sth.)Im used to working at night, so I go to bed late.


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