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    • 1、撰写人:_日 期:_实用的英语感恩演讲稿模板集锦五篇 英语感恩演讲稿 篇1 early150 years ago, oe o h das easof our nations histy, Prdet AbrahamLnol tasi th lat Thrday in Noveme aday f Thksgivi. Arca wasspt by ivilWart Lncon si in hs frt Thanksgiving dcrethtdiffiul tmes mae it ev moe ppriate or urblsis to be (an Iqte), gefully acnowledged as with ne heart and on voie b the whle Aericnpo. This wek, theAmerican eopl cme ogeter ih faie and frnds t caryn ts distinctlyAmerican tradtin We gave tanksr lodones anfr ourastg pd i ourcomunies

      2、 ad ruy. W took comfortn ood memeswhl lookg fowad o t promise of hane. Buthis Thksgivg l take le a tme o great trial fr ou peole. Aross he coutry,here weempty seatsat th tabl, as brAmericans contu t rve i harm ay fomth montainsof Afanista to h dst of Iaq. We o d gve thas fo teir crie, nd tanb the famiswhoeure ther sne wit u dignit and relve. At hoe, we ae conoic cris o histri roporton oe n moeAmrians are wrrie abut lsin job o mkig ei ortgepm.Woker ae dering if nextmonth aceck wi pa nextmonths bi

      3、lls Retire ae watching tir ang dappea, and suenaretruggling wit te cost f tuiton Is goin to tke bo an immediat acton o conrnt this risi. hts wI cmittedtofogig a newbeginningfmth mmenI tke ofice a Preidn of heUnieStates. arlir his wek, noucd my econi tea.Thistalenedaddedicae groupisalreadyrd atwor craftingn Ecnomic Recovry lan that will ceateor ave 2.5llon ne js, hil akingthe investnt we nee tofuelongterm ecooic grwtad staility.Bu thiThanksgiin,were remindedtha hernewalof our economy wn cm from p

      4、lesn plsale. t wil takth adwrk, invatin, servc,andsrength o the Aerianpole. Iveseen this srengtfrsthandover mny onths - in workes o ae rad oer nw indri, dfrean sceiswho an tapew suesof energ; intcer ho stay lte terschoo, adarets hopuin tha xta hourreig toheir kds; in oung Ameicanselisig ina tie ofwa, seniors who volunter thirim, and serveprogrms tha brin h to te opless. Is etan tourntional chracte thatsomany Aericans to im otthis Thnsgiigto e feed thungrand caor he eedy OnWednesd, vited oo bk at

      5、 aintColumbanus Parih in Ciao. A thre, as i somay communtisacrss Ameca, folk piched in tie andresous ogive alt to thir neighors in nee. It is spirittht indsus eher a one Aericn amily - blief tt we rse and fall as one peple;that w want that American Dam notjt for orseles,butfrchoter. Tats t spirit we ust summ aw m a ew begninor ou nation. iesare tough. hee arediffcut monthsahea. Bu weca reew rntion h same ay that we haveithe man years sinc Licolnsfrst anksgivng: yoming togther tooerm dvery; by ra

      6、chig for- an orkinor -new horon f oprtnty fr allAmeians. 英语感恩演讲稿篇2 dear tudets, ouway of lfe s lwayssun, blue ies,whicn the end the mosdazzig ray of snlghtit ws sid to b excelentacadeic erfoanc, it was sai tobe gvento help others . nd i thinktat ou wayoflife th rillit sunine sol reporte to elng tothe tem ap, help us t grow thas to eveyone ye, the ste of thansgivg a feel, hensitut of hansivn, btals a carater. as tachers and r stdnts, the mottant graideis a school. scol to e u a bi gowh stae o f:

      7、bight and spacuslsroms,new des andairs, aconditiond and well-beng, as wel a multi-media faiities, ha povid us wt an attcve earng vironent. red on ook brghtandclean rom,povides s withknwede ofthe marneor; fa beatifulbi pagound, proidd uwit a ood plce fteerise, and ottery room,cpter room, dnce oom, multi-pe hal, andso on, nocol is noutof otion to ou sefles loe!howevr, in hsebeatful places, ten ith somnotes odiscor. ra os inone rm, some students read e book,andment, i ot know the orignal relee, there s more tr, usig the henomeo of tbo;wn the red andgree and white artificil bigplaygro to on itselflss ebra,and some ofhe scee of icord hrt or ees: a wie range of conet, oloful ng zhi, nd stred inal crners of


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