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2022年高三英语第一次月考 含答案

  • 卖家[上传人]:鲁**
  • 文档编号:507982925
  • 上传时间:2023-04-13
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    • 1、2022年高三英语第一次月考 含答案第卷(选择题,满分105分)第一部分 听力测试(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. Why the man is surprised ? A. Because of the great difficulty of the homework. B. Because of so much time spent by the man. C. Because of the mans high efficiency.2. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Former neighbors. B. Relatives. C. Close friends.3. What are the two speakers asked to do before Tuesday? A. Do some writing. B. Listen to some radio programme. C. Give a speech about the Olympi

      2、c Games.4. What does the man mean? A.The woman can only use the English dictionary in the library. B. The woman is wele to use the English dictionary on weekends. C. The woman should get an English dictionary of her own.5. How much less does the woman pay the before? A. 13 B. 45 C. 30.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。 6. Who is probably Mark? A. A high-school student. B. An elementary-school teacher. C. A college student.7. What do we know about Mark? A. He just graduated from college.

      3、B. He is active and talkative. C. He just moved to a new place.8. What does the speaker suggest Mark do? A. Find a job as soon as possible. B. Try to avoid face-to-face meetings. C. Get to know classmates by Internet.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。9. What is the relationships between the two speakers? A. Customer and salesgirl. B. Boss and secretary. C. Doctor and patient.10. What color does the man like? A. Blue. B. Brown. C. Black.11. How much should the man pay? A. 89yuan. B. 100 yuan. C.150 yuan.听第8段材料,回答第

      4、12-14题。12. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In the womans house. B. In a classroom. C. In a restaurant.13. What does the man want to make a phone call? A. Take a course. B. Teach himself. C. Learn from her.14. Why does the man want to make a phone call?A. Because he doesnt have a mobile phone. B. Because hed like to learn how to cook. C. Because he wants to talk to his secretary.听第9段材料,回答第15-17题。15. How long is the track in Britain? A. Over 13000miles. B. Over 30000miles. C. O

      5、ver 31000miles.16. How is the British air service pared with the rail and road transport? A. It is less important. B. It is more important. C. It is of the same importance.17. What do we know about British sea travel according to the conversation? A. Today sea travel is as important as it used to be. B. Merchant navy is no longer the biggest in the world. C. Merchant navy carries one third of the worlds passengers.听第10段材料,回答第18-20题。18. What should you consider if you want to be a volunteer? A. S

      6、kills and experience. B. Interests and skills. C. Experience and choices.19. How many suggestions does the speaker make? A. 6. B. 5 C. 420. How can you get more information about young volunteers? A. By mail. B. By the phone. C. Through the Internet.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Do you like cooking, Peter? . Lucki1y Ive never had to worry about it. A. Never mindB. Not really C. I am afraid so D. You said it22. Whenever we are in trouble, we should never lose heart. A. a

      7、;the B. a; a C. /;/ D. /;the23. The government began to make regulations and controls in late November, which have pressed down some prices, slight relief to consumers. A. bringingB. to bringC. brought D. to have brought24. The speaker is a tall man with glasses. Then it be Mr.Smith, who is short and thin. A. cant B. wouldntC. wont D. mustnt25. Her good health is chiefly due to proper diet and exercise. A. monB. ordinaryC. regular D. normal26. When Tom was in New York, he the Museum Mile twice.

      8、A. has visited B. visited C. had visited D. would visit27. The earth is suffering from shortage of resources, and that is people are concerned. A. what B. whereC. how D. that28. ability and experience, she is the right person for the project. A. On account ofB. In favor of C. In spite of D. In terms of29. Could you describe the changes information technology and tell whether all the changes are positive? A. is brought about B. has brought about C. will bring aboutD. had brought about30. New born babies are good sleepers. The amount of their s1eep is that of adults. A. several times larger than B. a few times the size of C. as several times as D. a few times deeper t

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